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<strong>Abraham</strong> <strong>Gross</strong><br />

This is just as accurate if we examine Gerona in<br />

terms of its influence on the history of religious<br />

mentality of Sephardic Jewry.<br />

For example, while the Zohar – apparently a<br />

Castilian creation – is undisputedly the one single<br />

most influencial medieval qabbalistic corpus, one<br />

should consider the following remarks by G. Scholem:<br />

«The most important period in the history of the<br />

older Kabbalah is linked up with the little Spanish town<br />

Gerona in Catalonia, where a whole group of mystics<br />

were active in the first half of the thirteenth century;<br />

this group was also the first which succeeded in familiarizing<br />

influencial circles of Spanish Jewry with Kabbalist<br />

thought. It was mainly their spiritual heritage<br />

that was brought to the fore in the Zohar» 4 .<br />

«[...] and in particular he (i.e. Moses de Leon) has<br />

drawn freely upon the writings published by the school<br />

of Kabbalists whose center was the little Catalan town<br />

of Gerona and who between the years 1230 and 1260<br />

did more than any other contemporary group to unify<br />

and consolidate what was pregnant and living in the<br />

Kabbalism in Spain. There can be no doubt that the<br />

writings of Ezra ben Solomon, Azriel and of Moses ben<br />

Nahman, the leading figure of this group, influenced<br />

him not only generally but also down to certain peculiar<br />

details of his own doctrine» 5 .<br />

This circle imported to Spain the esoteric<br />

teachings of their Provencal masters, interpreted<br />

them, and developed their ideas. As we shall see<br />

in other fields as well, Gerona, due to its location<br />

served as a virtual station which transmitted<br />

Northern knowledge and teaching into Spain, and<br />

itself transformed in the process 6 .<br />

Now, it might be futile to try and look for a<br />

trend which characterizes the famous outstanding<br />

figures of Gerona in the span of a century.<br />

Let us nevertheless attempt to evaluate in broad<br />

strokes some of the major figures; Jonah Gerondi,<br />

Moses ben Nahman (Nahmanides), and Nissim<br />

Gerondi.<br />

Jonah Gerondi, a prolific writer, who wrote<br />

in the beginning of the period defined above, affords<br />

us a comprehensive look into a figure of<br />

tremendous influence on Spanish Jewry.<br />

It is well-known that there are three criteria<br />

by which one evaluates real estate property;<br />

location, location, and location. When we<br />

described above the geographical location of<br />

Gerona it was not unintended. One of the major<br />

considerations a cultural historian must take<br />

into account in his attempt to describe and characterize<br />

a cultural center is its geographical location<br />

7 . Now, it is widely recognized that a rough<br />

cultural division must be made during this period<br />

between two major spheres of influence -<br />

Northern France and Spain. Between these two<br />

lies Provence, which characteristically draws<br />

from both and demonstrates it in a special fusion<br />

8 . This model can be extended further and<br />

applied to the area just south of Provence. When<br />

one examines Jonah Gerondi it becomes apparent<br />

9 .<br />

Jonah Gerondi represents a personal<br />

bridge – perhaps the first significant one – between<br />

Spain and France 10 . Educated in the famous<br />

Tosafist yeshivah in Evreau, his way of<br />

4 G. SCHOLEM, Major Trends in Jewish<br />

Mysticism, New York 1961, p. 251.<br />

5 Ibid., p. 173.<br />

6 While we are going to emphasize here the<br />

southbound movement, one could point to a<br />

movement in the opposite direction through the<br />

talmudic scholar Rabenu Zerahyah, the author of<br />

Ha-Ma’or, who moved around 1135 to Narbonne<br />

and then to Lunel, along with the Sefardic more<br />

systematic methods of learning. He himself, one<br />

must add, was deeply influenced by Rabenu Tam,<br />

the greatest French Tosafist of his time.<br />

7 I myself tried elsewhere to explain partially<br />

the uniqueness of the Lisbon Jewish center on the<br />

basis of its existence in the «edge of the west»; see:<br />

A. GROSS, Rabbi Yosef ben Avraham Hayyun:<br />

Manhig Qehillat Lisbon wi-Yexirato, Ramat Gan<br />

1993, pp. 112-20.<br />

8 I. TWERSKY, Aspects of the Social and Cultural<br />

History of Provençal Jewry: «Cahiers d’Histoire<br />

Mondiale» 11 (1968), pp. 185-207.<br />

9 I include Jonah Gerondi in this survey<br />

although we cannot conclusively determine the<br />

extent of his roots in Gerona. However, he is of<br />

Catalunian stock, studied in Barcelona, was a<br />

friend and relative of Nahmanides, and blends well<br />

into the overall picture which I am trying to paint.<br />

10 When I say «personal» I mean to exclude<br />

influencial literary works such as Rashi’s<br />

supercommentaries on the Pentateuch and on the<br />

Talmud. By and large, influencial personalities were<br />

the ones who introduced and promoted such works.<br />


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