Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traites - United Nations Treaty Collection
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92 United Nations - Treaty Series 1969 Article 16 Cash benefits under article 4, paragraph (1), shall be paid, at the request of the competent insurance authority, by the insurance authority of the place of residence referred to in article 15, paragraph (1). Article 17 (1) Pensioners (or annuitants) under the pensions (or annuities) insurance schemes of the Contracting States and applicants for pensions (or annuities) shall, without prejudice to paragraphs (3) to (6) below, be subject to the legislation relating to the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants) of the Contracting State in whose territory the persons referred to are normally resident; this shall hold irrespective of whether a pension (or annuity) is to be provided by the insurance authorities of both Contracting States or only by the insurance authority of one of them. Receipt of a pension (or annuity) shall be deemed to include receipt of a pension (or annuity) under the legislation of the other Contracting State. (2) Where, under the applicable legislation of one of the Contracting States, insurance is conditional upon the completion of insurance periods, the completion of such periods shall not be required if the person concerned was already regarded under the legislation of the other Contracting State, by reason of receiving a pension (or annuity), as being insured under a. compulsory insurance scheme. (3) Where a pensioner (or annuitant) transfers his normal residence from the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory of the other Contracting State, the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting State concerning the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants) shall be applicable until the end of the month in respect of which the pension (or annuity) is paid for the last time in the territory of that Contracting State. (4) Where an applicant for a pension (or annuity) transfers his normal residence from the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory of the other Contracting State, the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting State shall apply until the end of the month during which the pensions insurance authority or the annuities insurance liaison office of the other Contracting State is informed of the transfer of residence. (5) Funds for the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants) shall, without prejudice to paragraph (6) below, be provided by the pensions No. 10090

1969 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 93 Article 16 Les prestations en esp~ces vis~es au paragraphe 1 de l'article 4 sont servies h la demande de l'organisme comptent par l'organisme d'assurance du lieu de r~sidence mentionn6 au paragraphe 1 de l'article 15. Article 17 1. Sans prejudice des paragraphes 3 A 6 du pr6sent article, les bdndficiaires d'une pension (ou d'une rente) au titre d'une assurance-pension (assurance-rente) des Itats contractants, ainsi que les personnes faisant valoir un droit a une pension (rente), sont assujettis aux dispositions l6gislatives concernant l'assurance-maladie des b6n6ficiaires de pensions (rentes) de l'IEtat contractant sur le territoire duquel lesdites personnes r6sident habituellement, que la pension (rente) soit due par les organismes des deux iEtats contractants ou seulement par l'organisme d'un des Rtats contractants. A cet 6gard, sont assimiles aux pensions (rentes) les pensions (rentes) versdes conform6ment aux dispositions lgislatives de 'autre ] 3 tat contractant. 2. Lorsque, conform~ment aux dispositions lgislatives en vigueur dans un des Etats contractants, l'assurance est subordonn~e 5 l'accomplissement des p~riodes d'assurance, cet accomplissement n'est pas requis si, en vertu des dispositions lgislatives de l'autre iRtat contractant, l'int6ress6 est ddja consid~r6 comme affili h une assurance obligatoire du fait qu'il touche une pension (rente). 3. Lorsque le b6ndficiaire d'une pension (rente) transflre sa r~sidence habituelle du territoire d'un des Ittats contractants dans le territoire de l'autre ]Rtat contractant, les dispositions l~gislatives concernant l'assurancemaladie des bdndficiaires de pensions (rentes) du premier tRtat contractant s'appliquent jusqu'h la fin du mois pour lequel l'intfress6 a touch6 la derni~re fois sa pension (rente) sur le territoire de cet IRtat contractant. 4. Lorsqu'une personne faisant valoir un droit h une pension (rente) transflre sa r~sidence habituelle du territoire d'un des ]Etats contractants sur le territoire de l'autre ]ktat contractant, les dispositions l~gislatives du premier P-tat contractant s'appliquent jusqu'; la fin du mois au cours duquel l'organisme d'assurance-pension ou le bureau de liaison pour l'assurancerente de l'autre ttat contractant prend connaissance du transfert de r6sidence. 5. Sans prdjudice du paragraphe 6 du present article, les fonds pour l'assurance-maladie des b~ndficiaires de pensions (rentes) sont fournis par No 10090

92 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1969<br />

Article 16<br />

Cash benefits under article 4, paragraph (1), shall be paid, at the request<br />

of the competent insurance authority, by the insurance authority of the<br />

place of residence referred to in article 15, paragraph (1).<br />

Article 17<br />

(1) Pensioners (or annuitants) under the pensions (or annuities) insurance<br />

schemes of the Contracting States and applicants for pensions (or annuities)<br />

shall, without prejudice to paragraphs (3) to (6) below, be subject to the<br />

legislation relating to the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants)<br />

of the Contracting State in whose territory the persons referred to are normally<br />

resident; this shall hold irrespective of whether a pension (or annuity)<br />

is to be provided by the insurance authorities of both Contracting States or<br />

only by the insurance authority of one of them. Receipt of a pension (or<br />

annuity) shall be deemed to include receipt of a pension (or annuity) under<br />

the legislation of the other Contracting State.<br />

(2) Where, under the applicable legislation of one of the Contracting<br />

States, insurance is conditional upon the completion of insurance periods,<br />

the completion of such periods shall not be required if the person concerned<br />

was already regarded under the legislation of the other Contracting State,<br />

by reason of receiving a pension (or annuity), as being insured under a.<br />

compulsory insurance scheme.<br />

(3) Where a pensioner (or annuitant) transfers his normal residence<br />

from the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory of the<br />

other Contracting State, the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting<br />

State concerning the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants) shall<br />

be applicable until the end of the month in respect of which the pension<br />

(or annuity) is paid for the last time in the territory of that Contracting<br />

State.<br />

(4) Where an applicant for a pension (or annuity) transfers his normal<br />

residence from the territory of one of the Contracting States to the territory<br />

of the other Contracting State, the legislation of the first-mentioned Contracting<br />

State shall apply until the end of the month during which the pensions<br />

insurance authority or the annuities insurance liaison office of the other<br />

Contracting State is informed of the transfer of residence.<br />

(5) Funds for the sickness insurance of pensioners (or annuitants)<br />

shall, without prejudice to paragraph (6) below, be provided by the pensions<br />

No. 10090

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