Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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140 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 FINAL PROTOCOL TO THE CONVENTION BETWEEN THE REPU BLIC OF AUSTRIA AND THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GER- MANY ON SOCIAL SECURITY At the time of signing the Convention on Social Security concluded this day between the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany, the plenipotentiaries of the two Contracting States declare that agreement has been reached on the following: 1. Ad article 1 of the Convention: The term "pension", defined in paragraph 13, shall not include the equalization allowance (Ausgleichszulage) under Austrian legislation. 2. Ad article 2 of the Convention : (a) For the purpose of applying the legislation referred to in paragraph (1), sub-paragraph 1 (a), with respect to sickness insurance for salaried federal employees, habitual domicile in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany shall be deemed to be equivalent to habitual domicile in Austria with respect mandatory participation in an insurance scheme. (b) The provisions of part II, chapter 3, of the Convention shall not apply to the Saar pensions insurance scheme for iron and steel workers. (c) The Convention shall not affect the Convention on the Social Security of Rhine Boatmen as in force at present or hereafter. (d) The Convention shall not apply to German legislation concerning the inclusion of additional self-employed persons in an existing branch of the annuities insurance scheme. (e) In so far as, under the legislation referred to in paragraph (3) concerning the apportionment of liability, the assignment of insurance liability depends on whether the person concerned was resident on a specified date in the territory of one of the Contracting States, such assignment shall remain valid even if the person concerned subsequently transfers his residence to the territory of the other Contracting State. 3. Ad article 3 of the Convention: (a) Austrian nationals within the meaning of the Convention shall be deemed to include persons of German mother tongue (Volksdeutsche) who are stateless or of indeterminate nationality and who are resident in the territory of the Republic of Austria or were resident there, otherwise than purely temporarily, after 26 August 1939. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 141 PROTOCOLE FINAL , L'ACCORD ENTRE LA R19PUBLIQUE D'AUTRICHE ET LA R1tPUBLIQUE FItD]tRALE D'ALLEMAGNE RELATIF A LA SkCURITR SOCIALE A l'occasion de la signature de l'Accord relatif h. la s6curit6 sociale conclu ce jour entre la Rdpublique d'Autriche et la Rdpublique f~d~rale d'Allemagne, les pl6nipotentiaires des deux Parties contractantes sont convenus des d~clarations suivantes : 1. En ce qui concerne l'article premier de l'Accord Le terme (( pension ) au paragraphe 13 ne s'applique pas au supplkment de p6r6quation (Ausgleichszulage) prdvu par les dispositions lgislatives autrichiennes. 2. En ce qui concerne 'article 2 de l'Accord a) Aux fins de 'application des dispositions lgislatives vis~es h l'alinda a du paragraphe 1, en ce qui concerne 'assurance-maladie pour les employ~s de l'administration f~ddrale, le domicile habituel sur le territoire de la R~publique f~drale d'Allemagne est consid~r6 comme 6quivalent au domicile habituel en Autriche au regard de l'affiliation obligatoire h un r6gime d'assurance. b) Les dispositions du chapitre 3 de la deuxi~me partie de 'Accord ne s'appliquent pas au r6gime d'assurance-pension des ouvriers de l'industrie sid~rurgique de la Sarre. c) L'Accord est sans effet sur les dispositions en vigueur de l'Accord sur la sdcurit6 sociale des bateliers du Rhin. d) L'Accord ne s'applique pas aux dispositions 16gislatives allemandes relatives h l'extension d'une branche existante du r~gime d'assurance-rente h d'autres personnes exer~ant une activit6 ind6pendante. e) Dans la mesure oi, en vertu des dispositions lgislatives vis6es au paragraphe 3 concernant les charges, l'attribution de la charge d'assurance est subordonn~e h la rdsidence de l'int6ress6 h une date donnde sur le territoire de l'un des P-tats contractants, cette attribution est maintenue si l'int~ress6 transf~re ult~rieurement sa rdsidence sur le territoire de l'autre tItat contractant. 3. En ce qui concerne l'article 3 de l'Accord a) Sont 6galement r6putds ressortissants autrichiens les personnes de langue maternelle allemande (Volksdeutsche) qui sont soit apatrides, soit de nationalit6 inddtermin6e et qui ne rdsident pas ou n'ont pas r~sid6 seulement b titre temporaire sur le territoire de la Rdpublique d'Autriche apr~s le 26 aofit 1939. No 10090

140 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />




At the time of signing the Convention on Social Security concluded this<br />

day between the Republic of Austria and the Federal Republic of Germany,<br />

the plenipotentiaries of the two Contracting States declare that agreement<br />

has been reached on the following:<br />

1. Ad article 1 of the Convention:<br />

The term "pension", defined in paragraph 13, shall not include the equalization<br />

allowance (Ausgleichszulage) under Austrian legislation.<br />

2. Ad article 2 of the Convention :<br />

(a) For the purpose of applying the legislation referred to in paragraph<br />

(1), sub-paragraph 1 (a), with respect to sickness insurance for salaried federal<br />

employees, habitual domicile in the territory of the Federal Republic of<br />

Germany shall be deemed to be equivalent to habitual domicile in Austria<br />

with respect mandatory participation in an insurance scheme.<br />

(b) The provisions of part II, chapter 3, of the Convention shall not<br />

apply to the Saar pensions insurance scheme for iron and steel workers.<br />

(c) The Convention shall not affect the Convention on the Social Security<br />

of Rhine Boatmen as in force at present or hereafter.<br />

(d) The Convention shall not apply to German legislation concerning<br />

the inclusion of additional self-employed persons in an existing branch of<br />

the annuities insurance scheme.<br />

(e) In so far as, under the legislation referred to in paragraph (3) concerning<br />

the apportionment of liability, the assignment of insurance liability<br />

depends on whether the person concerned was resident on a specified date<br />

in the territory of one of the Contracting States, such assignment shall remain<br />

valid even if the person concerned subsequently transfers his residence to<br />

the territory of the other Contracting State.<br />

3. Ad article 3 of the Convention:<br />

(a) Austrian nationals within the meaning of the Convention shall be<br />

deemed to include persons of German mother tongue (Volksdeutsche) who<br />

are stateless or of indeterminate nationality and who are resident in the<br />

territory of the Republic of Austria or were resident there, otherwise than<br />

purely temporarily, after 26 August 1939.<br />

No. 10090

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