Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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334 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Article 1 The Kingdom of Morocco and the Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria shall maintain perpetual peace, firm friendship and fruitful good-neighbourly relations, inspired by the spirit of the long-standing brotherhood between the two fraternal peoples, and shall strive to build a prosperous common future. Article 2 The two Contracting Parties undertake to strengthen their common bonds in all fields, and especially in the economic and cultural fields, as a contribution toward expanding the areas of mutual understanding between the fraternal Moroccan and Algerian peoples and consolidating the friendship and good-neighbourly relations between them. Article 3 Since mutual economic co-operation provides a firm basis for peaceful and friendly relations and leads to the advancement of both countries, the two Contracting Parties shall promote mutual efforts aimed at the expansion of co-operation in all fields, for the benefit of both countries. Article 4 In the event of a dispute or conflict of any kind, the two Contracting Parties shall prohibit the use of force against each other and shall strive to settle the dispute by peaceful means, in a spirit of friendship, brotherhood and good-neighbourly relations, in pursuance of the principles and resolutions of the United Nations, the League of Arab States, and the Organization of Africain Unity. Article 5 Each Party undertakes not to join any alliance or confederacy directed against the other Party. Article 6 In order to strengthen the ties of solidarity and brotherhood which bind their two fraternal peoples, in accordance with the spirit of goodneighbourliness and mutual confidence between them, the two Parties resolve to submit all matters pending between them to joint commissions No. 10095

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 335 A rticle premier Le Royaume du Maroc et la R~publique alg~rienne d~mocratique et populaire entretiendront une paix perp~tuelle, une amiti6 solide et des relations de bon voisinage fructueuses, dans un esprit de fraternit6 ancestrale entre les deux peuples fr~res, et s'efforceront d'6difier un avenir commun prosp~re. Article 2 Les deux Parties contractantes s'engagent h renforcer les liens qui les unissent dans tous les domaines, et en particulier dans les domaines 6conomique et culturel, contribuant ainsi h 6largir le champ de la comprehension mutuelle entre les peuples fr~res du Maroc et de l'Algdrie et h renforcer leurs liens d'amiti6 et leurs relations de bon voisinage. Article 3 Considdrant que la cooperation dconomique constitue une base solide pour les relations pacifiques et amicales et favorise le progr~s des deux pays, les deux Parties contractantes s'efforceront toujours plus activement de ddvelopper la cooperation dans tous les domaines dans l'intdr~t des deux pays. Article 4 En cas de diffdrend ou de conflit de quelque nature qu'il soit, les deux Parties contractantes s'interdiront l'emploi de la force et s'efforceront de r~gler le diff~rend par des moyens pacifiques, dans un esprit amical, fraternel et de bon voisinage, conformdment aux principes et aux rdsolutions de l'Organisation des Nations Unies, de la Ligue arabe et de l'Organisation de l'unit6 africaine. Article 5 Chacune des Parties s'engage h n'6tre partie h aucune ligue ou alliance dirig6e contre I'autre Partie. Article 6 Afin de renforcer les liens de solidarit6 et de fraternit6 qui unissent les deux peuples fr~res, et comme le veulent l'esprit de bon voisinage et la confiance mutuelle qui les anime, les deux Parties d~cident de soumettre tous les litiges existant en elles h des commissions mixtes qui seront charg~es No 10095

334 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Article 1<br />

The Kingdom of Morocco and the Democratic and Popular Republic<br />

of Algeria shall maintain perpetual peace, firm friendship and fruitful<br />

good-neighbourly relations, inspired by the spirit of the long-standing<br />

brotherhood between the two fraternal peoples, and shall strive to build<br />

a prosperous common future.<br />

Article 2<br />

The two Contracting Parties undertake to strengthen their common<br />

bonds in all fields, and especially in the economic and cultural fields, as a<br />

contribution toward expanding the areas of mutual understanding between<br />

the fraternal Moroccan and Algerian peoples and consolidating the friendship<br />

and good-neighbourly relations between them.<br />

Article 3<br />

Since mutual economic co-operation provi<strong>des</strong> a firm basis for peaceful<br />

and friendly relations and leads to the advancement of both countries, the<br />

two Contracting Parties shall promote mutual efforts aimed at the expansion<br />

of co-operation in all fields, for the benefit of both countries.<br />

Article 4<br />

In the event of a dispute or conflict of any kind, the two Contracting<br />

Parties shall prohibit the use of force against each other and shall strive<br />

to settle the dispute by peaceful means, in a spirit of friendship, brotherhood<br />

and good-neighbourly relations, in pursuance of the principles and resolutions<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, the League of Arab States, and the Organization<br />

of Africain Unity.<br />

Article 5<br />

Each Party undertakes not to join any alliance or confederacy directed<br />

against the other Party.<br />

Article 6<br />

In order to strengthen the ties of solidarity and brotherhood which<br />

bind their two fraternal peoples, in accordance with the spirit of goodneighbourliness<br />

and mutual confidence between them, the two Parties<br />

resolve to submit all matters pending between them to joint commissions<br />

No. 10095

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