Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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118 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Chapter 4 FAMILY ALLOWANCES Article 32 (1) Where under the legislation of one of the Contracting States entitlement to family allowances depends on the fact that the children are domiciled or normally resident in the territory of the said Contracting State, children normally resident in the territory of the other Contracting State shall be taken into account as if they were resident in the territory of the firstmentioned Contracting State. (2) Persons who are domiciled or normally resident in the territory of one of the Contracting States and are gainfully employed in the territory of the other Contracting State shall be entitled to family allowances, under the legislation of the latter Contracting State, as if they were domiciled or normally resident in its territory, if the occupation in question is authorized by a work permit issued under the general provisions governing the employment of foreign workers, this provision shall not apply if the employment lasts no longer than three months. Where an employed person is sent from the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory of the other Contracting State, the first sentence above shall not apply during the first twenty-four calendar months of employment in the territory of the latter Contracting State, unless the enterprise has a branch in the territory of that Contracting State. (3) Legislation of one of the Contracting States which precludes entitlement to family allowances on the ground of gainful employment abroad shall not apply in the case of gainful employment in the territory of the other Contracting State unless entitlement to family allowances exists for the children under paragraph (2) above. (4) Where, subject to this Convention, the conditions for entitlement in respect of a child are met under the legislation of both Contracting States, family allowances in respect of the Said child shall be granted solely under the legislation of the Contracting State in which the child is normally resident. (5) Persons employed in Austrian mining at the Hallein Salt Works and who hold a shift permit in accordance with article 22 of the Convention of 18 March 1829 between Austria and Bavaria concerning salt works arrangements between the two countries, as amended by the Agreement of 25 March 1957, shall, for the duration of such employment, be treated with regard to the granting of family allowances as if they were domiciled or normally resident at their place of work. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 119 Chapitre 4 ALLOCATIONS FAMILIALES Article 32 1. Si les dispositions 1dgislatives d'un des lktats contractants subordonnent le droit aux allocations familiales au fait que les enfants sont domicili6s ou r6sident habituellement sur le territoire dudit ttat contractant, les enfants qui r6sident habituellement sur le territoire de l'autre iktat contractant sont consid~rds comme r6sidant sur le territoire du premier Etat contractant. 2. Les personnes qui sont domicilides ou qui r~sident habituellement sur le territoire d'un des i tats contractants et qui occupent un emploi salari6 sur le territoire de l'autre Etat contractant ont droit aux allocations familiales en vertu des dispositions l6gislatives de ce dernier ttat comme si elles 6taient domicili~es ou si elles r6sidaient habituellement sur son territoire si elles occupent cet emploi sur la base d'un permis de travail d~livr6 en conformit6 des dispositions gdn6rales sur l'emploi de main-d'oeuvre 6trang~re; cette r~gle ne s'applique que si la dur6e de l'emploi en question ne d~passe pas trois mois. Si un salari6 est envoy6 d'un des Iktats contractants dans l'autre, la premi~re phrase du pr6sent paragraphe ne s'applique pas pendant les 24 premiers mois de son emploi dans le deuxieme 1ktat contractant, h moins que l'entreprise pour laquelle il travaille n'ait une filiale sur le territoire de ce dernier ]ktat. 3. Les dispositions l6gislatives d'un des Iktats contractants qui excluent le droit aux allocations familiales pour cause d'activit6 lucrative h 1'6tranger ne s'appliquent pas dans le cas d'un emploi salari6 exerc6 sur le territoire de l'autre Iktat contractant, A moins qu'il n'y ait droit aux allocations familiales pour les enfants conform6ment au paragraphe 2 ci-dessus. 4. Si, compte tenu des dispositions du present Accord, les conditions pr~vues par les dispositions l~gislatives des deux Iktats contractants pour l'octroi de prestations pour un enfant sont remplies, les allocations familiales concernant ledit enfant ne sont accordes que conform6ment aux dispositions lgislatives de l']ktat contractant dans lequel l'enfant rdside habituellement. 5. En ce qui concerne l'octroi d'allocations familiales, les salaries employ6s dans les salines autrichiennes de Hallein et qui ont un permis de travail conform~ment h l'article 22 de la Convention du 18 mars 1829 entre l'Autriche et la Bavi~re sur les arrangements relatifs aux salines, modifi6e par l'Accord du 25 mars 1957, sont h consid6rer pendant la dur~e de cet emploi, comme s'ils 6taient domicili6s ou s'il r~sidaient habituellement au lieu de travail. No 10090

118 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Chapter 4<br />

FAMILY<br />


Article 32<br />

(1) Where under the legislation of one of the Contracting States entitlement<br />

to family allowances depends on the fact that the children are domiciled<br />

or normally resident in the territory of the said Contracting State, children<br />

normally resident in the territory of the other Contracting State shall be<br />

taken into account as if they were resident in the territory of the firstmentioned<br />

Contracting State.<br />

(2) Persons who are domiciled or normally resident in the territory<br />

of one of the Contracting States and are gainfully employed in the territory<br />

of the other Contracting State shall be entitled to family allowances, under<br />

the legislation of the latter Contracting State, as if they were domiciled or<br />

normally resident in its territory, if the occupation in question is authorized<br />

by a work permit issued under the general provisions governing the employment<br />

of foreign workers, this provision shall not apply if the employment<br />

lasts no longer than three months. Where an employed person is sent from<br />

the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory of the other<br />

Contracting State, the first sentence above shall not apply during the first<br />

twenty-four calendar months of employment in the territory of the latter<br />

Contracting State, unless the enterprise has a branch in the territory of<br />

that Contracting State.<br />

(3) Legislation of one of the Contracting States which preclu<strong>des</strong> entitlement<br />

to family allowances on the ground of gainful employment abroad<br />

shall not apply in the case of gainful employment in the territory of the<br />

other Contracting State unless entitlement to family allowances exists for the<br />

children under paragraph (2) above.<br />

(4) Where, subject to this Convention, the conditions for entitlement<br />

in respect of a child are met under the legislation of both Contracting States,<br />

family allowances in respect of the Said child shall be granted solely under<br />

the legislation of the Contracting State in which the child is normally resident.<br />

(5) Persons employed in Austrian mining at the Hallein Salt Works<br />

and who hold a shift permit in accordance with article 22 of the Convention<br />

of 18 March 1829 between Austria and Bavaria concerning salt works<br />

arrangements between the two countries, as amended by the Agreement of<br />

25 March 1957, shall, for the duration of such employment, be treated with<br />

regard to the granting of family allowances as if they were domiciled or<br />

normally resident at their place of work.<br />

No. 10090

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