Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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70 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] No. 8759. AGREEMENT 1 BETWEEN THE AUSTRIAN FED- ERAL GOVERNMENT AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC CONCERNING THE SETTLEMENT OF OUTSTANDING QUESTIONS ARISING OUT OF EMPLOYMENT WITH THE FIRST DANUBE STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. SIGNED AT BUDAPEST, ON 31 OCTOBER 1964 The Austrian Federal Government and the Hungarian People's Republic have agreed as follows: Article 1 The Austrian Federal Government undertakes to pay in a single payment to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic on behalf of the First Danube Steam Navigation Company (hereinafter referred to as the DSNC) a lump sum of 40 million Austrian schillings in settlement of all outstanding claims made on the basis of employment with the DSNC which began prior to 31 December 1944, on the basis of the pension regulations of the DSNC, on the basis of accident compensation payments for which the DSNC has been judicially found liable, on the basis of prior ex gratia pension payments, on the basis of any other agreement connected with the said employment or on any other grounds connected with the employment, in so far as the claimants are Hungarian nationals and were resident on 31 December 1956 in the territory of the Hungarian People's Republic. Article 2 (1) The payment in full of the lump sum referred to in article 1 shall extinguish the liability of the Republic of Austria and of the DSNC vis-h-vis the Hungarian People's Republic and those Hungarian natural persons for whom the lump sum is intended. Upon the extinction of that liability, the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic shall, on its own behalf and on behalf of the Hungarian nationals concerned, consider all claims whose settlement is provided for in article 1 to have been finally settled. came into force on 18 August 1967, the date of entry into force of the Treaty concerning the settlement of outstanding financial questions (see No. 8758), in accordance with article 7.

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 71 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] No 8759. ACCORD 1 ENTRE LE GOUVERNEMENT FtDIR- RAL AUTRICHIEN ET LE GOUVERNEMENT DE LA RIRPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE HONGROISE RELATIF AU RkGLEMENT DE QUESTIONS EN SUSPENS DtCOU- LANT DE RELATIONS DE TRAVAIL AVEC LA COMPA- GNIE DANUBIENNE DE NAVIGATION A VAPEUR. SIGNR A BUDAPEST, LE 31 OCTOBRE 1964 Le Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien et le Gouvernement de la R6pu- blique populaire hongroise sont convenus de ce qui suit: Article premier Le Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien s'engage h verser en une seule fois au Gouverndment de la R~publique populaire hongroise, pour le compte de la Premiere Compagnie danubienne de navigation h vapeur (Erste Donau- Dampfschiffahrts-Gesellschaft) [ci-apr~s appel6e la CDNV], une somme globale de 40 millions de schillings en r~glement de toutes les demandes de paiement encore en suspens, d~coulant d'obligations aff~rentes au louage de services h la CDNV contract6es avant le 31 d6cembre 1944 au titre soit du r~gime des pensions de la CDNV, soit de d~cisions judiciaires imposant h la CDNV le versement d'une pension pour accident de travail, soit de rentes vers~es jusqu'alors h titre gracieux, soit d'autres arrangements concernant les conditions de travail, soit h tout autre titre relatif au louage de services h la CDNV, h condition que les ayants droit aient la nationalit6 hongroise et aient 6t6 domicilis sur le territoire de la R~publique populaire hongroise au 31 d6cembre 1956. Article 2 1. Le paiement integral de la somme globale sp~cifi6e h l'Article premier aura effet lib6ratoire pour la R~publique d'Autriche et la CDNV h l'6gard de la Rpublique populaire hongroise et de toute personne physique hongroise que ladite somme est destin6e h indemniser. Une fois produit ledit effet lib~ratoire, le Gouvernement de la R~publique populaire hongroise consid~rera, en son nom et au nom des citoyens hongrois, que les demandes de paiement vis~es h l'Article premier sont d6finitivement r6gl6es. I Entrd en vigueur le 18 aofit 1967, date de 1'entrde en vigueur du Traitd concernant le r~glement de questions financi~res en suspens (voir no 8758), conform6ment h l'article 7.

70 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />








BUDAPEST, ON 31 OCTOBER 1964<br />

The Austrian Federal Government and the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

have agreed as follows:<br />

Article 1<br />

The Austrian Federal Government undertakes to pay in a single payment<br />

to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic on behalf of the<br />

First Danube Steam Navigation Company (hereinafter referred to as the<br />

DSNC) a lump sum of 40 million Austrian schillings in settlement of all<br />

outstanding claims made on the basis of employment with the DSNC which<br />

began prior to 31 December 1944, on the basis of the pension regulations<br />

of the DSNC, on the basis of accident compensation payments for which the<br />

DSNC has been judicially found liable, on the basis of prior ex gratia pension<br />

payments, on the basis of any other agreement connected with the<br />

said employment or on any other grounds connected with the employment,<br />

in so far as the claimants are Hungarian nationals and were resident on 31<br />

December 1956 in the territory of the Hungarian People's Republic.<br />

Article 2<br />

(1) The payment in full of the lump sum referred to in article 1 shall<br />

extinguish the liability of the Republic of Austria and of the DSNC vis-h-vis<br />

the Hungarian People's Republic and those Hungarian natural persons for<br />

whom the lump sum is intended. Upon the extinction of that liability, the<br />

Government of the Hungarian People's Republic shall, on its own behalf<br />

and on behalf of the Hungarian nationals concerned, consider all claims<br />

whose settlement is provided for in article 1 to have been finally settled.<br />

came into force on 18 August 1967, the date of entry into force of the <strong>Treaty</strong> concerning<br />

the settlement of outstanding financial questions (see No. 8758), in accordance with article 7.

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