Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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402 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 A. Contracts for Civil Works (1) Contractors will be prequalified. (2) Before inviting bids the Borrower shall request the Association's approval to the following: (a) a list of all contracts to be awarded in carrying out the Project, indicating the estimated value of each contract and the forecast timetable for its procurement. Except as the Association may otherwise agree, the contracts for civil works will be divided into one contract for the primary teacher training college and related facilities, and individual contracts for each of the 5 new multilateral secondary schools and for the conversion of 2 existing secondary schools together with related facilities for each of such schools. The invitations to bid for the said Project schools and related facilities shall, inter alia, specify that the bidder shall submit offers in respect of each school, or all of them, or any combination thereof, the bids therefor shall be opened simultaneously and the Borrower shall have the option of awarding one contract for civil works in respect of all the said Project schools to one contractor or separate contracts in respect of the various Project schools to individual contractors; (b) the description of the proposed international advertising coverage to ensure international competitive bidding, the draft bid notices, prequalification questionnaires and a description of the prequalification procedures; (c) the consultant's report and recommendation on the prequalification data submitted and the proposed selected list; (d) draft bidding documents and the draft contracts. (3) After bids have been received and evaluated, the Borrower shall, prior to the award of contract, send to the Association for its approval, a copy of the consultant's analysis of the bids and recommendations thereon and a brief justification of the Borrower's decision on the award. (4) As soon as a contract has been awarded, it will be sent to the Association promptly after execution of such contract and prior to the submission to the Association of the first application for withdrawal in respect of such contract. (5) The Borrower shall request the Association's approval for any proposed change in a contract involving a price increase of 5 % of the contract price or more than US $25,000 equivalent, whichever is less, together with the reasons for the proposed change. B. Contracts for Instructional Equipment, Books and Furniture (1) Prior to inviting bids, the Borrower shall request the Association's approval to the following: (a) lists of all items of equipment, books and furniture required for the Project showing the specifications, and the estimated unit and total price of each No. 10097

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 403 A. Contrats de construction 1. Les entrepreneurs devront 6tre prds~lectionnds. 2. Avant de faire un appel d'offres, l'Emprunteur demandera l'approbation de l'Association pour ce qui suit : a) Une liste de tous les marchds devant tre adjug6s pour 1'exdcution du Projet, indiquant le cofit estimatif de chacun des marches et le calendrier prdvu pour chacun. A moins que l'Association n'accepte qu'il en soit autrement, les marchds de construction comprendront un march6 pour l'6cole normale primaire et les installations connexes et des marchds distincts pour chacune des cinq nouvelles 6coles secondaires multilatdrales et pour la transformation de deux 6coles secondaires existantes, en m~me temps que pour les installations connexes de chacune de ces &oles. Dans les appels d'offres relatifs aux 6coles vis6es dans le Projet et aux installations connexes, l'Emprunteur spdcifiera notamment que les soumissions devront tre faites pour chacune des 6coles, ou pour toutes les 6coles, ou pour tel ou tel groupe d'6coles, que les soumissions seront ddpouill~es simultandment et que 'Emprunteur aura la facult6 d'adjuger soit un march6 de construction unique & un seul entrepreneur pour toutes les 6coles visdes dans le Projet, soit des contrats distincts . divers entrepreneurs pour chacune des diverses 6coles visdes. b) La description de la publicit6 internationale que l'on se propose de donner au Projet sur le plan international pour recueillir des soumissions concurentielles internationales, les projets d'appels d'offres, les questionnaires relatifs A la pr~sdlection et une description des m~thodes de prdsdlection. c) Le rapport et la recommandation du consultant sur les donn~es de prdsdlection soumises et la liste propos~e des soumissionnaires choisis. d) Les projets de soumissions et les projets de contrats. 3. Lorsque les soumissions auront W reques et 6valudes, l'Emprunteur adressera h l'Association pour approbation, avant l'adjudication du march6, un exemplaire de 1'analyse des soumissions par le consultant et des recommandations de ce dernier L leur sujet, en y joignant un expos6 succinct des raisons qui ont amend l'Emprunteur decider en faveur de l'entreprise adjudicataire. 4. D~s qu'un march6 aura 6t6 adjug6, il sera envoy6 & l'Association dans les meilleurs ddlais apr~s qu'il aura W sign6 et avant que la premiere demande de prdl~vement de fonds au titre dudit march6 ne soit adresse A l'Association. 5. L'Emprunteur demandera h l'Association d'approuver toute modification qu'il serait envisag6 d'apporter A. un march6 et qui entrainerait une augmentation des prix de 5 p. 100 ou de plus de l'6quivalent de 25 000 dollars des Rtats-Unis, selon celui des deux chiffres qui est le moins dlev6, en indiquant les raisons de la modification envisage. B. Marchis de lourniture de matiriel, de manuels et de mobilier scolaires 1. Avant de faire un appel d'offres, l'Emprunteur demandera & l'Association d'approuver ce qui suit : a) Listes de tous les articles concernant le matdriel, les manuels et le mobilier n~cessaires & l'ex~cution du Projet, indiquant les specifications et le cofit NO 10097

402 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

A. Contracts for Civil Works<br />

(1) Contractors will be prequalified.<br />

(2) Before inviting bids the Borrower shall request the Association's approval<br />

to the following:<br />

(a) a list of all contracts to be awarded in carrying out the Project, indicating<br />

the estimated value of each contract and the forecast timetable for its<br />

procurement. Except as the Association may otherwise agree, the contracts<br />

for civil works will be divided into one contract for the primary teacher<br />

training college and related facilities, and individual contracts for each of<br />

the 5 new multilateral secondary schools and for the conversion of 2 existing<br />

secondary schools together with related facilities for each of such schools.<br />

The invitations to bid for the said Project schools and related facilities<br />

shall, inter alia, specify that the bidder shall submit offers in respect of<br />

each school, or all of them, or any combination thereof, the bids therefor<br />

shall be opened simultaneously and the Borrower shall have the option of<br />

awarding one contract for civil works in respect of all the said Project<br />

schools to one contractor or separate contracts in respect of the various<br />

Project schools to individual contractors;<br />

(b) the <strong>des</strong>cription of the proposed international advertising coverage to ensure<br />

international competitive bidding, the draft bid notices, prequalification<br />

questionnaires and a <strong>des</strong>cription of the prequalification procedures;<br />

(c) the consultant's report and recommendation on the prequalification data<br />

submitted and the proposed selected list;<br />

(d) draft bidding documents and the draft contracts.<br />

(3) After bids have been received and evaluated, the Borrower shall, prior to<br />

the award of contract, send to the Association for its approval, a copy of the consultant's<br />

analysis of the bids and recommendations thereon and a brief justification<br />

of the Borrower's decision on the award.<br />

(4) As soon as a contract has been awarded, it will be sent to the Association<br />

promptly after execution of such contract and prior to the submission to the Association<br />

of the first application for withdrawal in respect of such contract.<br />

(5) The Borrower shall request the Association's approval for any proposed<br />

change in a contract involving a price increase of 5 % of the contract price or more<br />

than US $25,000 equivalent, whichever is less, together with the reasons for the<br />

proposed change.<br />

B. Contracts for Instructional Equipment, Books and Furniture<br />

(1) Prior to inviting bids, the Borrower shall request the Association's approval<br />

to the following:<br />

(a) lists of all items of equipment, books and furniture required for the Project<br />

showing the specifications, and the estimated unit and total price of each<br />

No. 10097

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