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Angebotspreis frei Grenze (Art. 17, Absatz 2 und 3) FUr alle Einfuhren wird anhand aller verfUgbaren Angaben und fUr jedes Erzeugnis, fUr das ein Referenzpreis besteht, ein Angebotspreis frei Grenze ermittelt. Ist der Angebotspreis frei Grenze zuzUglich der zu erhebenden Z6lle niedriger als der Referenzpreis, so wird eine Ausgleichsabgabe erhoben. Erstattung bei der Ausfuhr (Art. 20) Urn eine wirtschaftlich bedeutende Ausfuhr auf der Grundlage der Preise im internationalen Handel zu erm6glichen, kann der Unterschied zwischen diesen Preisen und den Preisen in der Gemeinschaft durch eine Erstattung bei der Ausfuhr ausgeglichen werden. Sie kann je nach Bestimmung oder Bestimmungsgebiet unterschiedlich sein. Sle wird auf Antrag gewahrt. III. PREISE AUF OEM BINNENMARKT GemaB der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2108/76 vom 26. August 1976, die mit der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 2682/77 vom 5.12.1977 ersetzt wurde, setzt die Kommission w6chentlich die durchschnittlichen Erzeugerpreise nach Artikel 4 der Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 337/79, auf der Grundlage des Durchschnitts der Preise fest, die auf dem oder den in den einzelnen Mitgliedstaaten reprasentativen Markten unter BerUcksichtigung ihrer Reprasentativitat, der Beurteilungen der Mitgliedstaaten, des Alkoholgehalts und der Qualitat der Tafelweine ermittelt wurden. Die in den Mitgliedstaaten festgestellten Marktpreise gelten fUr: BUNDESREPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND: Typ R III Typ A II Typ A III Rheinpfalz - Rheinhessen (HUgelland) Rheinpfalz (Oberhaardt) , Rheinhessen (Htigelland) Mosel - Rheingau FRANKREICH: Typ R I Typ R II Typ A Bastia, Beziers, Montpellier, Narbonne, Nimes, Perpignan Bastia, Brignoles Bordeaux, Nantes ~: Typ R I Typ R II Typ A Asti, Firenze, Leece, Reggio Emilia, Treviso, Verona (fiir die Land"'v•eine) Bari, Barletta, Cagliari, Leece, Taranto Bari, Cagliari, Chieti, Ravenna (Lugo Faenza), Trapani (Alcamo), Treviso LUXEMBURG: Type A II und A III Weinbaugebiet der Luxemburger Mosel. 202

W I N E Explanations concerning the wine prices (fixed prices and producer prices) referred to in this publication. INTRODUCTION Regulation (EEC) No 816/70 of 28.4.1970 laying down additional provisions for the common organization of the market in wine (OJ L 99, 5.5.1970) was repealed on 5 February 1979 (Article 70 of Regulation NO (EEC) 337 of 5 February 1979). It was replaced by Regulation (EEC) No 337/79 of 5 February 1979 (OJ NO L 54, 5.3.1979). It establishes a single system in this sector. It comprises a price and intervention system, a system of trade with non-member countries, rules concerning production and for controlling planting and rules concerning oenological processes and conditions for release to the market (Article 1, paragraph 1). I. PRICE AND INTERVENTION SYSTEM A guide price and an activating price are fixed each year before 1 August for each type of table wine representative of Community production (Article 2 (1)). Guide price (Article 2 (2)) The guide price is fixed on the basis of the average prices for the type of wine in question during the two wine growing years preceding the date of fixing and on the basis of price trends during the current wine growing year. The guide price is fixed at the production stage and is valid from 16 December of the year in which it is fixed until 15 December of the following year. It is expressed, according to the type of wine, either in volurne/hl or in hl. Activating price (Article 3) An activating price is fixed for each type of wine in respect of which the guide price is fixed taking into account the state of the market, the quality of the harvest, the information contained in the forward estimates referred to in Article 5 and the need to ensure price stability on the markets without causing structural surpluses to build up in the Community. The activating price is fixed at the same stage and is valid for the same period as the guide price. B. PRIVATE STORAGE AID (Article 7) Private storage aid for table wine and grape must is granted subject to the conclusion with the intervention agencies on terms and conditions to be determined of one of the following types of storage contract: -contracts valid for a period of 3 months called 'short-term contracts'; - contracts valid for a period of 9 months, concluded between 16 December and 15 February, called 'long-term contracts'. II. TRADE WITH NON MEMBER COUNTRIES Reference price (Article 17(1)) Under the system of trade with non-member countries a reference price is fixed annually before 16 December of each year which it is fixed and is valid until 15 December of the following year in respect of red wine and white wine falling within subheading 22.05 c of the Common customs Tariff. This price is fixed on the basis of the guide price for the types of red and white table wine most representative of Community production, plus the cost of bringing Community wines to the same marketing stage as imported wines. Reference prices are also fixed for juices (including must) falling within subheading 20.07 B I, concentrated grape juices (including grape must) falling within subheading 20.07 A 1 and B I, grape must with fermentation arrested by the addition of alcohol within the meaning of Additional Note 4(a) of Chapter 22 of the Common Customs Tariff, wine fortified for distillation within the meaning of Additional Note 4(b) of Chapter 22 and liqueur wine within the meaning of Additional Note 4(c) of Chapter 22. Free-at-frontier price (Article 17(2) and (3)) In respect of each product for which a reference price is fixed a free-at-frontier offer price for all imports is determined on the basis of the available information. A countervailing charge is levied where the free-at-frontier offer price plus customs duty is lower than the reference price. 203 (15)

W I N E<br />

Explanations concerning the wine prices (fixed prices and producer prices) referred to in this publication.<br />


Regulation (EEC) No 816/70 of 28.4.1970 laying down additional provisions for the common organization of the market in<br />

wine (OJ L 99, 5.5.1970) was repealed on 5 February 1979 (Article 70 of Regulation NO (EEC) 337 of 5 February 1979).<br />

It was replaced by Regulation (EEC) No 337/79 of 5 February 1979 (OJ NO L 54, 5.3.1979). It establishes a single system<br />

in this sector. It comprises a price and intervention system, a system of trade with non-member countries, rules<br />

concerning production and for controlling planting and rules concerning oenological processes and conditions for<br />

release to the market (Article 1, paragraph 1).<br />


A guide price and an activating price are fixed each year before 1 August for each type of table wine<br />

representative of Community production (Article 2 (1)).<br />

Guide price (Article 2 (2))<br />

The guide price is fixed on the basis of the average prices for the type of wine in question during the two wine<br />

growing years preceding the date of fixing and on the basis of price trends during the current wine growing<br />

year.<br />

The guide price is fixed at the production stage and is valid from 16 December of the year in which it is fixed<br />

until 15 December of the following year. It is expressed, according to the type of wine, either in volurne/hl<br />

or in hl.<br />

Activating price (Article 3)<br />

An activating price is fixed for each type of wine in respect of which the guide price is fixed taking into<br />

account the state of the market, the quality of the harvest, the information contained in the forward estimates<br />

referred to in Article 5 and the need to ensure price stability on the markets without causing structural<br />

surpluses to build up in the Community.<br />

The activating price is fixed at the same stage and is valid for the same period as the guide price.<br />

B. PRIVATE STORAGE AID (Article 7)<br />

Private storage aid for table wine and grape must is granted subject to the conclusion with the intervention<br />

agencies on terms and conditions to be determined of one of the following types of storage contract:<br />

-contracts valid for a period of 3 months called 'short-term contracts';<br />

- contracts valid for a period of 9 months, concluded between 16 December and 15 February, called 'long-term<br />

contracts'.<br />


Reference price (Article 17(1))<br />

Under the system of trade with non-member countries a reference price is fixed annually before 16 December of each<br />

year which it is fixed and is valid until 15 December of the following year in respect of red wine and white wine<br />

falling within subheading 22.05 c of the Common customs Tariff.<br />

This price is fixed on the basis of the guide price for the types of red and white table wine most representative<br />

of Community production, plus the cost of bringing Community wines to the same marketing stage as imported wines.<br />

Reference prices are also fixed for juices (including must) falling within subheading 20.07 B I, concentrated<br />

grape juices (including grape must) falling within subheading 20.07 A 1 and B I, grape must with fermentation<br />

arrested by the addition of alcohol within the meaning of Additional Note 4(a) of Chapter 22 of the Common Customs<br />

Tariff, wine fortified for distillation within the meaning of Additional Note 4(b) of Chapter 22 and liqueur wine<br />

within the meaning of Additional Note 4(c) of Chapter 22.<br />

Free-at-frontier price (Article 17(2) and (3))<br />

In respect of each product for which a reference price is fixed a free-at-frontier offer price for all imports is<br />

determined on the basis of the available information. A countervailing charge is levied where the free-at-frontier<br />

offer price plus customs duty is lower than the reference price.<br />

203<br />


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