Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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424 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 (i) "Services Agreement" means the agreement dated August 28, 1963 between the Borrower and BOC(PT) for the furnishing of technical services to the Borrower, as amended by the amending agreement referred to in Section 7.01(e) of this Agreement. (j) "Underwriting Agreement" means the agreement for the underwriting and distribution of Ordinary Shares of the Borrower referred to in Section 7.01 (b) of this Agreement. (k) "Subsidiary" means a company which is a subsidiary of the Borrower within the meaning of the Companies Act, 1913 (or any amendment thereof). (1) "Rupees" and the sign "Rs" mean rupees in currency of the Guarantor. Article II THE LOAN Section 2.01. The Bank agrees to lend to the Borrower, on the terms and conditions in this Loan Agreement set forth or referred to, an amount in various currencies equivalent to eight million dollars ($8,000,000). Section 2.02. (a) The Bank shall open a Loan Account on its books in the name of the Borrower and shall credit to such Account the amount of the Loan. (b) The amount of the Loan may be withdrawn from the Loan Account as provided in, and subject to the rights of cancellation and suspension set forth in, this Loan Agreement and in accordance with the allocation of the proceeds of the Loan set forth in Schedule 1 to this Agreement, as such allocation shall be modified from time to time pursuant to the provisions of such Schedule or by further agreement between the Borrower and the Bank; provided, however, that, except as the Bank shall otherwise agree, until the Borrower shall have complied with the provisions of Section 5.04 of this Agreement, the aggregate of (i) the amount withdrawn from the Loan Account and (ii) the amount subject to special commitments entered into by the Bank pursuant to Section 5.02 of the General Conditions shall not exceed the equivalent of two million dollars ($2,000,000). Section 2.03. The Borrower shall be entitled to withdraw from the Loan Account such amounts as shall have been paid (or, if the Bank shall so agree, shall be required to meet payments to be made) in respect of the reasonable cost of goods and services required for the Project and to be financed under this Loan Agreement. Section 2.04. The Borrower shall pay to the Bank a commitment charge at the rate of three-fourths of one per cent (3/4 of 1 %) per annum on the principal amount of the Loan not withdrawn from time to time. Section 2.05. The Borrower shall pay interest at the rate of six and one-half per cent (6 1/2 %) per annum on the principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and outstanding from time to time. No. 10098

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 425 i) L'expression ( Contrat de services)) d~signe le Contrat datd du 28 aofit 1963 entre l'Emprunteur et la BOC (PT) portant sur la fourniture de services techniques Ail'Emprunteur, tel qu'il a 6t6 modifi6 par l'accord vis6 A l'alina e du paragraphe 7.01 du present Contrat. j) L'expression ((Contrat de prise de participation) ddsigne le contrat portant sur la souscription et la distribution d'actions ordinaires de l'Emprunteur vis6 I l'alinda b du paragraphe 7.01 du present Contrat. k) Le terme ((filiale d~signe une soci~t6 filiale de l'Emprunteur au sens de la loi de 1913 sur les soci~t~s (ou de tout amendement A ladite loi). 1) Le terme ((Roupies ) et l'abr~viation ((Rs ) ddsignent la monnaie du Garant. Article II L'EMPRUNT Paragraphe 2.01. La Banque consent A l'Emprunteur, aux clauses et conditions stipul~es ou vis~es dans le present Contrat, le prft d'une somme en diverses monnaies 6quivalant A huit millions de dollars ($ 8 000 000). Paragraphe 2.02. a) La Banque ouvrira dans ses livres un compte au nom de l'Emprunteur, qu'elle cr6ditera du montant de l'Emprunt. b) Le montant de l'Emprunt pourra tre pr~lev6 sur ce compte, comme il est pr~vu dans le present Contrat d'emprunt et sous r~serve des pouvoirs d'annulation et de retrait qui y sont 6nonc~s, et, conform~ment A l'affectation des fonds provenant de l'Emprunt stipul A l'annexe I du pr6sent Contrat, ladite affectation pouvant tre modifi~e de temps A autre conformdment aux dispositions de ladite annexe ou par convention ult~rieure entre l'Emprunteur et la Banque; il est entendu toutefois que, AL moins que la Banque n'accepte qu'il en soit autrement, tant que l'Emprunteur ne se sera pas conform6 aux dispositions du paragraphe 5.04 du present Contrat, la somme i) des montants pr~levds sur le Compte de l'Emprunt et ii) des versements effectu~s en vertu des engagements spdciaux pris par la Banque conform~ment aux dispositions de la section 5.02 des Conditions g6n~rales, ne pourra d~passer 1'6quivalent de deux millions ($ 2 000 000) de dollars. Paragraphe 2.03. L'Emprunteur aura le droit de pr~lever sur le compte de l'emprunt les montants qui auront W drboursds (ou si la Banque y consent, le montant n~cessaire pour r6gler les versements A effectuer) pour payer le cofit raisonnable des marchandises et des services qui doivent 6tre finances en application du prdsent Contrat. Paragraphe 2.04. L'Emprunteur paiera A, la Banque, sur la partie du principal de 'Emprunt qui n'aura pas encore W pr~levde, une commission d'engagement au taux de trois quarts pour cent (3/, pour 100) par an. Paragraphe 2.05. L'Emprunteur paiera des int~r~ts au taux de six et demi pour cent (6 '/, pour 100) par an, sur les sommes pr~levdes qui n'auront pas t rembours~es. No 10098

424 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

(i) "Services Agreement" means the agreement dated August 28, 1963 between<br />

the Borrower and BOC(PT) for the furnishing of technical services to the Borrower,<br />

as amended by the amending agreement referred to in Section 7.01(e) of this<br />

Agreement.<br />

(j) "Underwriting Agreement" means the agreement for the underwriting<br />

and distribution of Ordinary Shares of the Borrower referred to in Section 7.01 (b)<br />

of this Agreement.<br />

(k) "Subsidiary" means a company which is a subsidiary of the Borrower<br />

within the meaning of the Companies Act, 1913 (or any amendment thereof).<br />

(1) "Rupees" and the sign "Rs" mean rupees in currency of the Guarantor.<br />

Article II<br />

THE LOAN<br />

Section 2.01. The Bank agrees to lend to the Borrower, on the terms and<br />

conditions in this Loan Agreement set forth or referred to, an amount in various<br />

currencies equivalent to eight million dollars ($8,000,000).<br />

Section 2.02. (a) The Bank shall open a Loan Account on its books in the<br />

name of the Borrower and shall credit to such Account the amount of the Loan.<br />

(b) The amount of the Loan may be withdrawn from the Loan Account as<br />

provided in, and subject to the rights of cancellation and suspension set forth in,<br />

this Loan Agreement and in accordance with the allocation of the proceeds of the<br />

Loan set forth in Schedule 1 to this Agreement, as such allocation shall be modified<br />

from time to time pursuant to the provisions of such Schedule or by further agreement<br />

between the Borrower and the Bank; provided, however, that, except as the<br />

Bank shall otherwise agree, until the Borrower shall have complied with the provisions<br />

of Section 5.04 of this Agreement, the aggregate of (i) the amount withdrawn<br />

from the Loan Account and (ii) the amount subject to special commitments entered<br />

into by the Bank pursuant to Section 5.02 of the General Conditions shall not exceed<br />

the equivalent of two million dollars ($2,000,000).<br />

Section 2.03. The Borrower shall be entitled to withdraw from the Loan<br />

Account such amounts as shall have been paid (or, if the Bank shall so agree, shall<br />

be required to meet payments to be made) in respect of the reasonable cost of goods<br />

and services required for the Project and to be financed under this Loan Agreement.<br />

Section 2.04. The Borrower shall pay to the Bank a commitment charge at the<br />

rate of three-fourths of one per cent (3/4 of 1 %) per annum on the principal amount<br />

of the Loan not withdrawn from time to time.<br />

Section 2.05. The Borrower shall pay interest at the rate of six and one-half<br />

per cent (6 1/2 %) per annum on the principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and<br />

outstanding from time to time.<br />

No. 10098

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