Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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416 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Guarantor shall promptly inform the Bank of any condition which interfere with, or threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment of the purposes of the Loan or the maintenance of the service thereof. (c) The Guarantor shall afford all reasonable opportunity for accredited representatives of the Bank to visit any part of the territories of the Guarantor for purposes related to the Loan. Section 3.03. The principal of, and interest and other charges on, the Loan and the Bonds shall be paid without deduction for, and free from, any taxes, and free from all restrictions, imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories; provided, however, that the provisions of this Section shall not apply to taxes upon payments under any Bond to a holder thereof other than the Bank when such Bond is beneficially owned by an individual or corporate resident of the Guarantor. Section 3.04. This Guarantee Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the Trust Deed, the Supplemental Indenture and the Bonds shall be free from any taxes that shall be imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories on or in connection with the execution, issue, delivery or registration thereof. Section 3.05. The Guarantor will not take or permit any of its political subdivisions or any of its agencies, or any agency of any political subdivision, to take any action which would prevent or interfere with the performance by the Borrower of any of the covenants, agreements and obligations of the Borrower set forth in the Loan Agreement, and will take or cause to be taken all reasonable action which shall be necessary in order to enable the Borrower to perform such covenants, agreements and obligations. Section 3.06. The Guarantor covenants that it will from time to time grant or cause to be granted to the Borrower tariffs for the sale of gas which will provide revenues sufficient for the Borrower to carry out its obligations under Section 5.12 of the Loan Agreement. Article IV Section 4.01. The Guarantor shall endorse, in accordance with the provisions of the Loan Agreement and the General Conditions, its guarantee on the Bonds to be executed and delivered by the Borrower. The Secretary to the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance, and such person or persons as he shall designate in writing are designated as the authorized representatives of the Guarantor for the purposes of Section 8.10 of the General Conditions. No. 10098

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traite's 417 de toute situation qui g~nerait ou menacerait de goner la r6alisation des fins de l'Emprunt ou la r~gularit6 de son service. c) Le Garant donnera aux repr~sentants accr~dit~s de la Banque toutes possibilit~s raisonnables de p~n~trer dans une partie quelconque de ses territoires i toutes fins relatives hi l'Emprunt. Paragraphe 3.03. Le principal de l'Emprunt et des Obligations et les int~r~ts et autres charges y aff~rents seront pay~s francs et nets de tout imp6t per~u en vertu de la lgislation du Garant ou des lois en vigueur sur ses territoires et ne seront soumis h aucune restriction 6tablie en vertu de ladite l~gislation ou desdites lois; toutefois, les dispositions ci-dessus du pr6sent paragraphe ne s'appliquent pas h la perception d'imp6ts sur des paiements faits en vertu des stipulations 6nonc~es dans le texte d'une Obligation h un porteur autre que la Banque, si le v6ritable propriftaire de l'Obligation est une personne physique ou morale r6sidant sur les territoires du Garant. Paragraphe 3.04. Le present Contrat de garantie, le Contrat d'emprunt, l'Acte fiduciaire, le Contrat suppl~mentaire et les Obligations seront francs de tout imp6t per~u en vertu de la lgislation du Garant ou des lois en vigueur sur ses territoires, lors ou h l'occasion de leur 6tablissement, de leur 6mission, de leur remise ou de leur enregistrement. Paragraphe 3.05. Le Garant ne prendra ni n'autorisera aucune de ses subdivisions politiques, aucun de ses organismes, ni aucun organisme d'une de ses subdivisions politiques h prendre aucune mesure qui emp~cherait ou g~nerait l'exdcution par l'Emprunteur des engagements, conventions et obligations souscrits par lui dans le Contrat d'emprunt et il prendra ou fera prendre toutes les mesures raisonnables qui seront n~cessaires pour permettre h l'Emprunteur d'exdcuter lesdits engagements, conventions et obligations. Paragraphe 3.06. Le Garant s'engage h donner ou h faire donner de temps autre h l'Emprunteur l'autorisation d'adopter des tarifs de vente de gaz lui permettant d'obtenir des recettes suffisantes pour s'acquitter des obligations qu'il a souscrites au paragraphe 5.12 du Contrat d'emprunt. Article IV Paragraphe 4.01. Le Garant revtira de sa garantie, conform6ment aux dispositions du Contrat d'emprunt et des Conditions gdnrales, les Obligations que l'Emprunteur doit 6tablir et remettre. Le Secrtaire du Gouvernement du Pakistan au Minist~re des finances, et la personne ou les personnes qu'il aura d~sign~es par 6crit seront les repr~sentants autoris~s du Garant aux fins de la section 8.10 des Conditions g~n~rales. NO 10098

416 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Guarantor shall promptly inform the Bank of any condition which interfere<br />

with, or threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment of the purposes of<br />

the Loan or the maintenance of the service thereof.<br />

(c) The Guarantor shall afford all reasonable opportunity for accredited<br />

representatives of the Bank to visit any part of the territories of the Guarantor<br />

for purposes related to the Loan.<br />

Section 3.03. The principal of, and interest and other charges on,<br />

the Loan and the Bonds shall be paid without deduction for, and free from,<br />

any taxes, and free from all restrictions, imposed under the laws of the<br />

Guarantor or laws in effect in its territories; provided, however, that the<br />

provisions of this Section shall not apply to taxes upon payments under<br />

any Bond to a holder thereof other than the Bank when such Bond is beneficially<br />

owned by an individual or corporate resident of the Guarantor.<br />

Section 3.04. This Guarantee Agreement, the Loan Agreement, the<br />

Trust Deed, the Supplemental Indenture and the Bonds shall be free from<br />

any taxes that shall be imposed under the laws of the Guarantor or laws in<br />

effect in its territories on or in connection with the execution, issue, delivery<br />

or registration thereof.<br />

Section 3.05. The Guarantor will not take or permit any of its political<br />

subdivisions or any of its agencies, or any agency of any political<br />

subdivision, to take any action which would prevent or interfere with the<br />

performance by the Borrower of any of the covenants, agreements and obligations<br />

of the Borrower set forth in the Loan Agreement, and will take or<br />

cause to be taken all reasonable action which shall be necessary in order<br />

to enable the Borrower to perform such covenants, agreements and obligations.<br />

Section 3.06. The Guarantor covenants that it will from time to time<br />

grant or cause to be granted to the Borrower tariffs for the sale of gas which<br />

will provide revenues sufficient for the Borrower to carry out its obligations<br />

under Section 5.12 of the Loan Agreement.<br />

Article IV<br />

Section 4.01. The Guarantor shall endorse, in accordance with the<br />

provisions of the Loan Agreement and the General Conditions, its guarantee<br />

on the Bonds to be executed and delivered by the Borrower. The Secretary<br />

to the Government of Pakistan, Ministry of Finance, and such person or<br />

persons as he shall <strong>des</strong>ignate in writing are <strong>des</strong>ignated as the authorized<br />

representatives of the Guarantor for the purposes of Section 8.10 of the<br />

General Conditions.<br />

No. 10098

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