Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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132 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 appointed within two months and the Chairman within three months after one of the Contracting States has informed the other that it wishes to submit the dispute to an arbitral tribunal. (4) If the time-limits mentioned in paragraph (3) above are not adhered to, either of the Contracting States may request the President of the European Court of Human Rights to make the necessary appointments. If the President is a national of one of the Contracting States or if he is unable to act, the Vice-President shall make the appointments. If the Vice-President is also a national of one of the Contracting States or also unable to act, the next most senior member of the Court who is not a national of one of the Contracting States shall make the appointments. (5) The decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be by majority vote. Its decisions shall be binding. Each Contracting State shall defray the expenses of its member and the costs of its representation in the arbitral proceedings; the expenses of the Chairman and other expenses shall be shared equally by the Contracting States. The arbitral tribunal may make some other ruling concerning costs. In all other respects the arbitral tribunal shall establish its own rules of procedure. PART IV TRANSITIONAL AND FINAL PROVISIONS Article 48 (1) Except as otherwise provided herein, this Convention shall not confer any right to benefits for periods prior to the date of its entry into force. (2) Insurance periods completed before the entry into force of this Convention shall also be taken into account in the determination of entitlement to benefits under this Convention. (3) Without prejudice to paragraph (1) above, this Convention shall also apply to insurance contingencies which occurred before its entry into force. In such cases, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention : (a) Pensions (or annuities) to which entitlement exists solely by virtue of this Convention shall, upon the application of the beneficiary, be determined as from the date of the entry into force of this Convention; No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 133 contractants. Les membres sont nommds dans les deux mois et le tiers arbitre dans les trois mois qui suivent la notification par l'un des IEtats contractants . l'autre IRtat de son intention de soumettre le diff~rend hL un tribunal d'arbitrage. 4. Si les ddlais pr6vus au paragraphe 3 ne sont pas respectds, chacun des IRtats contractants peut prier le Pr6sident de la Cour europ~enne des droits de l'homme de procdder aux nominations requises. Si le Pr6sident de la Cour est ressortissant de l'un ou l'autre iktat contractant, ou s'il est empch, c'est le Vice-President qui proc~de aux nominations. Si le Vice- President est 6galement ressortissant de l'un ou l'autre E tat contractant ou s'il est 6galement emp&ch, c'est le membre de la Cour ayant le rang le plus 6lev6 qui n'est ressortissant ni de l'un ni de l'autre des E]tats contractants qui proc~de aux nominations. 5. Le tribunal d'arbitrage prend ses ddcisions A la majorit6. Ses d6cisions ont force obligatoire. Chacun des ittats contractants supporte les frais affirents au membre qu'il a nomm6 ainsi que les frais de sa reprdsentation dans la procddure d'arbitrage. Les frais affirents au tiers arbitre ainsi que les autres frais sont support6s h parts 6gales par les deux Rtats contractants. Le tribunal d'arbitrage peut 6tablir un autre mode de paiement des frais. Pour le reste, le tribunal d'arbitrage 6tablit lui-meme sa procddure. TITRE IV DISPOSITIONS TRANSITOIRES ET FINALES Article 48 1. Le prdsent Accord ne conf~re aucun droit au service de prestations pour une pdriode antdrieure h la date de son entrde en vigueur. 2. Pour determiner si une personne a droit h des prestations conform6- ment aux dispositions du prdsent Accord, il sera 6galement tenu compte des pdriodes d'assurance accomplies avant la date d'entrde en vigueur du prdsent Accord. 3. Sous r6serve des dispositions du paragraphe 1 du prdsent article, le present Accord s'applique 6galement aux risques qui se sont rdalis6s avant l'entrde en vigueur du pr6sent Accord. Dans ces cas, conformdment aux dispositions du present Accord : a) Les pensions (rentes) qui ne sont dues qu'en vertu du prdsent Accord seront liquiddes h la demande de l'int~ress6, h compter de la date de 'entr6e en vigueur du present Accord. NO 10090

132 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

appointed within two months and the Chairman within three months after<br />

one of the Contracting States has informed the other that it wishes to submit<br />

the dispute to an arbitral tribunal.<br />

(4) If the time-limits mentioned in paragraph (3) above are not adhered<br />

to, either of the Contracting States may request the President of the European<br />

Court of Human Rights to make the necessary appointments. If the<br />

President is a national of one of the Contracting States or if he is unable<br />

to act, the Vice-President shall make the appointments. If the Vice-President<br />

is also a national of one of the Contracting States or also unable to act,<br />

the next most senior member of the Court who is not a national of one of the<br />

Contracting States shall make the appointments.<br />

(5) The decisions of the arbitral tribunal shall be by majority vote.<br />

Its decisions shall be binding. Each Contracting State shall defray the<br />

expenses of its member and the costs of its representation in the arbitral<br />

proceedings; the expenses of the Chairman and other expenses shall be shared<br />

equally by the Contracting States. The arbitral tribunal may make some<br />

other ruling concerning costs. In all other respects the arbitral tribunal<br />

shall establish its own rules of procedure.<br />

PART IV<br />


Article 48<br />

(1) Except as otherwise provided herein, this Convention shall not confer<br />

any right to benefits for periods prior to the date of its entry into force.<br />

(2) Insurance periods completed before the entry into force of this<br />

Convention shall also be taken into account in the determination of entitlement<br />

to benefits under this Convention.<br />

(3) Without prejudice to paragraph (1) above, this Convention shall<br />

also apply to insurance contingencies which occurred before its entry into<br />

force. In such cases, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention :<br />

(a) Pensions (or annuities) to which entitlement exists solely by virtue of this<br />

Convention shall, upon the application of the beneficiary, be determined<br />

as from the date of the entry into force of this Convention;<br />

No. 10090

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