Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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312 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 review. Appropriate adjustments to the value of the net fixed assets in operation of the Branch for purposes of paragraph (a) of this Section shall then be made to the extent agreed between the Borrower and the Association. At the same time, the minimum annual rate of return specified in paragraph (a) of this Section and the minimum average rate of depreciation for purposes of computing costs specified in paragraph 2(a) (ii) of Schedule 5 to this Agreement will also be reviewed by the Borrower and the Association in order to determine whether any adjustments are called for. Section 4.12. The principal of, and services charges on, the Credit shall be paid without deduction for, and free from, any taxes, and free from all restrictions, imposed under the laws of the Borrower or laws in effect in its territories. Section 4.13. The Development Credit Agreement shall be free from any taxes that shall be imposed under the laws of the Borrower or laws in effect in its territories on or in connection with the execution, delivery or registration thereof. Article V REMEDIES OF THE AsSOCIATION Section 5.01. If any event specified in Section 7.01 of the General Conditions shall occur and shall continue for the period, if any, therein set forth, then at any subsequent time during the continuance thereof, the Association, at its option, may by notice to the Borrower declare the principal of the Credit then outstanding to be due and payable immediately together with the service charges thereon and upon any such declaration such principal, together with such charges, shall become due and payable immediately, anything in this Development Credit Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding. Article VI EFFECTIVE DATE; TERMINATION Section 6.01. The date of August 1,1969 is hereby specified for the purposes of Section 10.04 of the General Conditions. Section 6.02. The obligations of the Borrower under Sections 4.02, 4.05, 4.09 and 4.11 of this Agreement shall terminate on the date on which this Development Credit Agreement shall terminate or on a date 30 years after the date of this Development Credit Agreement, whichever shall be the earlier. No. 10094

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 313 de l'alin~a a du present paragraphe, et dans la mesure convenue d'un commun accord entre l'Emprunteur et l'Association, il sera alors proc~d6 aux ajustements approprids de la valeur nette de l'actif fixe en exploitation du Service. Concurremment, l'Emprunteur et l'Association proc~deront aussi au r6- examen du taux de rendement annuel minimal stipul6 . l'alin~a a du pr6sent paragraphe, ainsi qu'au r6examen du taux minimal moyen d'amortissement servant h calculer les frais d'exploitation stipul~s . l'alin6a a, ii, du paragraphe 2 de l'annexe 5 au present Contrat, en vue de d~terminer si des ajustements sont n6cessaires. Paragraphe 4.12. Le remboursement du principal du Credit et le paiement des commissions y aff~rentes ne seront soumis h aucune d6duction h raison d'imp6ts quels qu'ils soient 6tablis, en vertu de la lgislation de l'Emprunteur ou des lois en vigueur dans ses territoires, et ne seront soumis h aucune restriction 6tablie en vertu de ladite l6gislation ou desdites lois. Paragraphe 4.13. Le pr6sent Contrat de cr6dit de d6veloppement sera franc de tout imp6t perqu en vertu de la lgislation de l'Emprunteur ou des lois en vigueur dans ses territoires, lors ou h l'occasion de sa signature, de sa remise ou de son enregistrement. Article V RECOURS DE L'AssoCIATION Paragraphe 5.01. Si l'un des faits spdcifi6s au paragraphe 7.01 des Conditions gdn~rales se produit et subsiste pendant la p6riode pr6vue le cas 6chdant dans ledit paragraphe, l'Association, tant que ledit fait subsistera, aura la facult6, par notification h l'Emprunteur, de ddclarer imm~diatement exigible le principal non rembours6 du Crddit, ainsi que les commissions y aff~rentes, et cette d6claration entrainera l'exigibilit6 du principal et des commissions du jour m~me ofi elle aura 6t6 faite, nonobstant toute disposition contraire du present Contrat de crddit de d6veloppement. Article VI DATE DE MISE EN VIGUEUR; RtSILIATION Paragraphe 6.01. La date sp~cifi6e aux fins du paragraphe 10.04 des Conditions gdndrales est le 1 e r aofit 1969. Paragraphe 6.02. Les obligations qui d~coulent pour l'Emprunteur des paragraphes 4.02, 4.05, 4.08, 4.09 et 4.11 du pr6sent Contrat prendront fin h la m~me date que le present Contrat de cr6dit de d6veloppement ou 30 ans apr~s la date du present Contrat de crddit de ddveloppement, selon celle des deux dates qui est la plus rapproch~e. No 10094

312 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

review. Appropriate adjustments to the value of the net fixed assets in<br />

operation of the Branch for purposes of paragraph (a) of this Section shall<br />

then be made to the extent agreed between the Borrower and the Association.<br />

At the same time, the minimum annual rate of return specified in<br />

paragraph (a) of this Section and the minimum average rate of depreciation<br />

for purposes of computing costs specified in paragraph 2(a) (ii) of Schedule<br />

5 to this Agreement will also be reviewed by the Borrower and the Association<br />

in order to determine whether any adjustments are called for.<br />

Section 4.12. The principal of, and services charges on, the Credit<br />

shall be paid without deduction for, and free from, any taxes, and free from<br />

all restrictions, imposed under the laws of the Borrower or laws in effect in<br />

its territories.<br />

Section 4.13. The Development Credit Agreement shall be free from<br />

any taxes that shall be imposed under the laws of the Borrower or laws in<br />

effect in its territories on or in connection with the execution, delivery or<br />

registration thereof.<br />

Article V<br />


Section 5.01. If any event specified in Section 7.01 of the General<br />

Conditions shall occur and shall continue for the period, if any, therein set<br />

forth, then at any subsequent time during the continuance thereof, the Association,<br />

at its option, may by notice to the Borrower declare the principal<br />

of the Credit then outstanding to be due and payable immediately together<br />

with the service charges thereon and upon any such declaration such principal,<br />

together with such charges, shall become due and payable immediately,<br />

anything in this Development Credit Agreement to the contrary notwithstanding.<br />

Article VI<br />


Section 6.01. The date of August 1,1969 is hereby specified for the<br />

purposes of Section 10.04 of the General Conditions.<br />

Section 6.02. The obligations of the Borrower under Sections 4.02,<br />

4.05, 4.09 and 4.11 of this Agreement shall terminate on the date on which<br />

this Development Credit Agreement shall terminate or on a date 30 years<br />

after the date of this Development Credit Agreement, whichever shall be the<br />

earlier.<br />

No. 10094

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