Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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VI United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 No. 970. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949 Page No. 971. Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed Forces at Sea. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949 No. 972. Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949 No. 973. Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949: Ratification by Ethiopia ....... ..................... .. 460 Accession by Costa Rica ....... ..................... .. 460 No. 1963. International Plant Protection Convention. Done at Rome on 6 December 1951: Adherence by Jamaica ....... ...................... .462 No. 1963. (a) Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and Pacific Region. Done at Rome on 27 February 1956: Acceptance of the Amendment to article I (a) of the above-mentioned Agreement by the Philippines ..... ................. .. 463 No. 7310. No. 7311. Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961 Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations concerning Acquisition of Nationality. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961 No. 7312. Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes. Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961: Ratification by Finland ....... ..................... ... 464 No. 8359. Convention on the settlement of investment disputes between States and nationals of other States. Opened for signature at Washington on 18 March 1965: Ratification by Burundi ....... ..................... ... 465

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds VII No 970. Convention de Genve pour l'am6lioration du sort des bless6s et des malades dans les forces arm6es en campagne. Sign~e & Gendve le 12 aofit 1949 Pages NO 971. NO 972. Convention de Gen~ve pour l'am lioration du sort des bless6s, des malades et des naufrag6s des forces armies sur mer. Sign~e A Gen~ve le 12 aofit 1949 Convention de Gen~ve relative au traitement des prisonniers de guerre. Sign6e h Gen~ve le 12 aoikt 1949 NO 973. Convention de Gen~ve relative A la protection des personnes civiles en temps de guerre. Sign6e A Gendve le 12 aofit 1949: Ratification de l'tthiopie ...... ..................... ... 461 Adhesion du Costa Rica ....... ..................... .. 461 NO 1963. Convention internationale pour la protection des v6g~taux. Conclue t Rome le 6 d~cembre 1951 : Adhesion de la Jamalque ...... ..................... ... 462 NO 1963. a) Accord sur la protection des vbg6taux dans la r6gion de 'Asie du Sud-Est et du Pacifique. Conclu t Rome le 27 f6vrier 1956 : Acceptation de l'amendernent L l'article I, a, de 1'Accord susmentionn6 par les Philippines ......... ...................... 463 NO 7310. NO 7311. Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques. Faite t Vienne le 18 avril 1961 Protocole de signature facultative A la Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques concernant l'acquisition de la nationalit6. Fait & Vienne le 18 avril 1961 NO 7312. Protocole de signature facultative & la Convention de Vienne sur les relations diplomatiques concernant le r~glement obligatoire des diffrends. Fat t Vienne le 18 avril 1961 : Ratification de la Finlande ....... .................... .. 464 No 8359. Convention pour le r~glement des diff6rends relatifs aux investissements entre ktats et ressortissants d'autres ktats. Ouverte t la signature t Washington le 18 mars 1965 : Ratification du Burundi ....... ..................... ... 465

VI <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

No. 970.<br />

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition<br />

of the Wounded and Sick in Armed Forces in the Field.<br />

Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949<br />

Page<br />

No. 971.<br />

Geneva Convention for the Amelioration of the Condition of<br />

the Wounded, Sick and Shipwrecked Members of Armed<br />

Forces at Sea. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949<br />

No. 972.<br />

Geneva Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners<br />

of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August 1949<br />

No. 973.<br />

Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian<br />

Persons in Time of War. Signed at Geneva on 12 August<br />

1949:<br />

Ratification by Ethiopia ....... ..................... .. 460<br />

Accession by Costa Rica ....... ..................... .. 460<br />

No. 1963.<br />

International Plant Protection Convention. Done at Rome<br />

on 6 December 1951:<br />

Adherence by Jamaica ....... ...................... .462<br />

No. 1963. (a) Plant Protection Agreement for the South East Asia and<br />

Pacific Region. Done at Rome on 27 February 1956:<br />

Acceptance of the Amendment to article I (a) of the above-mentioned<br />

Agreement by the Philippines ..... ................. .. 463<br />

No. 7310.<br />

No. 7311.<br />

Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. Done at Vienna<br />

on 18 April 1961<br />

Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic<br />

Relations concerning Acquisition of Nationality. Done<br />

at Vienna on 18 April 1961<br />

No. 7312.<br />

Optional Protocol to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic<br />

Relations concerning the Compulsory Settlement of Disputes.<br />

Done at Vienna on 18 April 1961:<br />

Ratification by Finland ....... ..................... ... 464<br />

No. 8359.<br />

Convention on the settlement of investment disputes<br />

between States and nationals of other States. Opened<br />

for signature at Washington on 18 March 1965:<br />

Ratification by Burundi ....... ..................... ... 465

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