1 - Cour international de Justice

1 - Cour international de Justice 1 - Cour international de Justice


322 BIBLIOGR.4PIIIE DE LA COUR 25 j. HOUSTON (H. S.), The World Court at work. With biographical sketches of the Judges. (Our World (New York) 1922, September, Pages 3-8). 256. Inauguration (L'-) de la Cour permanente de Justice intenzationale. (Journal du Droit international, 1922, pages 216-2 II). 257. JELF (Ernest A.), Justiciable disputes. (Transactions of the Grotius Society, vol. 7, pages 59-71). 258. JONG VAN BEEK EN DONK (B. DE), De ofiening van izet Interizationaal Gerechtshof. (Eigen Haard 1922, pages 88-89). 2 jg. Justice ( International -) (The Headway, 19zz,J January, pages 4-5). 260. LAPRADELLE (A. DE), La Cour de Justice inter.rzationale. (La Vic des Peuplcs, VI, 21-25). 261. LAPRADELLE (A. DE), La ilrouvelle Cour de Justice interfizationale. (La Vie des Peuples, 1922, mars, pages 537-553). 262. LATEY (William), The Court of International Justice. (Thc Journal of Comparative 1,egislation and International Law, 1922, pages 89-96). 263. LÉMONON (Ernest), Ln Coztr permanente de Justice internationale. (Journal du Droit international, 1922, pages 761-773). 264. LOUER (B. C. J.), The Permanent Court of International Justice and compulsory jurisdiction. (British Year Book of International Law, 1921-1922, pages 6-26). 265. LODER (B. C. J.), Ofieningsrede Permanente Hof Intenzationale Justifie. (Weekblad van het Recht, 1922, Februari 17, h'o ro833, page 3). 266. LODEH (B. C. J.), liede des Prüsidenten --, 15. Februar 1922. (Niemeyers Zcitschrift für Internationales Recht, XXX, pages "2-286). 267. ~~ANDERE (H. Ch. G. 5. van der), Het nieuale Perma?zente Hof van Internationale Justitie van den VolJzenbofzd. (Vragen van den Dag, 1922, pages 241-254, 370-381). 268. MULENGRAAEF (W. L. P. A.), Het Pervnalzente Hof van I.rztenzatio~zale Justitie. (Mededeelingen dcr Koiiinklijke Academie van W'etenschappen, Afdeeling Letterkunde, Deel 54, Serie B, No 3). 269. MOORE (John Bassett), The Garb of the U70rld Court. (Ohio Law Reporter, vol. 20, 1922, Julv 31st, pages 201-202). '-70. R~~OORE (John Bassett;, The organization O/ th Permanent ('ozsrt of International Justice. Xri address deliv~red before the Law Xlumni of Columbia University, New-York, May 1922. (Columbia Law Review, vol. 22, I 922, pages 497-526. Voir aussi : International Conciliation, X0 186, May 1923, pages 380-405). 271. (~PACIFICUS>), L'œuvre de la Société des Nations : l'œuvre juridique. (Grancle Revue, 1922, fëvrier, pages 600-618).

272. PHILLIMORE (R.), The Permanent Coztrt of International Justice. (Journal of the British Institute of International Affairs. vol. 1, 1922, July, pages 113-123). 273 RALSTON (J. H.), The limitations of Courts. (Advocate of Peace, I 922, March, pages g;7-1o1). 274. KICHARIIS (H. Erle), The jurisdiction of the Permanent Court of International Justice. (British Year Book of International Law, 1921-1922, pages 1-5). 276. RUEGGER (Paul), La Constitution de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. (Revue de Genève, vol. 4, no 4, 1922, février, pages 271-280). 277. Iiueccex (Paul), La Constitution de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. (La Société des Nations, Revue mensuelle documentaire, XI,, 1-4, Berne 1922). 278. RUFFIN (Henry), Coup d'œil sur la Cour permanente de Justice i~zternationale, (L'Europe nouvelle, 1922, 25 fëvrier, pages 236-237). 270. SCOTT (James Brown), ;The Permanent Court of Inter?zational Justice. (Year Book of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1922, pages 152-157). 280. SIMONS, Der stindige Internationale Gericlztsho/ im Haag. (Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Volkerbund, 1922, IV, I A). 281. TORRIENTE Y PERAZA (Cosme de la), Cuba, Uustanzat~te y el ïTibunal Perma?tenfe de Justicia Internacional. Discurso en la Sociedad Cubana de Dereciio Iriternacional, Habana. Rambla, Bouza y Ca, 1922. 23 pages. 282. TORRIENTE Y PEIZAZA (Cosme de la), Cuba, Bustamante and the Permanent Court of International Justice. Address delivered on March ~st, 1922, at Havana, Cuba. (International Conciiiation, No. 178). 283. Tribunal (The -) of tlze World. (Advocate of l'eace, 1922, February, pages 44-45). 284 VOLLENHOVEN (C. van), Nederland en de internationale Rechtspraak. (Rechtsgeleerd Magaz.ijn, 1922, pages 252-266). 285. WEHBERG (Hans), Die Einweihung des standigen internationalen Gerichtslzo/es. (Deutsche Juristen-Zeitung, 1922, pages 171-172). 286. WRIGHT (Herbert F.), ï'he Permanent Coztrt of International Justice. (America, a Catholic review of the week, 1922, bfarch 4th, pages 161 -463). 287. YAMADA (Saburo), L'ouverture de la Cour permanente de Justice internationale. (Revue de droit international et diplomatique Sokio). vol. XXT, 1922, no 1, -5). [En japonais].


25 j. HOUSTON (H. S.), The World <strong>Cour</strong>t at work. With biographical<br />

sketches of the Judges. (Our World (New York) 1922, September,<br />

Pages 3-8).<br />

256. Inauguration (L'-) <strong>de</strong> la <strong>Cour</strong> permanente <strong>de</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> intenzationale.<br />

(Journal du Droit <strong>international</strong>, 1922, pages 216-2 II).<br />

257. JELF (Ernest A.), Justiciable disputes. (Transactions of the Grotius<br />

Society, vol. 7, pages 59-71).<br />

258. JONG VAN BEEK EN DONK (B. DE), De ofiening van izet Interizationaal<br />

Gerechtshof. (Eigen Haard 1922, pages 88-89).<br />

2 jg. <strong>Justice</strong> ( International -) (The Headway, 19zz,J January, pages 4-5).<br />

260. LAPRADELLE (A. DE), La <strong>Cour</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> inter.rzationale. (La Vic <strong>de</strong>s<br />

Peuplcs, VI, 21-25).<br />

261. LAPRADELLE (A. DE), La ilrouvelle <strong>Cour</strong> <strong>de</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> interfizationale.<br />

(La Vie <strong>de</strong>s Peuples, 1922, mars, pages 537-553).<br />

262. LATEY (William), The <strong>Cour</strong>t of International <strong>Justice</strong>. (Thc Journal<br />

of Comparative 1,egislation and International Law, 1922, pages 89-96).<br />

263. LÉMONON (Ernest), Ln Coztr permanente <strong>de</strong> <strong>Justice</strong> <strong>international</strong>e.<br />

(Journal du Droit <strong>international</strong>, 1922, pages 761-773).<br />

264. LOUER (B. C. J.), The Permanent <strong>Cour</strong>t of International <strong>Justice</strong><br />

and compulsory jurisdiction. (British Year Book of International Law,<br />

1921-1922, pages 6-26).<br />

265. LODER (B. C. J.), Ofieningsre<strong>de</strong> Permanente Hof Intenzationale<br />

Justifie. (Weekblad van het Recht, 1922, Februari 17, h'o ro833,<br />

page 3).<br />

266. LODEH (B. C. J.), lie<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s Prüsi<strong>de</strong>nten --, 15. Februar 1922. (Niemeyers<br />

Zcitschrift für Internationales Recht, XXX, pages "2-286).<br />

267. ~~ANDERE (H. Ch. G. 5. van <strong>de</strong>r), Het nieuale Perma?zente Hof<br />

van Internationale Justitie van <strong>de</strong>n VolJzenbofzd. (Vragen van <strong>de</strong>n Dag,<br />

1922, pages 241-254, 370-381).<br />

268. MULENGRAAEF (W. L. P. A.), Het Pervnalzente Hof van I.rztenzatio~zale<br />

Justitie. (Me<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong>elingen dcr Koiiinklijke Aca<strong>de</strong>mie van W'etenschappen,<br />

Af<strong>de</strong>eling Letterkun<strong>de</strong>, Deel 54, Serie B, No 3).<br />

269. MOORE (John Bassett), The Garb of the U70rld <strong>Cour</strong>t. (Ohio Law<br />

Reporter, vol. 20, 1922, Julv 31st, pages 201-202).<br />

'-70. R~~OORE (John Bassett;, The organization O/ th Permanent ('ozsrt<br />

of International <strong>Justice</strong>. Xri address <strong>de</strong>liv~red before the Law Xlumni of<br />

Columbia University, New-York, May 1922. (Columbia Law Review,<br />

vol. 22, I 922, pages 497-526. Voir aussi : International Conciliation,<br />

X0 186, May 1923, pages 380-405).<br />

271. (~PACIFICUS>), L'œuvre <strong>de</strong> la Société <strong>de</strong>s Nations : l'œuvre juridique.<br />

(Grancle Revue, 1922, fëvrier, pages 600-618).

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