Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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156 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 (b) Where an insurance authority of one of the Contracting States has withdrawn or reduced an annuity which was payable in respect of periods prior to the date of the entry into force of the Convention or has refused to pay an annuity in respect of such periods on the ground that the industrial accident (or occupational disease) or the insurance periods concerned was (were) assigned to an insurance authority of the other Contracting State under the Convention concerning Social Insurance referred to in article 53 of the Convention or under the statutory arrangement made pursuant to letter No. V, 1 annexed to the Financial and Compensation Treaty referred to in article 53 of the Convention, the insurance authority of the first-mentioned Contracting State shall render a new decision in respect of the period beginning not earlier than 1 January 1953. In rendering its decision it shall not take (aa) Articles 23 and 24 of the First Convention referred to in article 53 of the Convention, (bb) Part III of the Second Convention referred to in article 53 of the Convention or (cc) The statutory arrangement made pursuant to letter No. V, 1 annexed to the Financial and Compensation Treaty referred to in article 53 of the Convention into consideration for the purpose of determining and paying the annuity. The preceding sentences shall not apply in cases where a German insurance authority revises an annuity the payment of which was refused, provided that the conditions prescribed in subparagraph (b), 2 (b) and 2 (c), above are met. (c) In the cases referred to in subparagraph (b), 3 (a) and 3 (b), above, a decision shall be rendered on request. A decision Proprio motu shall not be precluded. The insurance authority competent to render the decision shall take into account benefits granted by an insurance authority of the other Contracting State in respect of the same industrial accident (or occupational disease) or the same insurance periods for the same period. Where the benefits granted by the latter insurance authority were based only partly on insurance periods that had also been taken into account by the insurance authority competent to render the decision, they shall be taken into account proportionately to the ratio of the above-mentioned periods to the aggregate of all periods on which the benefits granted by the insurance authority of the other Contracting State are based. 4. Benefits granted by a German accident insurance authority or annuities insurance authority for periods prior to or following the entry into force of the Convention in respect of industrial accidents (or No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 157 b) Lorsque l'organisme de l'un des P-tats contractants a retir6 ou rdduit une rente concernant des p~riodes ant6rieures h la date d'entrde en vigueur de l'Accord, ou a refus6 de verser une rente concernant lesdites p~riodes parce que l'accident du travail (ou la maladie professionnelle) ou les pdriodes d'assurance en question relevaient de la comptence d'un organisme de l'autre P-tat contractant en vertu des Accords relatifs h la s6curit6 sociale mentionnds lk 'article 53 de l'Accord ou en vertu du r~glement pris conform& ment h la lettre no V, 1, annex6e au Trait6 financier et de compensation mentionn6 h l'article 53 de l'Accord, 1'organisme d'assurance du premier ittat contractant prend une nouvelle ddcision portant sur la pdriode commen ant au plus t6t le ler janvier 1953. Pour cette d.cision concernant la liquidation et le service de la rente, l'organisme d'assurance ne tient pas compte des dispositions suivantes : aa) Les articles 23 et 24 du premier Accord mentionn6 h l'article 53 de l'Accord, bb) La troisi~me partie du deuxi~me Accord mentionn6 h l'article 53 de l'Accord et cc) Le r~glement pris conform6ment h la lettre n ° V, 1, annexde au Trait6 financier et de compensation mentionn6 h 'article 53 de l'Accord. Si les conditions prescrites aux alindas b, 2, b et c, sont rdunies, les phrases qui precedent ne s'appliquent pas au cas ofi un organisme allemand r6vise une rente dont le paiement a t6 refus6. c) Dans les cas vis~s aux alindas b, 3, a, et b, ci-dessus, la ddcision est prise sur presentation d'une demande. Une d6cision d'office n'est pas exclue. L'organisme competent pour prendre la decision tient compte des prestations servies pour la m~me p6riode par l'organisme d'assurance de l'autre IEtat contractant en ce qui concerne le mme accident de travail (ou la mme maladie professionnelle) ou les m~mes pdriodes d'assurance. Lorsque les prestations accord~es par ce dernier organisme ne reposent que partiellement sur des p~riodes d'assurance 6galement prises en compte par 1'organisme compdtent pour prendre la ddcision, elles sont prises en compte proportionnellement au rapport entre les pdriodes susmentionn~es et la somme des pdriodes sur lesquelles sont fond6es les prestations de L'organisme de l'autre Ittat contractant. 4. Les prestations accord~es par un organisme allemand d'assuranceaccident ou d'assurance-rente pour les pdriodes antdrieures ou post& rieures 5. l'entrde en vigueur de l'Accord en ce qui concerne des acci- NO 10090

156 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

(b) Where an insurance authority of one of the Contracting States<br />

has withdrawn or reduced an annuity which was payable in<br />

respect of periods prior to the date of the entry into force of the<br />

Convention or has refused to pay an annuity in respect of such<br />

periods on the ground that the industrial accident (or occupational<br />

disease) or the insurance periods concerned was (were)<br />

assigned to an insurance authority of the other Contracting State<br />

under the Convention concerning Social Insurance referred to in<br />

article 53 of the Convention or under the statutory arrangement<br />

made pursuant to letter No. V, 1 annexed to the Financial and<br />

Compensation <strong>Treaty</strong> referred to in article 53 of the Convention,<br />

the insurance authority of the first-mentioned Contracting State<br />

shall render a new decision in respect of the period beginning not<br />

earlier than 1 January 1953. In rendering its decision it shall not<br />

take<br />

(aa) Articles 23 and 24 of the First Convention referred to in<br />

article 53 of the Convention,<br />

(bb) Part III of the Second Convention referred to in article 53<br />

of the Convention or<br />

(cc) The statutory arrangement made pursuant to letter No. V, 1<br />

annexed to the Financial and Compensation <strong>Treaty</strong> referred<br />

to in article 53 of the Convention<br />

into consideration for the purpose of determining and paying<br />

the annuity. The preceding sentences shall not apply in cases<br />

where a German insurance authority revises an annuity the payment<br />

of which was refused, provided that the conditions prescribed<br />

in subparagraph (b), 2 (b) and 2 (c), above are met.<br />

(c) In the cases referred to in subparagraph (b), 3 (a) and 3 (b), above,<br />

a decision shall be rendered on request. A decision Proprio motu<br />

shall not be precluded. The insurance authority competent to<br />

render the decision shall take into account benefits granted by<br />

an insurance authority of the other Contracting State in respect<br />

of the same industrial accident (or occupational disease) or the<br />

same insurance periods for the same period. Where the benefits<br />

granted by the latter insurance authority were based only partly<br />

on insurance periods that had also been taken into account by<br />

the insurance authority competent to render the decision, they<br />

shall be taken into account proportionately to the ratio of the<br />

above-mentioned periods to the aggregate of all periods on which<br />

the benefits granted by the insurance authority of the other<br />

Contracting State are based.<br />

4. Benefits granted by a German accident insurance authority or annuities<br />

insurance authority for periods prior to or following the entry<br />

into force of the Convention in respect of industrial accidents (or<br />

No. 10090

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