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Télécharger/Download (PDF, 298 p, 1,64 Mo) - Femise Télécharger/Download (PDF, 298 p, 1,64 Mo) - Femise


egin to sell at one akça for eight okes, the unripe grapes will be available at one akça for one thousand dirhams. The green grocers will sell pumpkins to those who want pumpkins only and sour grapes wishing to buy sour grapes and never try to sell them together. Price of eggplants will be one akça for ten at the start of the season, for twenty-four one week later, forty in the second week, sixty in the third and eighty in the fourth week. Carrots will sell at one akça for four okes. Cabbage price will be one akça for four okes to begin with, one akça for six okes ten days later and one akça for eight okes after twenty days. It was found that the old laws were in oblivion also in respect of the vegetables for reasons that swere mentioned before. The green grocers convened together and declared that they were ready to apply the old rules. They added, however, that they used to sell the pumpkins, unripe grapes, carrots and the likes themselves; but the marketplace vendors had entered into this area and that, for this reason, they were compelled to buy these items at a higher price and perforce sell at a price higher than shown in the rules. Therefore, it was resolved that they should henceforth be sold only by the green grocers. Now for the sweets: Halva makers and their assessors got together and gave the following information: Mixed halva with almonds sells for seven and other halvas for six akças per oke. The shopkeepers sell the ordinary halva for four and a half akças per oke while the street vendors sell it at four akças and charge three and a half akças for grape halva. Those that bring the stuff from neighbouring townships go as far down as three akças per kilo. The inspections confirmed these statements and found deviations from the old rules for the same reasons. The old rules were reinstated with the hope that they will be duly implemented. Assessors of blancmange makers said that the price of this product became one akça for two hundred and twenty-five dirhams when they bought the grapes at fifteen akças per batman, used four akças’ worth of saffron, one oke of almonds, six akças’ worth of starch, three okes of firewood, miscellaneous materials for two akças, puppy seed oil for nine akças, paid a shop rental of one akça and used labour for four akças. Yet the market inquiry revealed higher sales prices, all for the reasons cited before. The previous rules were ordered to be implemented henceforth. When grapes sell at one akça per three hundred and fifty dirhams, price of grape sherbet becomes five hundred and fifty dirhams for one akça; and grapes at one akça for one oke dictates a sherbet price of one akça Per seven hundred dirham. The market prices were found to be significantly different and orders were issued for the implementation of old rules. Here is how the matter is for the grocers: When the grocers and their assessors and city fathers were brought together to the Council and asked about how the prices were determined for the commodities sold by and bought from the wholesalers, an agent of the mayor and a number of respected city fathers inspected the items and set prices at the scale of ten/eleven, that is, a good bought for ten should be sold for eleven, and immediately did away with the culprit. It was found that this rule was no longer obeyed and that every grocer bought and sold at whatever price that pleased him. This was due to the slackening of inspection and the resulting bribes. Therefore, the old ten/eleven rule was installed again depending on seasons and prices were determined as follows for the commodities listed below: Strained honey will sell at five and half akças an oke if delivered at ninety akças per batman, at five akças for deliveries at eight akças per batman and at four and a half akças for deliveries at seventy akças per batman. Cooking fat will sell at eight akças an oke for deliveries at hundred and thirty akças per batman, at seven akças an oke for deliveries at hundred and twenty akças a batman and at six and a half akças an oke for deliveries at hundred akças a batman. Poppy seed fat will sell at four akças an oke if delivered at sixty akças a batman, at four and a half akças an oke if delivered at seventy akças a batman and at three and a half akças an oke if delivered at fifty akças a batman. CIHEAM-IAMM Juin 2005 271

Emir Ali apricots will sell at four akças an oke if delivered at seventy akças a batman. Garbî apricots will sell at three and a half akças an oke if delivered at fifty akças a batman. Raisins will sell at one akça per four hundred and fifty dirhams an oke if delivered at fourteen akças a batman. Grapes from Beylerce will sell at one akça per four hundred dirhams if one batman is purchased for fifteen akças. Reidiye raisins will sell at one akça per for hundred dirhams if delivered at fifteen akças per batman. Better quality dried figs will sell at one akça per three hundred dirhams. Amasya plums will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if received at twenty five akças per batman. Prunes will sell at one akça per three hundred dirhams if one batman is purchased for twenty akças. Aydın apricots will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams per akça if received at five akças per batman. Akehir pears will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if one load is received at fourteen akças. Pears from Aydın will sell at one akça per four hundred and fifty dirhams if one batman is purchased for fourteen akças. Karaman apricots will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at thirty akças per batman. Apricot paste will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at twenty eight akças per batman. Grape paste will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at twenty five akças per batman. Almonds will sell at four akças an oke if delivered at sixty akças per batman. Marascinos will sell at one akça for hundred dirhams if delivered at sixty akças per batman. Shelled walnuts will sell at three akças an oke if delivered at forty three akças per batman. Grape treacle will sell at two hundred dirhams an akça first and two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça subsequently. Starch will always sell at one oke an akça. Those bringing roasted chick peas from other cities will sell it at an oke and fifty dirhams an akça and shopkeepers will sell them at one oke an akça. Sofia and Karaman cheese will sell at hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if one kantar is delivered at ninety akças. Eme cheeses will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça. Midilli cheese will sell at two akças an oke. Cheese curds will sell at two akças an oke, starting with an akça for three hundred dirhams and the price will be adjusted subsequently according to the amount of deliveres. Now for the flesh and eggs: Chicken sellers and city fathers having been summoned to the Council said with respect to the old law that one hundred dirhams of chicken meat sold for one akça in Bursa when it was one hundred dirhams for one akça in Istanbul and there was a difference of ten dirhams. When the ledgers were examined, however, the price was found to be eighty dirhams for one akça. The vendors had agreed to this first, but declared later that they coluldn’t sell at that price. When asked why, since they had agreed at the start, they said that some of them bought the chicken, some others butchered and plucked the animals and they paid seven akças every other day to the municipal officials for selling at any price that they fancied. The chicken sellers names Ömer bin Mehmet, Hasan bin Hüseyin and Çakır bin Abdullah having declared under oath that they were paying this bribe for the past four or five years, the reasons behind this disorderly conduct were understood and the new price was set at seventy dirhams for one akça and the mutton price which was two hundred dirhams for one akça was raised to two CIHEAM-IAMM Juin 2005 272

Emir Ali apricots will sell at four akças an oke if delivered at seventy akças a batman.<br />

Garbî apricots will sell at three and a half akças an oke if delivered at fifty akças a batman.<br />

Raisins will sell at one akça per four hundred and fifty dirhams an oke if delivered at fourteen akças<br />

a batman.<br />

Grapes from Beylerce will sell at one akça per four hundred dirhams if one batman is purchased for<br />

fifteen akças.<br />

Reidiye raisins will sell at one akça per for hundred dirhams if delivered at fifteen akças per<br />

batman.<br />

Better quality dried figs will sell at one akça per three hundred dirhams.<br />

Amasya plums will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if received at twenty five akças<br />

per batman.<br />

Prunes will sell at one akça per three hundred dirhams if one batman is purchased for twenty akças.<br />

Aydın apricots will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams per akça if received at five akças per<br />

batman.<br />

Akehir pears will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if one load is received at fourteen<br />

akças.<br />

Pears from Aydın will sell at one akça per four hundred and fifty dirhams if one batman is<br />

purchased for fourteen akças.<br />

Karaman apricots will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at thirty akças per<br />

batman.<br />

Apricot paste will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at twenty eight akças<br />

per batman.<br />

Grape paste will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if delivered at twenty five akças per<br />

batman.<br />

Almonds will sell at four akças an oke if delivered at sixty akças per batman.<br />

Marascinos will sell at one akça for hundred dirhams if delivered at sixty akças per batman.<br />

Shelled walnuts will sell at three akças an oke if delivered at forty three akças per batman.<br />

Grape treacle will sell at two hundred dirhams an akça first and two hundred and fifty dirhams an<br />

akça subsequently.<br />

Starch will always sell at one oke an akça.<br />

Those bringing roasted chick peas from other cities will sell it at an oke and fifty dirhams an akça<br />

and shopkeepers will sell them at one oke an akça.<br />

Sofia and Karaman cheese will sell at hundred and fifty dirhams an akça if one kantar is delivered at<br />

ninety akças.<br />

Eme cheeses will sell at two hundred and fifty dirhams an akça.<br />

Midilli cheese will sell at two akças an oke.<br />

Cheese curds will sell at two akças an oke, starting with an akça for three hundred dirhams and the<br />

price will be adjusted subsequently according to the amount of deliveres.<br />

Now for the flesh and eggs:<br />

Chicken sellers and city fathers having been summoned to the Council said with respect to the old<br />

law that one hundred dirhams of chicken meat sold for one akça in Bursa when it was one hundred<br />

dirhams for one akça in Istanbul and there was a difference of ten dirhams. When the ledgers were<br />

examined, however, the price was found to be eighty dirhams for one akça. The vendors had agreed<br />

to this first, but declared later that they coluldn’t sell at that price. When asked why, since they had<br />

agreed at the start, they said that some of them bought the chicken, some others butchered and<br />

plucked the animals and they paid seven akças every other day to the municipal officials for selling<br />

at any price that they fancied.<br />

The chicken sellers names Ömer bin Mehmet, Hasan bin Hüseyin and Çakır bin Abdullah having<br />

declared under oath that they were paying this bribe for the past four or five years, the reasons<br />

behind this disorderly conduct were understood and the new price was set at seventy dirhams for<br />

one akça and the mutton price which was two hundred dirhams for one akça was raised to two<br />


Juin 2005<br />


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