1 - Cour international de Justice

1 - Cour international de Justice 1 - Cour international de Justice


2S8. Bonc~~xnri (Edwin II.), The Perrnii~el~f Cuzlrf o! Iizter~tictio?tal .Jîistice. (Procccdings of tlic Acadt7rriy of I>olitical Science, 1923, pag5125- 1-39). 289 BOKCH~RD (Edwin ) The Per?~firizc?zt Cozwt O/ Z?ztev.rlntzolLnl JZIS~ZCE (North A2rnerican Re\ iew. 192 ;, July, 218 : 1-16) 290 B~RKE (Thomas), Address 1)) -. on the Permanent Coiirt of Interri~tional Justice] (Procectlinqs of tlie Xtricrican yocititr of International Law, 1923, pagvs 124 126) 291 Cr, Court fiv~vent wav? (l'iie Outlook, 1923, I'ebrunry 18th, pag('S 391-392). 292. CHARTZRIS (.i. H.), Tite Perwziirzeilt Lozcvt oj Iirtevl.cnfioizr~1 Justice. (Nc~v Outloolr, 1923, June gth, pages 2 18-222). 2')~. Cozt~f (il-) oj I~zterlrntioi~al Jz~stict:. (hdvocaic of Pcace. 192;. May, pages 169- 187). 291. Cozsrt (Per~uilitev~f -) of I-~tteritrrtio~tnl Justice. Select List of refercilccs irnrn t!ic Carncgic Erido\vrricnt for International l'eace T>il)rary. (.~clvocate of Peacc. 1923, May, ?agi. 199). 19.7 Coztrt (T!IP I1ev~nii?zeuit -) ot I~zterictriiorznl Jzbstice. (Foreign lSolicy Aisociation (New-York) Nc\v Bullcliri Ilarc11 2nd arid 16th. lyz;). 296. ('ROCKER ((:o~~~-tc:nap), Ciznvt oi tlzc Lengîce of Nations nnd of the Pevnaanent Cozsrt oi I?zter~tntiriîinl ./z~stice.(\\'orld Peace Poundation, v. 3, çup~:Ii~~ic~it to 4, 1923). 297. iJzi\-rç (John \Y.), Preseîzt Dav P r(76lenz.s. (,imerican Bar Association Jourrial, 19~3. S~pt, 15 : 55.1). rgS. I;it~k:~so'r (\l'illiarn), Tiîe Periiîtrnrtat L'oztvt of I~tteu~zntiogz~tl Jltstice. Adclress clclivercd bcforc tEic Iiaryland Staie Bar Bssociation Jurie ~ ~ t1922. h , liarylancl Bai- .\ssociation Rcport IO", pages 74-96. (Congrcssiorlal Record, hrch LO, 1923 (tlaily ed.) pages 5y3j-.?jSYj. 299. (;ARXER (James '\\'.), Tiie Pei.?îza~zeizt Coztvt oi I.izter?ztrti»?tnl Justice. (Tlie Journal of Conlparativr I>egislation and 1ntcrnatio:lal I.aw, 1923, \pages 382-285). joo. G'euicjitsl~o/ (Der Stiilzdige Intevitntioitale -) dens-LI7arte, 1923, pages 94, 336-337). im Hrircg. (Uie 1;rie- 30 I. Hunsor (3lanley O.), The Permanent Court o! Interizi~fio.izn1 Jîtsfiice. (-Advocate of Peace, 1923, January, pages 22-29). 302. HUGHES (Chailes E.) , The Pevmnnegzt Couvt oj I~ttev~zi~tionnl Juslice. (Proceedings of the American Society of International Law, 1923, pages 75-89).

30:;. JUHNSOX (\\'illis Fletcher), ï'he i;toru o/ t/ie IYorld Co~~it. (The Outlook, 1923, pages 507-.709). 30 ,k. I~EEN (F. Y.), A\:t~tion~s irt the bar of jltstice. (l'he Headwa)., 1923. ..lpril. page 307). 303. !. \I~:ZANNF: (S.), jr'he Lécl~ue of .Yiltiogzs : a Worlit C»z~t or TT7ovld Clz~h. (English Revi

2S8. Bonc~~xnri (Edwin II.), The Perrnii~el~f Cuzlrf o! Iizter~tictio?tal<br />

.Jîistice. (Procccdings of tlic Acadt7rriy of I>olitical Science, 1923,<br />

pag5125- 1-39).<br />

289 BOKCH~RD (Edwin ) The Per?~firizc?zt Cozwt O/ Z?ztev.rlntzolLnl<br />

JZIS~ZCE (North A2rnerican Re\ iew. 192 ;, July, 218 : 1-16)<br />

290 B~RKE (Thomas), Address 1)) -. on the Permanent Coiirt of<br />

Interri~tional <strong>Justice</strong>]<br />

(Procectlinqs of tlie Xtricrican yocititr of International Law, 1923,<br />

pagvs 124 126)<br />

291 Cr, <strong>Cour</strong>t fiv~vent wav? (l'iie Outlook, 1923, I'ebrunry 18th,<br />

pag('S 391-392).<br />

292. CHARTZRIS (.i. H.), Tite Perwziirzeilt Lozcvt oj Iirtevl.cnfioizr~1 <strong>Justice</strong>.<br />

(Nc~v Outloolr, 1923, June gth, pages 2 18-222).<br />

2')~. Cozt~f (il-)<br />

oj I~zterlrntioi~al Jz~stict:. (hdvocaic of Pcace. 192;. May,<br />

pages 169- 187).<br />

291. Cozsrt (Per~uilitev~f -) of I-~tteritrrtio~tnl <strong>Justice</strong>. Select List of refercilccs<br />

irnrn t!ic Carncgic Erido\vrricnt for International l'eace T>il)rary.<br />

(.~clvocate of Peacc. 1923, May, ?agi. 199).<br />

19.7 Coztrt (T!IP I1ev~nii?zeuit -) ot I~zterictriiorznl Jzbstice. (Foreign lSolicy<br />

Aisociation (New-York) Nc\v Bullcliri Ilarc11 2nd arid 16th. lyz;).<br />

296. ('ROCKER ((:o~~~-tc:nap), Ciznvt oi tlzc Lengîce of Nations nnd of<br />

the Pevnaanent Cozsrt oi I?zter~tntiriîinl ./z~stice.(\\'orld Peace Poundation,<br />

v. 3, çup~:Ii~~ic~it to 4, 1923).<br />

297. iJzi\-rç (John \Y.), Preseîzt Dav P r(76lenz.s. (,imerican Bar Association<br />

Jourrial, 19~3. S~pt, 15 : 55.1).<br />

rgS. I;it~k:~so'r (\l'illiarn), Tiîe Periiîtrnrtat L'oztvt of I~tteu~zntiogz~tl Jltstice.<br />

Adclress clclivercd bcforc tEic Iiaryland Staie Bar Bssociation<br />

Jurie ~ ~ t1922. h , liarylancl Bai- .\ssociation Rcport IO", pages 74-96.<br />

(Congrcssiorlal Record, hrch LO, 1923 (tlaily ed.) pages 5y3j-.?jSYj.<br />

299. (;ARXER (James '\\'.), Tiie Pei.?îza~zeizt Coztvt oi I.izter?ztrti»?tnl<br />

<strong>Justice</strong>. (Tlie Journal of Conlparativr I>egislation and 1ntcrnatio:lal<br />

I.aw, 1923, \pages 382-285).<br />

joo. G'euicjitsl~o/ (Der Stiilzdige Intevitntioitale -)<br />

<strong>de</strong>ns-LI7arte, 1923, pages 94, 336-337).<br />

im Hrircg. (Uie 1;rie-<br />

30 I. Hunsor (3lanley O.), The Permanent <strong>Cour</strong>t o! Interizi~fio.izn1<br />

Jîtsfiice. (-Advocate of Peace, 1923, January, pages 22-29).<br />

302. HUGHES (Chailes E.) , The Pevmnnegzt Couvt oj I~ttev~zi~tionnl<br />

Juslice. (Proceedings of the American Society of International<br />

Law, 1923, pages 75-89).

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