Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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262 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 be final and binding upon the parties to the Development Credit Agreement. Each party shall abide by and comply with any such award rendered by the Arbitral Tribunal in accordance with the provisions of this Section. (i) The parties shall fix the amount of the remuneration of ,the arbitrators and such other persons as shall be required for the conduct of the arbitration proceedings. If the parties shall not agree on such amount before the Arbitral Tribunal shall convene, the Arbitral Tribunal shall fix such amount as shall be reasonable under the circumstances. Each party shall defray its own expenses in the arbitration proceedings. The costs of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be divided between and borne equally by the parties. Any question concerning the division of the costs of the Arbitral Tribunal or the procedure for payment of such costs shall be determined by the Arbitral Tribunal. (j) The provisions for arbitration set forth in this Section shall be in lieu of any other procedure for the determination of controversies between the parties to the Development Credit Agreement and any claims by either party against the other party arising thereunder. (k) The Association shall not be entitled to enter judgment against the Borrower upon the award, to enforce the award against the Borrower by execution or to pursue any other remedy against the Borrower for the enforcement of the award, except as such procedure may be available against the Borrower otherwise than by reason of the provisions of this Section. If, within 30 days after counterparts of the award shall be delivered to the parties, the award shall not be complied with by the Association, the Borrower may take any such action for the enforcement of the award against the Association. (1) Service of any notice or process in connection with any proceeding under this Section or in connection with any proceeding to enforce any award rendered pursuant to this Section may be made in the manner provided in Section 9.01. The parties to the Development Credit Agreement waive any and all other requirements for the service of any such notice or process. Article IX MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS SECTION 9.01. Notices and Requests. Any notice or request required or permitted to be given or made under the Development Credit Agreement and any agreement between the parties contemplated by the Development Credit Agreement shall be in writing. Except as otherwise provided in Section 10.03 such notice or request shall be deemed to have been duly given or made when it shall be delivered by hand or by mail, telegram, cable, telex or radiogram to the party to which it is required or permitted to be given or made at such party's address specified in the Development Credit Agreement, or at such other address as such party shall have designated by notice to the party giving such notice or making such request. No. 10092

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 263 graphe sera definitive et obligatoire pour les parties au Contrat de credit de developpement. Les parties devront se soumettre et se conformer toute sentence rendue par le tribunal arbitral conform~ment aux dispositions du prdsent paragraphe. i) Les parties devront fixer le montant de la rdmundration des arbitres et de toutes autres personnes dont le concours peut 6tre n~cessaire pour la conduite de la procddure arbitrale. Si les parties ne se sont pas accorddes sur ce point avant que le tribunal ne se rdunisse, ce dernier fixera la r~mun~ration que justifient les circonstances. Chacune des parties paiera ses propres d~penses en ce qui touche la procedure d'arbitrage. Les frais du tribunal arbitral seront divisds dgaement entre les parties. Toute question relative L la r~partition des frais de la procedure d'arbitrage ou A leur mode de paiement sera r~gl~e par le tribunal arbitral. j) Les dispositions du present paragraphe relatives k l'arbitrage remplaceront toute autre procddure pour le r~glement des contestations qui s'6lveraient entre les parties au Contrat de credit de d~veloppement et pour toute rdclamation formulae par l'une des parties contre l'autre au sujet dudit Contrat. k) L'Association ne sera pas autoris~e , prendre jugement contre l'Emprunteur en vue de 'ex6cution de la sentence, A faire executer la sentence rendue contre l'Emprunteur par voie de contrainte ou h intenter toute autre action contre l'Emprunteur pour obtenir l'exdcution de la sentence, A. moins que cette voie de droit ne soit ouverte contre l'Emprunteur en vertu de dispositions autres que celles du present paragraphe. Si, dans un ddlai de 30 jours h compter de la remise aux parties des expeditions de la sentence, la d6cision du tribunal arbitral n'a pas dt6 exdcutde par l'Association, l'Emprunteur pourra recourir . toute mesure de cette nature pour faire ex~cuter la sentence rendue contre 'Association. 1) Toute notification ou tout acte relatif h une procedure engag~e en vertu du prdsent paragraphe ou se rapportant h toute procedure d'ex~cution d'une sentence rendue conform6ment au prdsent paragraphe pourront 6tre signifies dans les formes pr~vues au paragraphe 9.01. Les parties au Contrat de Crddit de d~veloppement renoncent A toutes autres formalitds pour la signification de ces actes ou notififications. Article IX PARAGRAPHE 9.01. DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES Notifications et demandes. Toute notification ou toute demande qui doit ou peut Wtre faite en vertu du Contrat de cr&dit de d~veloppement ou de tout contrat entre les parties pr~vu par le Contrat de cr6dit de d6veloppement sera faite par 6crit. Sauf stipulations contraires du paragraphe 10.03, cette notification ou demande sera r~put~e avoir W r~guli~rement faite lorsqu'elle aura 6t6 portde ou communiqu~e par la poste ou par t~l~gramme, cablogramme, telex ou radiogramme h la partie A qui cette notification ou cette demande doit ou peut 6tre faite, a l'adresse indiqude dans le Contrat de credit de ddveloppement, ou A telle autre adresse que ladite partie aura notifi6e a la partie qui fait la notification ou la demande. No 10092

262 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

be final and binding upon the parties to the Development Credit Agreement. Each<br />

party shall abide by and comply with any such award rendered by the Arbitral<br />

Tribunal in accordance with the provisions of this Section.<br />

(i) The parties shall fix the amount of the remuneration of ,the arbitrators<br />

and such other persons as shall be required for the conduct of the arbitration proceedings.<br />

If the parties shall not agree on such amount before the Arbitral Tribunal<br />

shall convene, the Arbitral Tribunal shall fix such amount as shall be reasonable under<br />

the circumstances. Each party shall defray its own expenses in the arbitration<br />

proceedings. The costs of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be divided between and<br />

borne equally by the parties. Any question concerning the division of the costs<br />

of the Arbitral Tribunal or the procedure for payment of such costs shall be determined<br />

by the Arbitral Tribunal.<br />

(j) The provisions for arbitration set forth in this Section shall be in lieu of<br />

any other procedure for the determination of controversies between the parties to<br />

the Development Credit Agreement and any claims by either party against the<br />

other party arising thereunder.<br />

(k) The Association shall not be entitled to enter judgment against the Borrower<br />

upon the award, to enforce the award against the Borrower by execution or to<br />

pursue any other remedy against the Borrower for the enforcement of the award,<br />

except as such procedure may be available against the Borrower otherwise than by<br />

reason of the provisions of this Section. If, within 30 days after counterparts of the<br />

award shall be delivered to the parties, the award shall not be complied with by the<br />

Association, the Borrower may take any such action for the enforcement of the<br />

award against the Association.<br />

(1) Service of any notice or process in connection with any proceeding under<br />

this Section or in connection with any proceeding to enforce any award rendered<br />

pursuant to this Section may be made in the manner provided in Section 9.01.<br />

The parties to the Development Credit Agreement waive any and all other requirements<br />

for the service of any such notice or process.<br />

Article IX<br />


SECTION 9.01. Notices and Requests. Any notice or request required or<br />

permitted to be given or made under the Development Credit Agreement and any<br />

agreement between the parties contemplated by the Development Credit Agreement<br />

shall be in writing. Except as otherwise provided in Section 10.03 such notice or<br />

request shall be deemed to have been duly given or made when it shall be delivered<br />

by hand or by mail, telegram, cable, telex or radiogram to the party to which it<br />

is required or permitted to be given or made at such party's address specified in<br />

the Development Credit Agreement, or at such other address as such party shall<br />

have <strong>des</strong>ignated by notice to the party giving such notice or making such request.<br />

No. 10092

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