Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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84 United Nations - Treatv Series 1969 Article 7 (1) The crew of a sea-going vessel shall be subject to the legislation of the Contracting State whose flag the vessel flies. (2) An employed person who is normally resident in the territory of one of the Contracting States and is temporarily employed on board a sea-going vessel flying the flag of the other Contracting State by an employer having his principal place of business in the territory of the first-mentioned Contracting State who is not the owner of the vessel shall be subject to the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting State as if he were employed in its territory. Article 8 Articles 5 to 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons who are treated as employed persons under the legislation referred to in article 2. Article 9 (1) A national of one of the Contracting States who is in the service of the said Contracting State or of another public employer of the said Contracting State and is employed in the territory of the other Contracting State shall be subject to the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting State. (2) An Austrian national normally resident in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany and employed there in the diplomatic mission or in a career consular mission of the Republic of Austria shall be subject to German legislation. A German national normally resident in the territory of the Republic of Austria and employed there by an office of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be subject to Austrian legislation. The employed person may, within three months from the start of his employment, opt to be subject to the legislation of the Contracting State of which he is a national. He shall then be deemed to be employed at the place at which the Government of that Contracting State has its seat. The choice shall be declared to the employer. The chosen legislation shall be applicable from the date of the declaration. (3) A national of one of the Contracting States who is employed in the territory of the other Contracting State in the personal service of a member of the diplomatic mission or of a consular mission of the first-mentioned Contracting State shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) above mutatis mutandis. (4) Paragraphs (1) to (3) above shall not apply to persons in the service of an honorary consul. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 85 Article 7 1. L'6quipage d'un navire affectd i la navigation maritime est soumis h la l6gislation de l'iRtat contractant sous le pavillon duquel il navigue. 2. Si un salari6 rdsidant habituellement sur le territoire d'un des ttats contractants est employ6 temporairement sur un bAtiment de mer battant le pavillon de l'autre IRtat contractant par un employeur qui a son domicile lgal sur le territoire du premier IPtat contractant et qui n'est pas propri~taire du navire, il est soumis h la ldgislation du premier Eat contractant comme s'il y 6tait employ6. Article 8 Les articles 5 . 7 s'appliquent mutadis mutandis aux personnes qui, conform~ment aux dispositions ldgislatives 6num~rdes h 'article 2, sont assimil~es aux salaries. Article 9 1. Si un ressortissant d'un des 1Rtats contractants est employ6 au service de cet IRtat ou d'un autre employeur public de cet 1Rtat sur le territoire de l'autre IRtat contractant, il est soumis la l6gislation du premier l-tat. 2. Si un ressortissant autrichien reside habituellement sur le territoire de la R6publique f~drale d'Allemagne et qu'il soit employ6 par la reprdsentation diplomatique ou une representation consulaire autrichienne, il est soumis .la l6gislation allemande. Si un ressortissant allemand reside habituellement sur le territoire de la R6publique d'Autriche et qu'il y soit employ6 par un organisme officiel allemand, il est soumis h la lgislation autrichienne. Dans les trois mois 6 compter du ddbut de son emploi, le salari6 peut opter pour 'application de la lgislation de l'ttat contractant dont il est ressortissant. I1 est alors r6put6 6tre employ6 au lieu oil le gouvernement dudit 1Rtat a son si~ge, le choix doit faire l'objet d'une d6claration communiqu~e h l'employeur, la 16gislation choisie est applicable h partir de la date de cette d6claration. 3. Le paragraphe 2 s'applique mutatis mutandis au ressortissant d'un des ttats contractants qui est employ6 sur le territoire de l'autre Etat contractant au service personnel d'un membre de la representation diplomatique ou d'une representation consulaire du premier ]Etat. 4. Les paragraphes 1 it 3 ne s'appliquent pas aux employ~s d'un consul honoraire. NO 10090

84 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - Treatv <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Article 7<br />

(1) The crew of a sea-going vessel shall be subject to the legislation of<br />

the Contracting State whose flag the vessel flies.<br />

(2) An employed person who is normally resident in the territory of<br />

one of the Contracting States and is temporarily employed on board a<br />

sea-going vessel flying the flag of the other Contracting State by an employer<br />

having his principal place of business in the territory of the first-mentioned<br />

Contracting State who is not the owner of the vessel shall be subject to the<br />

legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting State as if he were employed<br />

in its territory.<br />

Article 8<br />

Articles 5 to 7 shall apply mutatis mutandis to persons who are treated<br />

as employed persons under the legislation referred to in article 2.<br />

Article 9<br />

(1) A national of one of the Contracting States who is in the service<br />

of the said Contracting State or of another public employer of the said<br />

Contracting State and is employed in the territory of the other Contracting<br />

State shall be subject to the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting<br />

State.<br />

(2) An Austrian national normally resident in the territory of the<br />

Federal Republic of Germany and employed there in the diplomatic mission<br />

or in a career consular mission of the Republic of Austria shall be subject<br />

to German legislation. A German national normally resident in the territory<br />

of the Republic of Austria and employed there by an office of the Federal<br />

Republic of Germany shall be subject to Austrian legislation. The employed<br />

person may, within three months from the start of his employment, opt to<br />

be subject to the legislation of the Contracting State of which he is a national.<br />

He shall then be deemed to be employed at the place at which the Government<br />

of that Contracting State has its seat. The choice shall be declared<br />

to the employer. The chosen legislation shall be applicable from the date<br />

of the declaration.<br />

(3) A national of one of the Contracting States who is employed in the<br />

territory of the other Contracting State in the personal service of a member<br />

of the diplomatic mission or of a consular mission of the first-mentioned<br />

Contracting State shall be subject to the provisions of paragraph (2) above<br />

mutatis mutandis.<br />

(4) Paragraphs (1) to (3) above shall not apply to persons in the service<br />

of an honorary consul.<br />

No. 10090

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