Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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188 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 LOAN AGREEMENT' AGREEMENT, dated February 28, 1969, between REPUBLIC OF TURKEY (hereinafter called the Borrower) and INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank) : WHEREAS, pursuant to the development credit agreement between the Borrower and the International Development Association (hereinafter called the Association) dated May 31, 19632, the Association is assisting in the financing of Stage I of the Seyhan irrigation project, as therein described; WHEREAS the Borrower has requested the Bank and the Association to assist in the financing of Stage II of such project; and WHEREAS the Bank and the Association have agreed to make available to the Borrower an amount in various currencies equivalent to twenty-four million dollars ($24,000,000) to assist in such financing in the form of a loan in various currencies equivalent to twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) made by the Bank and a development credit in various currencies equivalent to twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) granted by the Association (hereinafter called the Credit), on the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter and in the development credit agreement between the Borrower and the Association of even date herewith (hereinafter called the Development Credit Agreement 3 ); Now THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows Article I GENERAL CONDITIONS; SPECIAL DEFINITIONS Section 1.01. The parties to this Agreement accept all the provisions of the General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements of the Bank, dated January 31, 19694, with the same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein (said General Conditions Applicable to Loan 1 Came into force on 17 June 1969, upon notification by the Bank to the Government of Turkey. 2 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 480, p. 127. 3 See p. 219 of this volume. 4 See p. 216 of this volume. No. 10091

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 189 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] CONTRAT D'EMPRUNT I CONTRAT, en date du 28 f~vrier 1969, entre la RIPUBLIQUE TURQUE (ci-apr~s d~nomm~e l'Emprunteur )) et la BANQUE INTERNATIONALE POUR LA RECONSTRUCTION ET LE DAVELOPPEMENT (ci-apr~s d~nomm6e ((la Banque *) : CONSIDPRANT qu'aux termes du Contrat de credit de d~veloppement conclu entre l'Emprunteur et l'Association internationale de d~veloppement (ci-apr~s d~nomm6e ( l'Association ))) le 31 mai 19632, l'Association contribue au financement de la phase I du Projet d'irrigation du Seyhan, conform6ment aux dispositions prdvues dans ledit Contrat; CONSIDtRANT que l'Emprunteur a demand6 h la Banque et h l'Association de contribuer au financement de la phase II dudit Projet; CONSIDRANT que la Banque et l'Association ont consenti h l'Emprunteur un pr~t en diverses monnaies d'un montant total 6quivalent h vingtquatre millions (24 000 000) de dollars pour contribuer h ce financement, la Banque octroyant un pr&t en diverses monnaies dquivalent b douze millions (12 000 000) de dollars et l'Association un credit de d~veloppement en diverses monnaies 6quivalent h douze millions (12 000 000) de dollars (ci-apr~s d~nomm6 #le Credit ))) aux clauses et conditions stipul~es ci-apr~s ainsi que dans le Contrat de credit de d~veloppement de m~me date conclu entre l'Emprunteur et l'Association (ci-apr~s d~nomm6 # le Contrat de credit de d~veloppement 3 >); Les parties aux pr~sentes sont convenues de ce qui suit A rticle premier CONDITIONS GINtRALES; DEIFINITIONS PARTICULItRES Paragraphe 1.01. Les parties au present Contrat acceptent toutes les dispositions pr6vues dans les Conditions g6n6rales applicables aux contrats d'emprunt et de garantie de la Banque, en date du 31 janvier 19694, et leur reconnaissent la m~me force obligatoire et les m~mes effets que si elles I Entr6 en vigueur le 17 juin 1969, d~s notification par la Banque an Gouvernement turc. 2 Nations Unies, Recueil des Traits, vol. 480, p. 127. 8 Voir p. 219 du prdsent volume. I Voir p. 217 du prdsent volume. No 10091

188 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />


AGREEMENT, dated February 28, 1969, between REPUBLIC OF<br />

TURKEY (hereinafter called the Borrower) and INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR<br />

RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT (hereinafter called the Bank) :<br />

WHEREAS, pursuant to the development credit agreement between<br />

the Borrower and the International Development Association (hereinafter<br />

called the Association) dated May 31, 19632, the Association is assisting in<br />

the financing of Stage I of the Seyhan irrigation project, as therein <strong>des</strong>cribed;<br />

WHEREAS the Borrower has requested the Bank and the Association<br />

to assist in the financing of Stage II of such project; and<br />

WHEREAS the Bank and the Association have agreed to make available<br />

to the Borrower an amount in various currencies equivalent to twenty-four<br />

million dollars ($24,000,000) to assist in such financing in the form of a<br />

loan in various currencies equivalent to twelve million dollars ($12,000,000)<br />

made by the Bank and a development credit in various currencies equivalent<br />

to twelve million dollars ($12,000,000) granted by the Association (hereinafter<br />

called the Credit), on the terms and conditions set forth hereinafter<br />

and in the development credit agreement between the Borrower and the<br />

Association of even date herewith (hereinafter called the Development<br />

Credit Agreement 3 );<br />

Now THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows<br />

Article I<br />


Section 1.01. The parties to this Agreement accept all the provisions<br />

of the General Conditions Applicable to Loan and Guarantee Agreements<br />

of the Bank, dated January 31, 19694, with the same force and effect as if<br />

they were fully set forth herein (said General Conditions Applicable to Loan<br />

1 Came into force on 17 June 1969, upon notification by the Bank to the Government of<br />

Turkey.<br />

2 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong>, vol. 480, p. 127.<br />

3 See p. 219 of this volume.<br />

4 See p. 216 of this volume.<br />

No. 10091

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