Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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112 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 ance scheme which, for the purpose of granting benefits, corresponds under Austrian legislation to the pensions insurance scheme responsible for payment. (b) Where, at the time the benefits are determined by the German insurance authority, the pensions insurance scheme responsible for payment has not yet been determined, the Austrian insurance periods to be taken into account under article 26, paragraph (1), shall initially be taken into account in that branch of the annuities insurance scheme which corresponds to the pensions insurance scheme that would be responsible for the payment if the statutory date under Austrian legislation coincided with the date of occurrence of the insurance contingency under German legislation. 3. For the purpose of calculating intervals in respect of which no lump-sum payment is made and for the purpose of adding a supplementary period, admission to the German insurance scheme and payment of German compulsory contributions shall be equivalent to their counterparts under Austrian legislation. For the purpose of calculating the number of calendar months from admission to the insurance scheme until the onset of the insurance contingency, periods during which an Austrian pension is drawn which are part of this period shall not be taken into account, provided that the Austrian pension does not correspond to the miners' annuity under German legislation. 4. The liability of the German miners' annuities insurance scheme, as laid down in German legislation, for the addition of a supplementary period shall not be affected by the provisions of paragraph 3 above. 5. For the purpose of refunding contributions, as provided for in German legislation, admission to the insurance scheme, cessation of the obligation to participate in an insurance scheme and contribution periods under German legislation shall be equivalent to their counterparts under Austrian legislation. 6. Where, under German legislation, one of the conditions for entitlement is that the person concerned is employed as a hewer under ground or engaged in similar work or in an underground occupation, the German insurance authorities shall also take into account employment as a hewer under ground or similar work, or an underground occupation, if the miners' pensions insurance scheme is responsible for payment in respect of the insurance periods during which the work was done. 7. As regards cessation of the miners' compensation benefit, Austrian mining enterprises shall be treated in the same way as German mining enterprises. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 113 compte dans la branche de l'assurance-rente qui, conform~ment aux dispositions ldgislatives autrichiennes correspond, aux fins du service des prestations, au r~gime d'assurance-pension redevable du paiement. b) Si, au moment de la d~termination des prestations par l'organisme d'assurance allemand, l'assurance-pension redevable du paiement n'a pas encore 66 d6termin~e, les pdriodes d'assurance qui doivent 6tre prises en compte conform~ment au paragraphe 1 de l'article 26 seront en premier lieu prises en compte dans la branche de l'assurance-rente correspondant h l'assurance-pension qui serait responsable des paiements si le jour fix6 selon la lgislation autrichienne coincidait avec la date d'ouverture du droit h. la prestation selon la lgislation allemande. 3. Aux fins du calcul des intervalles qui ne donnent pas lieu au paiement d'une somme forfaitaire et de l'addition d'une p6riode suppl6mentaire, 'affiliation h l'assurance allemande et le paiement des cotisations obligatoires allemandes sont 6quivalentes a. l'affiliation et au paiement des cotisations au regard des dispositions l6gislatives autrichiennes. Pour le calcul du nombre de mois qui se sont 6coul~s entre 'affiliation au r~gime d'assurance et l'ouverture du droit . l'assurance, les p6riodes pendant lesquelles une pension autrichienne a 6t6 perque ne sont pas prises en consid6ration, pour autant que celle-ci ne corresponde pas h la rente des mineurs selon la l6gislation allemande. 4. Les dispositions du paragraphe 3 ci-dessus ne portent pas atteinte a la competence du regime d'assurance-rente allemand des mineurs 6tabli par les dispositions l~gislatives allemandes en ce qui concerne l'addition d'une p~riode suppldmentaire. 5. Aux fins du remboursement des cotisations conformdment aux dispositions lMgislatives allemandes, l'affiliation h un r6gime d'assurance, la cessation de l'obligation d'assurance et les p6riodes de cotisation selon la lgislation allemande sont 6quivalentes h ce qui leur correspond dans la lgislation autrichienne. 6. Si les dispositions l6gislatives allemandes subordonnent le droit h la pension a la condition que l'int6ress6 ait travaill comme mineur de fond employ a. l'abattage ou ait exerc6 une activit6 analogue ou une autre activit6 au fond, l'organisme d'assurance allemand prend aussi en consideration l'emploi de mineur de fond employ6 h l'abattage ou h des travaux analogues ou h d'autres travaux au fond si le r6gime d'assurance-pension des mineurs est redevable du paiement des prestations en ce qui concerne les p~riodes pendant lesquelles ces emplois ont R6 occup6s. 7. Pour la cessation de la prestation de compensation des mineurs il n'y a pas de diffdrence entre les entreprises mini~res autrichiennes assimiles et les entreprises mini~res allemandes. No 10090

112 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

ance scheme which, for the purpose of granting benefits, corresponds under<br />

Austrian legislation to the pensions insurance scheme responsible for payment.<br />

(b) Where, at the time the benefits are determined by the German<br />

insurance authority, the pensions insurance scheme responsible for payment<br />

has not yet been determined, the Austrian insurance periods to be taken<br />

into account under article 26, paragraph (1), shall initially be taken into<br />

account in that branch of the annuities insurance scheme which corresponds<br />

to the pensions insurance scheme that would be responsible for the payment<br />

if the statutory date under Austrian legislation coincided with the date of<br />

occurrence of the insurance contingency under German legislation.<br />

3. For the purpose of calculating intervals in respect of which no<br />

lump-sum payment is made and for the purpose of adding a supplementary<br />

period, admission to the German insurance scheme and payment of German<br />

compulsory contributions shall be equivalent to their counterparts under<br />

Austrian legislation. For the purpose of calculating the number of calendar<br />

months from admission to the insurance scheme until the onset of the insurance<br />

contingency, periods during which an Austrian pension is drawn which<br />

are part of this period shall not be taken into account, provided that the<br />

Austrian pension does not correspond to the miners' annuity under German<br />

legislation.<br />

4. The liability of the German miners' annuities insurance scheme, as<br />

laid down in German legislation, for the addition of a supplementary period<br />

shall not be affected by the provisions of paragraph 3 above.<br />

5. For the purpose of refunding contributions, as provided for in German<br />

legislation, admission to the insurance scheme, cessation of the obligation<br />

to participate in an insurance scheme and contribution periods under German<br />

legislation shall be equivalent to their counterparts under Austrian legislation.<br />

6. Where, under German legislation, one of the conditions for entitlement<br />

is that the person concerned is employed as a hewer under ground<br />

or engaged in similar work or in an underground occupation, the German<br />

insurance authorities shall also take into account employment as a hewer<br />

under ground or similar work, or an underground occupation, if the miners'<br />

pensions insurance scheme is responsible for payment in respect of the insurance<br />

periods during which the work was done.<br />

7. As regards cessation of the miners' compensation benefit, Austrian<br />

mining enterprises shall be treated in the same way as German mining enterprises.<br />

No. 10090

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