Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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258 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Article VII ACCELERATION OF MATURITY SECTION 7.01. Events of Default. If any of the following events shall occur and shall continue for the period specified, if any, then at any subsequent time during the continuance thereof, the Association, at its option, may by notice to the Borrower declare the principal of the Credit then outstanding to be due and payable immediately together with the service charges thereon and upon any such declaration such principal, together with such charges, shall become due and payable immediately: (a) A default shall occur in the payment of principal or any other payment required under the Development Credit Agreement and such default shall continue for a period of thirty days. (b) A default shall occur in the payment of principal or interest or any other payment required under any other development credit agreement between the Association and the Borrower or under any loan agreement or under any guarantee agreement between the Borrower and the Bank or under any bond or similar instrument delivered pursuant to any such agreement and such default shall continue for a period of thirty days. (c) A default shall occur in the performance of any other obligation on the part of the Borrower under the Development Credit Agreement, and such default shall continue for a period of sixty days after notice thereof shall have been given by the Association to the Borrower. (d) Any other event specified in the Development Credit Agreement for the purposes of this Section shall have occurred and shall continue for the period, if any, specified in the Development Credit Agreement. Article VIII ENFORCEABILITY OF DEVELOPMENT CREDIT AGREEMENT; FAILURE TO EXERCISE RIGHTS; ARBITRATION SECTION 8.01. Enforceability. The rights and obligations of the Association and the Borrower under the Development Credit Agreement shall be valid and enforceable in accordance with their terms notwithstanding the law of any state, or political subdivision thereof, to the contrary. Neither the Association nor the Borrower shall be entitled in any proceeding under this Article to assert any claim that any provision of these General Conditions or the Development Credit Agreement is invalid or unenforceable because of any provision of the Articles of Agreement -of the Association or for any other reason. SECTION 8.02. Failure to Exercise Rights. No delay in exercising, or ommission to exercise, any right, power or remedy accruing to either party under the Development Credit Agreement upon any default shall impair any such right, power or No. 10092

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 259 Article VII EXIGIBILIT]t ANTICIPtE PARAGRAPHE 7.01. Manquements. Si Fun des faits 6numerds ci-dessous se produit et subsiste pendant la pdriode indiqu~e le cas dch~ant, l'Association aura h tout moment, tant que ce fait subsistera, la facult6 de ddclarer immddiatement exigibles, par vole de notification l'Emprunteur, le principal non rembours6 du Credit, ainsi que les commissions y aff~rentes, et cette d~claration entrainera l'exigibilit6 du jour oji elle aura 6t6 faite : a) Un manquement dans le remboursement du principal ou tout autre paiement prdvu dans le Contrat de crddit de d~veloppement, subsistant pendant 30 jours; b) Un manquement dans le remboursement du principal, le paiement des intrfts ou tout autre paiement pr6vu dans un autre contrat de cr6dit de d6veloppement entre l'Association et l'Emprunteur, dans un contrat d'emprunt ou de garantie entre l'Emprunteur et la Banque ou dans le texte d'une obligation ou d'un effet similaire remis conform~ment I un tel contrat, subsistant pendant trente jours; c) Un manquement dans l'ex~cution de toute autre obligation souscrite par l'Emprunteur dans le Contrat de credit de d~veloppement, subsistant pendant soixante jours A compter de sa notification par l'Association A l'Emprunteur; d) Tout autre fait sp6cifi6 dans le Contrat de crdit de d6veloppement aux fins du present paragraphe et subsistant pendant la pdriode indiqu~e le cas 6chdant dans ledit Contrat. Article VIII EXACUTION DU CONTRAT DE CRPDIT DE DAVELOPPEMENT; DAFAUT D'EXERCICE DES DROITS; ARBITRAGE PARAGRAPHE 8.01. Exicution. Les droits et obligations de l'Association et de l'Emprunteur qui sont stipulds dans le Contrat de credit de d~veloppement seront valables et produiront leurs effets conform~ment aux termes dans lesquels ils sont dnonces, nonobstant toute disposition contraire des lois et r~glements de tout Rtat ou de ses subdivisions politiques. Ni l'Association, ni l'Emprunteur ne seront fond~s, au cours d'une procedure engagde en vertu du present article, & invoquer le d~fant de vaidit6 ou de force exdcutoire d'une disposition des pr~sentes Conditions g~n~rales ou d'une stipulation du Contrat de credit de ddveloppement en se pr~valant d'une clause quelconque des statuts de l'Association ou de toute autre raison. PARAGRAPHE 8.02. Di/aut d'exercice des droits. Aucun retard ni aucune omission qui se produirait dans l'exercice des droits, pouvoirs ou recours que l'une des deux parties tient du Contrat de crddit de ddveloppement en cas de manquement NO 10092

258 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Article VII<br />


SECTION 7.01. Events of Default. If any of the following events shall occur<br />

and shall continue for the period specified, if any, then at any subsequent time<br />

during the continuance thereof, the Association, at its option, may by notice to the<br />

Borrower declare the principal of the Credit then outstanding to be due and payable<br />

immediately together with the service charges thereon and upon any such declaration<br />

such principal, together with such charges, shall become due and payable<br />

immediately:<br />

(a) A default shall occur in the payment of principal or any other payment required<br />

under the Development Credit Agreement and such default shall continue for<br />

a period of thirty days.<br />

(b) A default shall occur in the payment of principal or interest or any other payment<br />

required under any other development credit agreement between the Association<br />

and the Borrower or under any loan agreement or under any guarantee agreement<br />

between the Borrower and the Bank or under any bond or similar instrument<br />

delivered pursuant to any such agreement and such default shall continue for<br />

a period of thirty days.<br />

(c) A default shall occur in the performance of any other obligation on the part<br />

of the Borrower under the Development Credit Agreement, and such default<br />

shall continue for a period of sixty days after notice thereof shall have been<br />

given by the Association to the Borrower.<br />

(d) Any other event specified in the Development Credit Agreement for the purposes<br />

of this Section shall have occurred and shall continue for the period, if<br />

any, specified in the Development Credit Agreement.<br />

Article VIII<br />



SECTION 8.01. Enforceability. The rights and obligations of the Association<br />

and the Borrower under the Development Credit Agreement shall be valid and<br />

enforceable in accordance with their terms notwithstanding the law of any state,<br />

or political subdivision thereof, to the contrary. Neither the Association nor the<br />

Borrower shall be entitled in any proceeding under this Article to assert any claim<br />

that any provision of these General Conditions or the Development Credit Agreement<br />

is invalid or unenforceable because of any provision of the Articles of Agreement<br />

-of the Association or for any other reason.<br />

SECTION 8.02. Failure to Exercise Rights. No delay in exercising, or ommission<br />

to exercise, any right, power or remedy accruing to either party under the Development<br />

Credit Agreement upon any default shall impair any such right, power or<br />

No. 10092

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