Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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246 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 5. The term Borrower means the member of the Association to which the Credit is granted. 6. The term currency of a country means such coin or currency as at the time referred to is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts in that country. 7. The term dollars and the sign $ mean dollars in currency of the United States of America. 8. The term Credit Account means the account on the books of the Association to which the amount of the Credit is to be credited as provided in Section 3.01. 9. The term Project means the project or projects or program or programs for which the Credit is granted, as described in the Development Credit Agreement and as the description thereof shall be amended from time to time by agreement between the Association and the Borrower. 10. The term Effective Date means the date on which the Development Credit Agreement shall come into force and effect as provided in Section 10.03. 11. The terms tax and taxes include imposts, levies, fees and duties of any nature, whether in effect at the date of the Development Credit Agreement or thereafter imposed. 12. The term Closing Date means the date specified in the Development Credit Agreement as of which the Association may by notice to the Borrower terminate the right of the Borrower to withdraw from the Credit Account any amount theretofore unwithdrawn. SECTION 2.02. References. References in these General Conditions to Articles or Sections are to Articles or Sections of these General Conditions. SECTION 2.03. Headings. The headings of the Articles and Sections and the Table of Contents are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not a part of these General Conditions. Article III CREDIT ACCOUNT; SERVICE CHARGES; PLACE OF PAYMENT REPAYMENT; SECTION 3.01. Credit Account. The amount of the Credit shall be credited to a Credit Account which the Association shall open on its books in the name of the Credit Account as provided in the Development Credit Agreement and in these General Conditions. SECTION 3.02. Service Charges. A service charge at the rate specified in the Development Credit Agreement shall be payable on the principal amount of the Credit withdrawn from the Credit Account and outstanding from time to time. No. 10092

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitgs 247 5. Le terme (l'Emprunteur ddsigne le membre de l'Association auquel le Crddit est consenti. 6. Le terme ( monnaie )) d6signe les esp6ces ou billets de banque ayant, & l'poque considdr~e, pouvoir lib~ratoire pour le paiement des dettes publiques et privies du pays mentionn6. 7. Le terme ((dollars)) et le signe c($)) ddsignent des dollars en monnaie des Rtats-Unis d'Amdrique. 8. L'expression ale Compte du credit D d6signe le compte ouvert dans les livres de l'Association et qui doit tre cr~dit6 du montant du Credit conform6ment au paragraphe 3.01. 9. Le terme ale ProjetD) d6signe le projet ou les projets ou le programme ou les programmes pour lesquels le Credit est accord6 et dont la description figure au Contrat de credit de d~veloppement et pourra Wtre modifide de temps a autre par convention entre l'Association et l'Emprunteur. 10. L'expression ( la date de mise en vigueur ddsigne la date a laquelle le Contrat de credit de d6veloppement entre en vigueur et prend effet conform6ment au paragraphe 10.03. 11. Les termes ((imp6t)) et c(imp6ts ), comprennent les imp6ts, droits, taxes et prdl~vements de toute nature existant a la date du Contrat de credit de d~veloppement ou 6tablis ult~rieurement. 12. L'expression ((la date de cl6ture d6signe la date, sp~cifi~e dans le Contrat de credit de d~veloppement, A partir de laquelle l'Association peut, par voie de notification a l'Emprunteur, mettre fin au droit qu'il a de retirer du Compte du cr6dit tout montant non encore pr~lev6. PARAGRAPHE 2.02. Ri!irences. Toute mention d'un article ou d'un paragraphe dans les pr~sentes Conditions g6n~rales vise un article ou un paragraphe desdites Conditions g~n~rales. PARAGRAPHE 2.03. Titres. Les titres des articles et des paragraphes et la table des mati~res n'ont d'autre objet que de faciliter la consultation du texte et ne font pas partie des pr~sentes Conditions gdn6rales. Article III COMPTE DU CR]DIT; COMMISSIONS; REMBOURSEMENT; LIEU DE PAIEMENT PARAGRAPHE 3.01. Compte du cridit. Le montant du Crddit sera port6 au cr6dit d'un Compte du credit que l'Association ouvrira dans ses livres au nom de l'Emprunteur. Le montant du Crddit pourra 6tre pr~lev6 sur le Compte du credit selon les modalit~s pr~vues dans le Contrat de crddit de ddveloppement et dans les pr~sentes Conditions g6n6rales. PARAGRAPHE 3.02. Commissions. Une commission, au taux stipul6 dans le Contrat de credit de d6veloppement, sera payable sur la fraction du principal du Cr6dit pr~lev~e sur le Compte du cr6dit et non encore remboursde. Une commission No 10092

246 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

5. The term Borrower means the member of the Association to which the Credit<br />

is granted.<br />

6. The term currency of a country means such coin or currency as at the time<br />

referred to is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts in that country.<br />

7. The term dollars and the sign $ mean dollars in currency of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

of America.<br />

8. The term Credit Account means the account on the books of the Association<br />

to which the amount of the Credit is to be credited as provided in Section 3.01.<br />

9. The term Project means the project or projects or program or programs for<br />

which the Credit is granted, as <strong>des</strong>cribed in the Development Credit Agreement<br />

and as the <strong>des</strong>cription thereof shall be amended from time to time by agreement<br />

between the Association and the Borrower.<br />

10. The term Effective Date means the date on which the Development Credit<br />

Agreement shall come into force and effect as provided in Section 10.03.<br />

11. The terms tax and taxes include imposts, levies, fees and duties of any<br />

nature, whether in effect at the date of the Development Credit Agreement or thereafter<br />

imposed.<br />

12. The term Closing Date means the date specified in the Development Credit<br />

Agreement as of which the Association may by notice to the Borrower terminate<br />

the right of the Borrower to withdraw from the Credit Account any amount theretofore<br />

unwithdrawn.<br />

SECTION 2.02. References. References in these General Conditions to Articles<br />

or Sections are to Articles or Sections of these General Conditions.<br />

SECTION 2.03. Headings. The headings of the Articles and Sections and the<br />

Table of Contents are inserted for convenience of reference only and are not a part<br />

of these General Conditions.<br />

Article III<br />




SECTION 3.01. Credit Account. The amount of the Credit shall be credited<br />

to a Credit Account which the Association shall open on its books in the name of<br />

the Credit Account as provided in the Development Credit Agreement and in these<br />

General Conditions.<br />

SECTION 3.02. Service Charges. A service charge at the rate specified in the<br />

Development Credit Agreement shall be payable on the principal amount of the<br />

Credit withdrawn from the Credit Account and outstanding from time to time.<br />

No. 10092

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