Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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198 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Section 5.02. The Borrower shall cause the works and facilities included in the Project to be operated and maintained, and to be renewed from time to time as necessary, in accordance with sound agricultural, engineering, economic and financial policies and practices and shall take such action as shall be reasonably required to ensure the economic use of the water made available by such works for agricultural development and power generation. Section 5.03. (a) In carrying out and operating the Project or any part thereof the Borrower shall coordinate the activities of its departments and agencies in respect thereof in accordance with sound administrative, agricultural, engineering, economic and financial policies and practices and under experienced and competent management, and in particular shall cause the arrangements for coordination established for Stage I of the Seyhan irrigation project to continue to function for Stage II. (b) The Borrower shall cause DSI, Topraksu and the Agricultural Bank to have such powers, facilities and resources as are necessary for the diligent and efficient carrying out and operation of the Project. Any import, exchange or other licenses required for the importation of goods or the supply of services for the Project shall be issued by the Borrower without delay. Section 5.04. (a) The Borrower and the Bank shall cooperate fully to ensure that the purposes of the Loan will be accomplished. To that end, the Borrower and the Bank shall from time to time, at the request of either party, exchange views through their representatives with regard to the performance by the Borrower of its obligations under the Loan Agreement, the administration, operations and financial condition with respect to the Project, of DSI, Topraksu and any other agency of the Borrower responsible for the carrying out of the Project or any part thereof, and other matters relating to the purposes of the Loan. (b) The Borrower shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Bank all such information as the Bank shall reasonably request concerning the Loan and the maintenance of the service thereof, the expenditure of the proceeds of the Loan, the goods and services financed out of such proceeds, the Project, and the administration, operations and financial condition with respect to the Project, DSI, Topraksu and any other agency of the Borrower responsible for the carrying out of the Project or any part thereof. Such information shall include information with respect to financial and economic conditions in the territories of the Borrower and the international balance of payments position of the Borrower. (c) The Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank of any condition which interferes with, or threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment No. 10091

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 199 Paragraphe 5.02. L'Emprunteur veillera h ce que les ouvrages et installations visds dans le Projet soient exploitds, entretenus et, le cas dchdant, renouvelds de temps h autre conform~ment aux pratiques et principes d'une saine gestion agricole, technique, dconomique et financi~re; il prendra toutes les mesures qui seront raisonnablement n6cessaires pour s'assurer que l'eau obtenue grace h ces travaux pour l'am~nagement rural et la production d'6nergie sera utilisde de faqon 6conomique. Paragraphe 5.03. a) L'Emprunteur coordonnera les activit~s de ses d6partements et de ses organismes en ce qui concerne 1'exdcution et l'exploitation du Projet ou d'une partie quelconque du Projet, conformdment aux principes et pratiques d'une saine gestion administrative, agricole, technique, &onomique et financire, avec un personnel de direction exp~riment6 et competent; il fera notamment en sorte que les dispositions adopt6es en mati~re de coordination pour la phase I du Projet d'irrigation de Seyhan continuent d'6tre appliqu6es pour la phase II du Projet. b) L'Emprunteur veillera h ce que le DSI, le Topraksu et la Banque agricole disposent des pouvoirs, moyens et ressources n~cessaires pour ex~cuter et exploiter le Projet avec la diligence et l'efficacitd voulues. 1 ddlivrera sans retard les licences d'importation, autorisations de change ou autres qui sont n~cessaires A l'importation des marchandises ou k l'obtention des services pour le Projet. Paragraphe 5.04. a) L'Emprunteur et la Banque coop~reront pleinement h la r~alisation des fins de 'Emprunt. A cet effet, si l'une ou l'autre partie le demande, ils conf6reront de temps L autre par l'interm6diaire de leurs reprdsentants sur des questions relatives h l'ex~cution par l'Emprunteur des obligations qui lui incombent aux termes du Contrat d'emprunt, h la gestion, h l'ex~cution et au financement du Projet par le DSI, le Topraksu et tout autre organisme de l'Emprunteur charg6 d'exdcuter le Projet ou une partie de celui-ci, et sur d'autres questions relatives aux fins de l'Emprunt. b) L'Emprunteur fournira ou fera fournir h la Banque tous les renseignements que celle-ci pourra raisonnablement demander sur l'Emprunt et la r6gularit6 de son service, l'emploi des fonds qui en proviennent, les marchandises et services finances h l'aide de ces fonds et le Projet, ainsi que sur la gestion, l'ex&ution et le financement du Projet par le DSI, le Topraksu et tout autre organisme de l'Emprunteur chargd de l'ex6cution du Projet ou d'une partie de celui-ci. Ces renseignements devront porter notamment sur la situation 6conomique et financi~re dans les territoires de l'Emprunteur et sur sa balance des paiements. c) L'Emprunteur informera la Banque sans retard de toute situation qui g~nerait ou menacerait de goner la r6alisation des fins de 'Emprunt, la No 10091

198 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Section 5.02. The Borrower shall cause the works and facilities<br />

included in the Project to be operated and maintained, and to be renewed<br />

from time to time as necessary, in accordance with sound agricultural,<br />

engineering, economic and financial policies and practices and shall take<br />

such action as shall be reasonably required to ensure the economic use of<br />

the water made available by such works for agricultural development and<br />

power generation.<br />

Section 5.03. (a) In carrying out and operating the Project or any<br />

part thereof the Borrower shall coordinate the activities of its departments<br />

and agencies in respect thereof in accordance with sound administrative,<br />

agricultural, engineering, economic and financial policies and practices and<br />

under experienced and competent management, and in particular shall<br />

cause the arrangements for coordination established for Stage I of the<br />

Seyhan irrigation project to continue to function for Stage II.<br />

(b) The Borrower shall cause DSI, Topraksu and the Agricultural Bank<br />

to have such powers, facilities and resources as are necessary for the diligent<br />

and efficient carrying out and operation of the Project. Any import, exchange<br />

or other licenses required for the importation of goods or the supply of<br />

services for the Project shall be issued by the Borrower without delay.<br />

Section 5.04. (a) The Borrower and the Bank shall cooperate fully<br />

to ensure that the purposes of the Loan will be accomplished. To that end,<br />

the Borrower and the Bank shall from time to time, at the request of either<br />

party, exchange views through their representatives with regard to the<br />

performance by the Borrower of its obligations under the Loan Agreement,<br />

the administration, operations and financial condition with respect to the<br />

Project, of DSI, Topraksu and any other agency of the Borrower responsible<br />

for the carrying out of the Project or any part thereof, and other matters<br />

relating to the purposes of the Loan.<br />

(b) The Borrower shall furnish or cause to be furnished to the Bank<br />

all such information as the Bank shall reasonably request concerning the<br />

Loan and the maintenance of the service thereof, the expenditure of the<br />

proceeds of the Loan, the goods and services financed out of such proceeds,<br />

the Project, and the administration, operations and financial condition<br />

with respect to the Project, DSI, Topraksu and any other agency of the<br />

Borrower responsible for the carrying out of the Project or any part thereof.<br />

Such information shall include information with respect to financial and<br />

economic conditions in the territories of the Borrower and the international<br />

balance of payments position of the Borrower.<br />

(c) The Borrower shall promptly inform the Bank of any condition<br />

which interferes with, or threatens to interfere with, the accomplishment<br />

No. 10091

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