Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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120 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 (6) Articles 4 to 10 shall not apply in respect of entitlement to family allowances. Article 33 The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to the Austrian maternity allowance (Geburtenhilfe), the Austrian infants' allowance (Sduglingshilfe) or the German education grant (Ausbildungszulage). Article 34 Where, subject to this Convention, a person has successively met during one calendar month the conditions for entitlement in respect of a child under the legislation of each of the Contracting States, the family allowance for the entire month shall be paid by the Contracting State under whose legislation it was payable at the beginning of the month. PART III MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Chapter 1 OFFICIAL AND LEGAL ASSISTANCE Article 35 (1) The insurance authorities, associations of insurance authorities, public authorities and courts of the Contracting States shall assist one another in the implementation of the legislation referred to in article 2, paragraph (1), and of this Convention as if they were applying the legislation applicable to themselves. Such assistance shall be free of charge apart from out-of-pocket expenses incurred. (2) Paragraph (1), first sentence, above shall also apply to medical examinations. The cost of such examinations, travel expenses, loss of earnings, the cost of hospitalisation for observation and other out-of-pocket expenses, excluding postages, shall be repaid by the requesting agency. The cost shall not be repaid if the medical examination is in the interest of the competent insurance authorities of both Contracting States. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 121 6. Les articles 4 I 10 ne s'appliquent pas au droit aux allocations familiales. Article 33 Les dispositions du present Accord ne s'appliquent pas l'allocation de maternit6 autrichienne (Geburtenhilfe), aux primes autrichiennes pour nourrissons (Sduglingshilfe) ni h l'allocation allemande d'6tudes (Ausbildungszulage). Article 34 Lorsque, compte tenu des dispositions du present Accord, une personne a rempli successivement au cours d'un mois civil les conditions donnant droit aux allocations pour un enfant conformdment aux dispositions l6gislatives de l'un puis de l'autre iktat contractant, les allocations familiales pour le mois entier sont versdes par 1'1Rtat contractant sous les dispositions l6gislatives duquel elles 6taient payables au debut du mois. TITRE III DISPOSITIONS DIVERSES Chapitre premier ASSISTANCE ADMINISTRATIVE ET JUDICIAIRE Article 35 1. Les organismes, groupements d'organismes, autoritds et tribunaux comptents des ktats contractants se pr~teront mutuellement assistance aux fins de l'application des dispositions lgislatives visdes au paragraphe 1 de l'article 2, ainsi que du present Accord, comme s'il s'agissait de l'application de leurs propres dispositions l~gislatives. Cette assistance sera fournie gratuitement, sauf remboursement des ddbours. 2. La premiere phrase du paragraphe 1 s'applique 6galement aux examens m~dicaux. Les d6penses affdrentes aux examens m~dicaux, ainsi que les frais de voyage, indemnit6s pour manque h gagner, frais d'hospitalisation pour mise en observation et autres d~penses en especes, h l'exclusion des frais de port, seront remboursds par l'organisme qui exige ces examens. Les frais ne sont pas rembourss lorsque 'examen m6dical est fait dans l'intrt des organismes comptents des deux 1ttats contractants. NO 10090

120 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

(6) Articles 4 to 10 shall not apply in respect of entitlement to family<br />

allowances.<br />

Article 33<br />

The provisions of this Convention shall not apply to the Austrian<br />

maternity allowance (Geburtenhilfe), the Austrian infants' allowance<br />

(Sduglingshilfe) or the German education grant (Ausbildungszulage).<br />

Article 34<br />

Where, subject to this Convention, a person has successively met during<br />

one calendar month the conditions for entitlement in respect of a child<br />

under the legislation of each of the Contracting States, the family allowance<br />

for the entire month shall be paid by the Contracting State under whose<br />

legislation it was payable at the beginning of the month.<br />

PART III<br />


Chapter 1<br />


Article 35<br />

(1) The insurance authorities, associations of insurance authorities,<br />

public authorities and courts of the Contracting States shall assist one another<br />

in the implementation of the legislation referred to in article 2, paragraph<br />

(1), and of this Convention as if they were applying the legislation<br />

applicable to themselves. Such assistance shall be free of charge apart<br />

from out-of-pocket expenses incurred.<br />

(2) Paragraph (1), first sentence, above shall also apply to medical<br />

examinations. The cost of such examinations, travel expenses, loss of<br />

earnings, the cost of hospitalisation for observation and other out-of-pocket<br />

expenses, excluding postages, shall be repaid by the requesting agency.<br />

The cost shall not be repaid if the medical examination is in the interest<br />

of the competent insurance authorities of both Contracting States.<br />

No. 10090

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