Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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240 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 SCHEDULE 2 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT The Project is Stage II of the Plan of the Borrower for irrigation, drainage and on-farm development in the Adana Plain and consists in the irrigation and drainage of about 39,250 hectares and on-farm development of about 48,250 irrigable hectares, the formulation and implementation of a five-year extension program, the provision of agricultural credit and the undertaking of a study on water charges. The Project includes: A. Irrigation and Drainage Works The construction, from designs and under the supervision of consultants, of (1) new headworks at Seyhan Reservoir to serve Units 2TP and 5YP, (2) canals, drains and gravity irrigation distribution systems to serve about 39,250 hectares in Units 1TP, 2TP, 3TP, 2YP, and 5YP and (3) related operational and maintenance facilities; B. On-Farm Development On-farm development under the supervision of consultants of about 48,250 hectares (including about 9,000 hectares provided with irrigation and drainage facilities in Stage I of the Plan), consisting in (1) land-levelling, (2) installation of on-farm tile drainage systems (3) excavation of surface drains and (4) construction of feeder roads; C. Pipe Plant The construction and equipment of a plant for the production of the concrete pipe required for the irrigation works included in A above; and D. Training The training outside of Turkey in irrigation and land-levelling works and in agricultural extension services of personnel of the Borrower, in connection with A and B above. The Project is expected to be completed by March 31, 1975. SCHEDULE 3 PROCUREMENT 1. Services procured to carry out on-farm development and to be financed out of the proceeds of the Credit under Category IV of Schedule 1 need not be procured on the basis of international competitive bidding. 2. With respect to any contract involving expenditures equivalent to $100,000 or less in the case of civil works or $25,000 or less in the case of purchases of machinery, equipment or materials, copies of all tender documents, including the evaluation reports, and of the executed contract shall be sent to the Association promptly after the execution of any such contract and prior to the submission to the Asso- No. 10092

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 241 ANNEXE 2 DESCRIPTION DO PROJET Le Projet reprdsente la phase II du Plan 6tabli par r'Emprunteur pour l'irrigation, le drainage et la mise en valeur des exploitations agricoles de la plaine d'Adana; il s'agit d'irriguer et de drainer environ 39 250 hectares et de mettre en valeur 48 250 hectares environ de terres irrigables dans les exploitations agricoles, de formuler et d'ex6cuter un programme quinquennal de vulgarisation, de fournir des credits agricoles et d'entreprendre une 6tude des tarifs de vente d'eau. Le Projet comprend les 616ments suivants A. Travaux d'irrigation et de drainage La construction, sur la base de plans et sons la surveillance d'ing6nieurs-conseil, 1) de nouveaux travaux dart au r6servoir de Seyhan pour desservir les lots 2TP et 5YP, 2) de r~seaux de canaux, de canalisations et de r6partition de l'eau d'irrigation par gravit6 pour desservir environ 39 250 hectares dans les lots ITP, 2TP, 3TP, 2YP et 5YP, et 3) d'installations op~rationnelles connexes et d'installations d'entretien; B. Mise en valeur des exploitations agricoles Mise en valeur, sous la surveillance d'ingdnieurs-conseil, d'environ 48 250 hectares d'exploitations agricoles (dont 9 000 hectares environ 6quipds d'installations d'irrigation et de drainage au cours de la phase I du Plan) comprenant les travaux suivants : 1) nivellement des terrains, 2) installation de r~seaux d'irrigation en tuiles dans les exploitations, 3) d6blaiement des canalisations de surface et 4) construction de routes d'acc~s; C. Usine de conduites d'eau La construction et l'6quipement d'une usine produisant les conduites en ciment n~cessaires aux travaux d'irrigation pr~vus sous A; D. Formation La formation, hors de Turquie, du personnel de l'Emprunteur aux technique d'irrigation et de nivellement des terrains ainsi qu'aux activitds de vulgarisation agricole dans le cadre des points A et B. II est pr~vu que le Projet sera achev6 le 31 mars 1975. ANNEXE 3 PASSATION DES MARCHAS 1. I1 n'est pas n6cessaire de se procurer par voie d'adjudication internationale les services destines A la mise en valeur des exploitations agricoles qui doivent 8tre finances grace aux fonds provenant du Credit au titre de la cat~gorie IV de l'annexe 1. 2. Pour tout contrat comportant des drpenses 6quivalant A 100 000 dollars au maximum s'il s'agit de travaux de construction ou . 25 000 dollars au maximum s'il s'agit d'achats de machines, d'dquipement ou de mat~riaux, copie de tous les projets de soumissions, et notamment des rapports d'6valuation et des contrats sign~s sera envoyde L 'Association dans les plus brefs d~lais apr~s signature et avant No 10092

240 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

SCHEDULE 2<br />


The Project is Stage II of the Plan of the Borrower for irrigation, drainage and<br />

on-farm development in the Adana Plain and consists in the irrigation and drainage<br />

of about 39,250 hectares and on-farm development of about 48,250 irrigable hectares,<br />

the formulation and implementation of a five-year extension program, the<br />

provision of agricultural credit and the undertaking of a study on water charges.<br />

The Project inclu<strong>des</strong>:<br />

A. Irrigation and Drainage Works<br />

The construction, from <strong>des</strong>igns and under the supervision of consultants, of<br />

(1) new headworks at Seyhan Reservoir to serve Units 2TP and 5YP, (2) canals,<br />

drains and gravity irrigation distribution systems to serve about 39,250 hectares<br />

in Units 1TP, 2TP, 3TP, 2YP, and 5YP and (3) related operational and maintenance<br />

facilities;<br />

B. On-Farm Development<br />

On-farm development under the supervision of consultants of about 48,250 hectares<br />

(including about 9,000 hectares provided with irrigation and drainage facilities in<br />

Stage I of the Plan), consisting in (1) land-levelling, (2) installation of on-farm<br />

tile drainage systems (3) excavation of surface drains and (4) construction of feeder<br />

roads;<br />

C. Pipe Plant<br />

The construction and equipment of a plant for the production of the concrete<br />

pipe required for the irrigation works included in A above; and<br />

D. Training<br />

The training outside of Turkey in irrigation and land-levelling works and in<br />

agricultural extension services of personnel of the Borrower, in connection with A<br />

and B above.<br />

The Project is expected to be completed by March 31, 1975.<br />

SCHEDULE 3<br />


1. Services procured to carry out on-farm development and to be financed out of<br />

the proceeds of the Credit under Category IV of Schedule 1 need not be procured on<br />

the basis of international competitive bidding.<br />

2. With respect to any contract involving expenditures equivalent to $100,000 or<br />

less in the case of civil works or $25,000 or less in the case of purchases of machinery,<br />

equipment or materials, copies of all tender documents, including the evaluation<br />

reports, and of the executed contract shall be sent to the Association promptly<br />

after the execution of any such contract and prior to the submission to the Asso-<br />

No. 10092

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