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A Sephardic Cradle of Jewish Learning and Religiosity<br />

thinking – be it in studying Talmud or in his religious-pietistic<br />

Weltanschauung – is conspicuously<br />

influenced by it, even if the extent of the distinct<br />

marks of Haside Ashkenaz in his writings are still<br />

a subject for debate. His pious stand in the controversy<br />

over the philosophical writings of<br />

Maimonides, his tendency to mysticism, his ethical<br />

literary works, and his courageous struggle<br />

against corrupted Jewish leadership in Barcelona<br />

all point to his Ashkenazic education.<br />

He return to Spain and – possibly after<br />

spending some time in Gerona 11 – he became a<br />

distinguished religious authority in Barcelona and<br />

then in Toledo. As such he served as an important<br />

ring in the historical chain – culminating in<br />

the «easy absorption» 12 of Asher ben Yehi’el as<br />

the rabbi of Toledo – that linked Spanish Jewry<br />

with Ashkenaz. This changed in many ways the<br />

religious complexion of Spanish Jewry, be it in<br />

the curriculum of the study of Bible and Talmud<br />

or in religious tendencies expressed eventually in<br />

the readiness of some in 1391, and many in the<br />

end of the 15 th century, to perform active martyrdom<br />

in the manner which characterized<br />

Ashkenazic Jewry.<br />

One of the undisputedly giants of the Medieval<br />

Jewish intellectual history is a Geronese<br />

named Moses ben Nahman (Nahmanides). The<br />

unparalleled breadth, depth, and originality<br />

which characterizes his literary contributions<br />

run almost the entire gamut of religious genres<br />

and includes; peshat and mystical biblical<br />

exegesis, talmudic super-commentaries,<br />

Halakhah (including responsa), anti-Christian<br />

polemics, liturgical and non-liturgical<br />

poetry, sermons, ethical treatises, and<br />

Qabbalah 13 .<br />

Unlike Jonah Gerondi, Nahmanides’ life,<br />

almost in its entirety, is bound with Gerona. His<br />

two main teachers were Judah ben Yaqar, who<br />

carried with him French traditions of learning<br />

and spirituality, and Nathan ben Me’ir, who<br />

brought with him Provencal methods, tendencies,<br />

and traditions, including mystical ones.<br />

It would be problematic, to say the least,<br />

to attempt to summarize here such a versatile,<br />

complex, and multi-faceted personality. However,<br />

at the risk of sounding over-simplistic, I would<br />

say that his stand on major issues of his time,<br />

such as the controversy over the philosophical<br />

writings of Maimonides, combined with his criticism<br />

of philosophy on subjects such as Divine<br />

Providence etc. reveal a conservativeparticularistic<br />

religious attitude - never a militant<br />

one - with a touch of ascetic piety.<br />

Nahmanides, together with the qabbalistic<br />

circle of Ezra, Azriel, Jacob ben Sheshet Gerondi<br />

– an influencial author in his own right – and others<br />

fortified Gerona as a firm anti-rationalist<br />

center in the 13 th century.<br />

This general conservative attitude, but without<br />

the mystical element, which was rejected by him,<br />

can describe Nissim Gerondi – the most important<br />

Geronese talmudic scholar of the 14 th century – as<br />

well. His method of study – as can be seen in his<br />

major talmudic work, the commentary on Alfasi’s<br />

Halakot – rests firmly on that of Nahmanides’ and<br />

11 G. SCHOLEM, Te‘udah hadawah le-Toledot<br />

Re’wit ha-Qabbalah, in Y. FICHMAN (ed.), Sefer<br />

Bialik, Part II, Tel Aviv, 1934, p. 144. Chavel,<br />

Ramban [above, n. 5], p. 58 n. 63.<br />

12 I am using here Ta-Shma’s coined expression:<br />

I. TA-SHMA, Hasidut Awkenaz bi-Sefarad:<br />

Rabenu Yonah Gerondi ha-Iw u-Fo‘alo, in<br />

A. MIRSKY, A. GROSSMAN, Y. KAPLAN (edd.), Galut<br />

Ahar Golah: Studies in the History of the Jewish<br />

People Presented to Professor Haim Beinart on the<br />

Occasion of His Seventieth Birthday, Jerusalem<br />

1988, p. 171.<br />

13 By the way, Gerona in this period represents<br />

also a shift in secular poetry from conventions we<br />

are accustomed to in the classical period of poetry<br />

in Moslem Spain, through a “school” associated<br />

with Nahmanides and Meshullam Dapiera. A<br />

short insightful, though general, article by Ezra<br />

Fleischer analyzes this attempt, and terms it as<br />

«genuine, powerful, imaginative and daring».<br />

Elements of it lived on in 14 th -15 th centuries poetry,<br />

especially in the Aragonese circle of Solomon<br />

Dapiera, Vidal Benvenist, Solomon Bonafed and<br />

others: see E. FLEISCHER, The ‘Gerona School’ of<br />

Hebrew Poetry, in I. TWERSKY (ed.), Rabbi Moses<br />

Nah manides (Ramban): Explorations in His<br />

Religious and Literary Virtuosity Cambridge,<br />

Mass, 1983, pp. 35-50. See also, on Nahmanides,<br />

M. IDEL e M. PERANI, Nah manide esegeta e<br />

cabbalista. Studi e testi, La Giuntina, Firenze<br />

1998.<br />


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