Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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94 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 (or annuities) insurance authorities in the territory of the Contracting State under whose legislation the insurance is effected and under the legislation applicable to the said insurance authorities. A deduction for the sickness insurance of pensioners shall also be made from annuities under the German annuities insurance scheme to be paid in the territory of the Republic of Austria, but no such deduction shall be made from pensions under the Austrian pensions insurance scheme to be paid in the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. (6) Expenditure incurred in connexion with the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants) under the pensions (or annuities) insurance scheme for miners shall be reciprocally refunded. The competent public authorities may agree, at the suggestion of the insurance authorities concerned, that the procedure described in paragraph (5) above will be applied in the interests of administrative simplification. Article 18 (1) The competent insurance authority shall refund the amounts disbursed in accordance with articles 15 and 16 less administrative costs to the insurance authority of the place of residence. (2) The competent public authorities may agree, at the suggestion of the insurance authorities concerned, that in the interests of administrative simplification the amounts disbursed in accordance with article 15 shall in all cases or in particular categories of cases be repaid in lump sums. Article 19 (1) Where a maternity insurance contingency arises, according to the legislation of one of the Contracting States, at a time when the person concerned is insured by an insurance authority of the other Contracting State but, according to the legislation of the latter Contracting State, at a time when the person concerned is insured by an insurance authority of the first-mentioned Contracting State, the legislation of the Contracting State in whose territory the confinement took place shall be deemed to be applicable to the insurance contingency. (2) The insurance authority responsible for paying benefits under paragraph (1) above shall be refunded half of the amounts concerned by the insurance authority of the other Contracting State; article 18 shall apply mutadis mutandis. No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des .Traitds 95 les organismes d'assurance-pension (assurance-rente) situds sur le territoire de l'tat contractant dont les dispositions ldgislatives r~gissent l'assurance en question, et conform~ment aux dispositions l~gislatives applicables auxdits organismes. A cet 6gard, il y a lieu de prdlever une retenue pour l'assurance-maladie des bdndficiaires d'une pension sur les rentes payables dans le territoire de la R6publique d'Autriche au titre d'une assurance-rente allemande mais non pas sur les pensions payables sur le territoire de la R~publique f~drale d'Allemagne au titre d'une assurance-pension autrichienne. 6. Les d~penses encourues pour l'assurance-maladie des b~ndficiaires de pensions (bdndficiaires de rentes) au titre d'une assurance-pension (assurance-rente) pour mineurs donnent lieu au remboursement rdciproque. Sur proposition des organismes int~ressds, les autoritds c6mpdtentes peuvent convenir, par mesure de simplification administrative, de proc~der selon les dispositions du paragraphe 5 du prdsent article. Article 18 1..L'organisme compdtent rembourse l'organisme du lieu de rdsidence des montants verses en application des articles 15 et 16, h l'exception des frais d'administration. 2. Sur proposition des organismes d'assurance int6ress6s, les autorit~s comp6tentes peuvent convenir, par mesure de simplification administrative, de proc~der dans tous les cas ou pour certains groupes de cas au remboursement forfaitaire des montants d6bours6s en application de 'article 15. Article 19 1. Lorsqu'il y a ouverture du droit h I'assurance-maternit6 et que, selon les dispositions l~gislatives d'un des ktats contractants, l'intdress6e relive alors d'un organisme d'assurance de l'autre Ittat contractant, tandis que, selon les dispositions lgislatives de ce dernier, l'intdress~e relive alors d'un organisme d'assurance du premier P-tat contractant, l'ouverture du droit est considdr6e -comme intervenue selon les dispositions lgislatives de l'tat contractant sur le territoire duquel a eu lieu l'accouchement. 2. L'organisme d'assurance charg6 de servir la prestation en vertu du paragraphe 1 ci-dessus a droit au remboursement, par l'autre Ittat contractant, de la moiti6 des d~p enses encourues; l'article 18 s'applique mutatis mutandis. No 10090

94 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

(or annuities) insurance authorities in the territory of the Contracting State<br />

under whose legislation the insurance is effected and under the legislation<br />

applicable to the said insurance authorities. A deduction for the sickness<br />

insurance of pensioners shall also be made from annuities under the German<br />

annuities insurance scheme to be paid in the territory of the Republic of<br />

Austria, but no such deduction shall be made from pensions under the Austrian<br />

pensions insurance scheme to be paid in the territory of the Federal Republic<br />

of Germany.<br />

(6) Expenditure incurred in connexion with the sickness insurance of<br />

pensioners (or annuitants) under the pensions (or annuities) insurance<br />

scheme for miners shall be reciprocally refunded. The competent public<br />

authorities may agree, at the suggestion of the insurance authorities<br />

concerned, that the procedure <strong>des</strong>cribed in paragraph (5) above will be<br />

applied in the interests of administrative simplification.<br />

Article 18<br />

(1) The competent insurance authority shall refund the amounts<br />

disbursed in accordance with articles 15 and 16 less administrative costs<br />

to the insurance authority of the place of residence.<br />

(2) The competent public authorities may agree, at the suggestion of<br />

the insurance authorities concerned, that in the interests of administrative<br />

simplification the amounts disbursed in accordance with article 15 shall in all<br />

cases or in particular categories of cases be repaid in lump sums.<br />

Article 19<br />

(1) Where a maternity insurance contingency arises, according to the<br />

legislation of one of the Contracting States, at a time when the person<br />

concerned is insured by an insurance authority of the other Contracting<br />

State but, according to the legislation of the latter Contracting State, at a<br />

time when the person concerned is insured by an insurance authority of the<br />

first-mentioned Contracting State, the legislation of the Contracting State<br />

in whose territory the confinement took place shall be deemed to be applicable<br />

to the insurance contingency.<br />

(2) The insurance authority responsible for paying benefits under<br />

paragraph (1) above shall be refunded half of the amounts concerned by<br />

the insurance authority of the other Contracting State; article 18 shall apply<br />

mutadis mutandis.<br />

No. 10090

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