Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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420 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 LOAN AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, dated May 13, 1969, between INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank) and SuI NOR- THERN GAS PIPELINES LIMITED, a company duly organized and existing in Pakistan under the Companies Act, 1913 (hereinafter called the Borrower). WHEREAS (A) By a loan agreement dated May 14, 19641 between the Bank and the Borrower, the Bank made a loan to the Borrower in an amount in various currencies equivalent to $15,000,000 to extend and improve the Borrowers's then existing gas transmission system by, among other things, the construction of new high-pressure transmission lines. (B) The Borrower wishes to expand the capacity of its presently existing gas transmission system, primarily in order to supply the gas requirements of a urea fertilizer manufacturing plant to be built at Chichoki Mallian, Pakistan. (C) The Borrower plans to raise additional capital as follows : (1) By the sale to Burmah Oil Company Limited (hereinafter called BOC), or to a wholly-owned subsidiary of BOC, of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each for payments in pounds sterling aggregating the equivalent of Rs 6,000,000; (2) By the sale to West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (hereinafter called WPIDC) of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each for payments aggregating Rs 6,000,000; and (3) By the sale to Pakistani investors of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each for payments to the Borrower aggregating Rs 6,000,000 pursuant to an underwriting and distribution of such shares. (D) The Borrower plans to obtain loans from local Pakistan financial institutions aggregating approximately Rs 19,340,000 for the Project. (E) The Loan which is the subject of this Loan Agreement is to be guaranteed as to payment of principal, interest and other charges by the Islamic Republic of Pakistan (hereinafter called the Guarantor) under the terms of a Guarantee Agreement of even date herewith 2 and is to be secured as provided in Section 5.04 of this Agreement. (F) The Bank, on the basis inter alia of the foregoing, has agreed to make a loan to the Borrower upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. Now THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 516, p. 145. 2 See p. 412 of this volume. No. 10098

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 421 CONTRAT D'EMPRUNT CONTRAT, en date du 13 mai 1969, entre la BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECONSTRUCTION ET LE DAVELOPPEMENT (ci-apr~s ddnommde ( la Banque D) et la Sui NORTHERN GAS PIPELINES LIMITED, soci6t6 r~gulirement constitute au Pakistan sous le r~gime de la loi de 1913 sur les socidt~s (ci-apr~s d~nomm~e c l'Emprunteur ))). CONSIDPRANT A) Qu'aux termes d'un Contrat d'emprunt en date du 14 mai 19641 entre la Banque et l'Emprunteur, la Banque a consenti & l'Emprunteur un pr~t en diverses monnaies dquivalant A 15 millions (15 000 000) de dollars, en vue de d~velopper et de moderniser le r~seau de distribution de gaz de 'Emprunteur grace, notamment, h la construction de nouvelles conduites de distribution sous haute pression. B) Que l'Emprunteur souhaite d6velopper la capacit6 de son rdseau actuel de distribution de gaz, principalement afin de pouvoir alimenter en gaz 'usine d'engrais fabriquant de l'ur~e qui doit 6tre construite k Chichoki Mallian (Pakistan). C) Que l'Emprunteur projette de se procurer des fonds suppl~mentaires de la manire suivante : 1) En vendant k La Burmah Oil Company Limited (ci-aprs d~nomnde a la BOC D), ou 5. une filiale de la BOC entirement contr61de par celle-ci, 600 000 actione ordinaires d'une valeur nominale de 10 roupies chacune, dont le paiement devra 6trs effectud en livres sterling et repr~sentant au total 1'6quivalent de 6 000 000 de roupies; 2) En vendant . la West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (ci-apr~s ddnomm~e (la WPIDC )) 600 000 actions ordinaires d'une valeur nominale de 10 roupies chacune, repr~sentant au total 6 000 000 de roupies; et 3) En vendant & des investisseurs pakistanais 600 000 actions ordinaires d'une valeur nominale de 10 roupies chacune, destindes & itre r~gl~es 5. l'Emprunteur et repr~sentant au total 6 000 000 de roupies, une fois qu'elles auront 6t6 souscrites et distributes. D) Que l'Emprunteur se propose d'obtenir d'institutions financires pakistanaises des pr~ts d'un montant total de 19 340 000 roupies, qui seront consacr~s au Projet. E) Que 'Emprunt qui fait l'objet du present Contrat sera garanti, en ce qui concerne le remboursement du principal, des int6r~ts et des autres charges y aff6rent, par la R6publique islamique du Pakistan (ci-apr6s d6nomm6e a le Garant c)) aux termes d'un Contrat de garantie de m6me date 2 et sera assorti des slretds pr6vues au paragraphe 5.04 du pr6sent Contrat. F) Que sur la base notamment de ce qui pr6c~de, la Banque a accept6 de consentir h l'Emprunteur un emprunt aux clauses et conditions d6finies ci-apr~s: Les Parties aux pr~sentes sont convenues de ce qui suit: 1 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 516, p. 145. 2 Voir p. 413 du prdsent volume. No 10098

420 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />


AGREEMENT, dated May 13, 1969, between INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR<br />

RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank) and SuI NOR-<br />

THERN GAS PIPELINES LIMITED, a company duly organized and existing in Pakistan<br />

under the Companies Act, 1913 (hereinafter called the Borrower).<br />

WHEREAS (A) By a loan agreement dated May 14, 19641 between the Bank<br />

and the Borrower, the Bank made a loan to the Borrower in an amount in various<br />

currencies equivalent to $15,000,000 to extend and improve the Borrowers's then<br />

existing gas transmission system by, among other things, the construction of new<br />

high-pressure transmission lines.<br />

(B) The Borrower wishes to expand the capacity of its presently existing gas<br />

transmission system, primarily in order to supply the gas requirements of a urea<br />

fertilizer manufacturing plant to be built at Chichoki Mallian, Pakistan.<br />

(C) The Borrower plans to raise additional capital as follows :<br />

(1) By the sale to Burmah Oil Company Limited (hereinafter called BOC), or to a<br />

wholly-owned subsidiary of BOC, of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each for<br />

payments in pounds sterling aggregating the equivalent of Rs 6,000,000;<br />

(2) By the sale to West Pakistan Industrial Development Corporation (hereinafter<br />

called WPIDC) of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each for payments aggregating<br />

Rs 6,000,000; and<br />

(3) By the sale to Pakistani investors of 600,000 Ordinary Shares of Rs 10 each<br />

for payments to the Borrower aggregating Rs 6,000,000 pursuant to an underwriting<br />

and distribution of such shares.<br />

(D) The Borrower plans to obtain loans from local Pakistan financial institutions<br />

aggregating approximately Rs 19,340,000 for the Project.<br />

(E) The Loan which is the subject of this Loan Agreement is to be guaranteed<br />

as to payment of principal, interest and other charges by the Islamic Republic of<br />

Pakistan (hereinafter called the Guarantor) under the terms of a Guarantee Agreement<br />

of even date herewith 2 and is to be secured as provided in Section 5.04 of this<br />

Agreement.<br />

(F) The Bank, on the basis inter alia of the foregoing, has agreed to make a<br />

loan to the Borrower upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth.<br />

Now THEREFORE, it is hereby agreed as follows:<br />

1 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong>, vol. 516, p. 145.<br />

2 See p. 412 of this volume.<br />

No. 10098

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