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Microsoft Word Driver Prolog (Version H)

Microsoft Word Driver Prolog (Version H)


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7. Bibliographie<br />

Alford, D.V., 1975. Bumblebees. Davis-Poynter, London, Xll + 352 pp., 16 pls.<br />

Banaszak, J., 1987. Diversity and density of pollinating insects (Apoidea) in the agricultural landscape<br />

of Rumania. Bulletin Entomologique de Pologne. 57 :747-766.<br />

Barbier, Y. & P., Rasmont, en préparation.<br />

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Barbier, Y., P Rasmont, R., Wahis, 1990. Aperçu de la faune des Hyménoptères Vespiformes de deux<br />

terrils du Hainaut occidental (Belgique). Notes fauniques de Gembloux. 21 : 23-38.<br />

Blondel, J., 1986. Biogéographie évolutive. Masson collection d'écologie : 20.<br />

Bowers, M.A., 1985. Bumble bee colonization, extinction, and reproduction in subalpine meadows in<br />

northeastern Utah. Ecology. 66 : 914-927.<br />

Corbet, S.A., 1990. Pollination and the weather. Israël Journal of Botany. 39 : 13-30.<br />

De Lattin, G., 1967. Grundriss der zoogeographie. Gustav Fischer Verlag Jena. 602 pp.<br />

Dufrêne, M., P., Anrys, Y., Barbier, & P., Rasmont, 1990. Comparaison des taxocénoses de Carabides<br />

de terrils et de milieux semi-naturels. Notes fauniques de Gembloux. 21 : 59-66.<br />

Dupias, G. & D. Lavergne, 1968. Aurillac. Carte de la végétation de la France. n˚65. C.N.R.S. éd..<br />

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Gorodkov, K.B., 1986a. Three-dimensional climatic model of the potential range and some of its<br />

characteristics. II. Entomological review, 65(2) : 1-18 (article original en russe dans<br />

Entomologicheskoye Obozrenye, 1986(1) : 81-95.<br />

Gorodkov, K.B., 1986b. Three-dimensional climatic model of the potential range and some of its<br />

characteristics. I. Entomological review, 65(2) : 19-35 (article original en russe dans<br />

Entomologicheskoye Obozrenye, 1985(2) : 295-310.<br />

Hanski, I., 1982. Communities of bumblebees : testing the core-satellite species hypothesis. Annales<br />

Entomologici Fennici, 19 : 65-73.<br />

Hanski, I., 1982. Structures in bumblebee communities. Ann. Zool. Fennici. 19 : 319-326.<br />

Heinrich, B., 1976. Resource partitioning among some eusocial insects : Bumblebees. Ecology. 57 :<br />

874-889.<br />

Inouye, D., 1977a. Species Structure of bumbelbees communities in North America and Europe. pp.<br />

35-49 In : Mattson, W.J., The role of Arthropods in forest ecosystems. Springer, Berlin-<br />

Heidelberg-New york.

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