Télécharger/Download (PDF, 298 p, 1,64 Mo) - Femise

Télécharger/Download (PDF, 298 p, 1,64 Mo) - Femise

Télécharger/Download (PDF, 298 p, 1,64 Mo) - Femise


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never of the required length when tailored.<br />

Furs:<br />

The furriers and their assessors said in reply to the questions on furs that forty sable, polecat and<br />

mink furs would make one pelt. Eighteen lynx furs used to make one pelt and small pieces were left<br />

over.<br />

Forty fox furs were reported to be enough for a pelt for a medium-sized person. Whereupon the<br />

existing pelts were examined and the sable pelts were found to have been made of twenty-eight<br />

furs. The furriers were warned to use the correct number of furs from now on. But furriers objected<br />

to this and said that all the furs that came to the city and bought by them alone before are now<br />

purchased by anyone who fancies it and this creates a shortage of supply. This was duly entered on<br />

the ledger.<br />

Grays, haircloths and aprons:<br />

It was reported that there was no previous rules on the grays since their widths were quite different.<br />

Therefore, instead of establishing prices for these items, the rule of ten-eleven was suggested.<br />

The haircloth weavers said that the previous municipal rule for this item was sixteen hundred<br />

warps, a length of three arıns and a quarter and a width of an arın and a quarter. The inspection<br />

revealed however that there were three hundred warps missing and the width was one girah less.<br />

They were admonished and told to obey with this rule.<br />

The gray apron cloth will have twenty two hanks, with eighty threads per hank. It will have an<br />

indigo dye, a length of one arın and seven-eights, and a width of one arın and a quarter. The<br />

inspection revealed six hanks less and the width was under the standard. The colour was noted to be<br />

a lot darker than indigo, the explained it by saying that the grays coming from elsewhere were of<br />

this colour and they had to comply with it in order to have uniform goods on the market.<br />

The white, pink and yellow cloths which should have sixteen to seventeen hanks of warp had two<br />

hanks less. This was explained by the arrival of these cloths from elsewhere. They added that the<br />

yarns that reached the market were bought by the wholesale merchants before they arrived to the<br />

spot and resold them at ten-twelve and higher rates. This was duly entered on the ledger. The public<br />

bath owners also complained about the short sizes of bath towels made of these cloths and said that<br />

the intimate places of the bathers were becoming visible.<br />

Footwear:<br />

Boot makers and their assessors were summoned to the Council together with the city fathers and<br />

trustworthy consumers and an inquiry was made on the boot and footwear situation. It was learned<br />

that there was no rules on these items. Therefore, it was decided in unanimity that the red goatskin<br />

boots bought for twenty akças would be resold at thirty, provided that they reached below the<br />

knees, the soles are fixed with three rows of nails and sewn with a strong thread. A sixteen akça<br />

goatskin boot of the same features would ten be resold twenty four, the twelve akça ones would be<br />

offered for twenty two akças. If they have double soles, this will command an additional price of<br />

two akças. The goartskinlined short boots will sell for fourteen akças, and the better quality ones<br />

will be permitted to be sold at sixteen. The persian goatskin shoes with ox leather soles, goatskinlined,<br />

broad soled and cleat-tipped shoes will sell for twenty one akças, medium to large will be for<br />

eighteen and medium ones will be for fifteen akças. If these shoes are made of ox leather; have<br />

goatskin-linings and ox leather heels, large and medium sizes will sell for eighteen and fifteen<br />

akças. The wholly ox- leather shoes will sell for thirty-two akçes the large sizes and the medium<br />

ones will be for twenty-six- akças. Large size ox leather shoes of the above quality but with<br />

goatskin lining will sell for twenty-seven akças and the medium ones will be for twenty-two. The<br />

belly side of the leather will never be used for the boots and shoes and extra soles will have been<br />

sewn on the lower sole. The janissary boots of buffalo skin and goatskin lining will sell for<br />

seventeen akças in large sizes and fourteen for smaller ones. If they are made of black ox leather<br />

and with three rows of nails, they will command a price of sixteen akças. The french ox leather<br />

boots with goatskin lining will sell for fifteen and fourteen akças depending on size. The black<br />

french ox leather boots with lining and nails will be at eleven and nine akças. The all ox leather<br />


Juin 2005<br />


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