Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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364 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 to Section 2.05 (b) of the Loan Regulations or on the redemption of any Bond prior to its maturity pursuant to Section 6.16 of the Loan Regulations: Time of Prepayment or Redemption Premium Not more than four years before maturity ....... .............. 1/2 % More than four years but not more than eight years before maturity . . . 1 1/4 % More than eight years but not more than fourteen years before maturity . 2 1/4 % More than fourteen years but not more than twenty years before maturity 3 8/4 % More than twenty years but not more than twenty-six years before maturity 5 % More than twenty-six years but not more than twenty-eight years before maturity .............. ........................... 6 % More than twenty-eight years before maturity .... ............ ... 6 1/2 % SCHEDULE 3 DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT The Project is an essential part of the Borrower's Program for (i) improving the quality of school teaching and (ii) introducing a multilateral system of secondary education in Guyana, through the establishment of schools which, after providing students with a common base of general studies, would screen them according to aptitude, ability and interest for further schooling in distinct curricula streams, such as humanities, science, technology, agriculture and commerce. The Project consists of the following: A. The construction and equipment of: (i) one new primary teacher training college, together with related boarding facilities, and (ii) five new multilateral secondary schools, together with related staff houses. B. The conversion of two existing secondary schools into multilateral schools, the construction of related boarding facilities and the equipment of such converted schools and facilities. C. The carrying out of an investigation into the economics of materials and techniques for the construction of school buildings in Guyana. D. The provision of 15 men-years of fellowships for the purpose of training personnel for the above-mentioned training college and multilateral schools. The specific educational institutions to be included in the Project, the specific locations thereof, enrollment levels, boarding facilities and staff housing thereat and the approximate areas of construction shall be those shown in Part A of Schedule 4 to this Agreement, subject to modification by further agreement between the Borrower and the Bank. The specific personnel to be trained under the fellowship program referred to in Part D of the Project shall be as shown in Part B of Schedule 4 to this Agreement, subject to modification by further agreement between the Borrower and the Bank. The Project is expected to be completed by December 31, 1973. No. 10096

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 365 l'alin6a b du paragraphe 2.05 du R~glement sur les emprunts, ou lors du remboursement anticip6 de toute Obligation conform6ment au paragraphe 6.16 du R~glement sur les emprunts, A savoir : tpoque du remboursemeni anticip9 de l'Emprunt ou de 'Obligation Prime Quatre ans au maximum avant l'6chdance .... .............. . .... 1/2 % Plus de 4 ans et au maximum 8 ans avant l'dchance ........... 1 1/4 % Plus de 8 ans et au maximum 14 ans avant l'6ch6ance ........ ... 2 1/4 % Plus de 14 ans et au maximum 20 ans avant l'6ch~ance ........ ... 3 3/4 % Plus de 20 ans et au maximum 26 ans avant l'dchdance .... ....... 5 % Plus de 26 ans et au maximum 28 ans avant l'6ch6ance ....... ... 6 % Plus de 28 ans avant l'chance ...... ................... .... 6 1/2 % ANNEXE 3 DESCRIPTION DU PROJET Le Projet reprdsente une partie essentielle du programme 6tabli par l'Emprunteur pour i) amdliorer la qualit6 de l'enseignement et ii) appliquer un syst~me multilat6ral d'enseignement secondaire en Guyane, par la cr6ation d'6coles oii, apr~s avoir requ un enseignement g6n6ral commun, les 61ves seront r6partis selon leurs aptitudes et leur intrft pour tre admis dans des branches d'enseignement distinctes, telles que les humanit6s, les sciences, les techniques, l'agriculture et le commerce. Le Projet comprend les 616ments suivants A. La construction et l'6quipement : i) D'une nouvelle 6cole normale primaire, avec installations d'internat connexes, et ii) Cinq nouvelles 6coles secondaires multilat6rales, avec logements pour le personnel. B. La transformation de deux 6coles secondaires existantes en 6coles multilat~rales, la construction d'installations d'internat connexes et l'6quipement de ces 6eoles et installations. C. Une enqu~te sur les aspects 6conomiques des mat~riaux et des techniques n~cessaires k la construction de bAtiments scolaires en Guyane. D. L'octroi de bourses repr6sentant quinze ann6es d'6tudes pour la formation du personnel de l'6cole normale et des 6coles multilat~rales susmentionn~es. Les divers 6tablissements d'enseignement vis6s dans le Projet, leur emplacement precis, leurs effectifs, leurs installations d'internat et les logements de leur personnel, ainsi que la superficie approximative des terrains oii ils seront construits, sont indiquds dans la partie A de l'annexe 4 du pr6sent Contrat, sous r6serve des modifications dont il serait ult~rieurement convenu entre l'Emprunteur et la Banque. Le personnel devant recevoir une formation au titre du programme de bourses vis6 dans la partie D du Projet est sp~cifi6 dans la partie B de l'annexe 4 du present Contrat, sous r~serve des modifications dont il serait ult~rieurement convenu entre 'Emprunteur et la Banque. I1 est pr~vu que le Projet sera termind au plus tard le 31 dcembre 1973. No 10090

364 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

to Section 2.05 (b) of the Loan Regulations or on the redemption of any Bond prior<br />

to its maturity pursuant to Section 6.16 of the Loan Regulations:<br />

Time of Prepayment or Redemption<br />

Premium<br />

Not more than four years before maturity ....... .............. 1/2 %<br />

More than four years but not more than eight years before maturity . . . 1 1/4 %<br />

More than eight years but not more than fourteen years before maturity . 2 1/4 %<br />

More than fourteen years but not more than twenty years before maturity 3 8/4 %<br />

More than twenty years but not more than twenty-six years before maturity 5 %<br />

More than twenty-six years but not more than twenty-eight years before<br />

maturity .............. ........................... 6 %<br />

More than twenty-eight years before maturity .... ............ ... 6 1/2 %<br />

SCHEDULE 3<br />


The Project is an essential part of the Borrower's Program for (i) improving<br />

the quality of school teaching and (ii) introducing a multilateral system of secondary<br />

education in Guyana, through the establishment of schools which, after providing<br />

students with a common base of general studies, would screen them according<br />

to aptitude, ability and interest for further schooling in distinct curricula streams,<br />

such as humanities, science, technology, agriculture and commerce.<br />

The Project consists of the following:<br />

A. The construction and equipment of:<br />

(i) one new primary teacher training college, together with related boarding<br />

facilities, and<br />

(ii) five new multilateral secondary schools, together with related staff houses.<br />

B. The conversion of two existing secondary schools into multilateral schools, the<br />

construction of related boarding facilities and the equipment of such converted<br />

schools and facilities.<br />

C. The carrying out of an investigation into the economics of materials and techniques<br />

for the construction of school buildings in Guyana.<br />

D. The provision of 15 men-years of fellowships for the purpose of training personnel<br />

for the above-mentioned training college and multilateral schools.<br />

The specific educational institutions to be included in the Project, the specific<br />

locations thereof, enrollment levels, boarding facilities and staff housing thereat<br />

and the approximate areas of construction shall be those shown in Part A of Schedule<br />

4 to this Agreement, subject to modification by further agreement between<br />

the Borrower and the Bank.<br />

The specific personnel to be trained under the fellowship program referred to<br />

in Part D of the Project shall be as shown in Part B of Schedule 4 to this Agreement,<br />

subject to modification by further agreement between the Borrower and the Bank.<br />

The Project is expected to be completed by December 31, 1973.<br />

No. 10096

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