Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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58 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 that the said deposit forms part of the valuables in the charge of the Hungarian National Bank. In view of that declaration, the Austrian Federal Government will deliver the said deposit to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic within sixty days after the entry into force of the Treaty. 2. At the Austrian National Bank there are two sealed deposits of the Linz office of the former Reichsbank, marked No. 10 and No. 11 ; Dr. Tibor M~sz~rovits, acting as agent of the Hungarian Government, is shown as the depositor. In order to make possible the delivery of the said two deposits to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic, the Austrian Federal Government undertakes to issue to the Austrian National Bank an indemnity, which the Austrian National Bank will consider sufficient to enable it to deliver the deposits to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic. The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic, for its part, undertakes to indemnify the Austrian Federal Government in the event that the Austrian National Bank, in virtue of the above-mentioned indemnity, makes a claim against the Austrian Federal Government by reason of the appearance of the holder of a deposit receipt or of another entitled person verified as such in the course of amortization proceedings. The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic declares, in this connexion, that the two deposits represent a value of 275,000 Austrian schillings. The Austrian National Bank will accordingly deliver the above-mentioned two deposits to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic within sixty days after the entry into force of the Treaty. 3. At the Austrian National Bank there is a deposit consisting of various coins and belonging to the Hungarian National Co-operative Centre, Budapest (MOSZK), formerly known as Hangya. The Austrian National Bank will deliver the said deposit to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic within sixty days after the entry into force of the Treaty. No deposit fee will be charged by the Austrian custodians in any of the above cases. The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic will remove the deposits at its own expense. The Austrian Federal Government will take steps to ensure the issue of any permits required for the removal of the deposits to the Hungarian People's Republic. I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria ANNEX TO EXCHANGE OF NOTES NOS. X AND Xa LIST OF THE HUNGARIAN NATIONAL BANK'S DEPOSITS HELD AT LINZ PtTER 1. At Linz, at the Landhaus lArkadenhof, 108 wooden chests and one iron chest, bearing the numbers or marks indicated in the following tabulation, are being kept on deposit: No. 8758

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 59 d6clare que lesdits objets font partie du tr6sor de la Banque nationale de Hongrie. Sur la foi de cette d~claration, le Gouvernement f~ddral autrichien remettra lesdits objets au Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire hongroise dans les 60 jours qui suivront l'entrde en vigueur de l'Accord. 2. Deux objets sous scel1s provenant de l'ancienne succursale de la Reichsbank L Linz, portant les num~ros 10 et 11, se trouvent en ddp6t . la Banque nationale d'Autriche ; M. Tibor Mszdrovits est indiqu6 comme en 6tant le ddpositaire en tant que repr6sentant du Gouvernement hongrois. Afin que ces deux objets puissent 6tre remis au Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire hongroise, le Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien s'engage h donner quitus A la Banque nationale d'Autriche de telle mani&re que celle-ci s'estime en mesure de procdder 6L la remise des objets au Gouvernement de la R~publique populaire hongroise. De son c6t6, le Gouvernement de la R6publique populaire hongroise s'engage h donner quitus au Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien au cas oji, A la suite de la ddclaration susmentionnde, ce dernier serait saisi d'une reclamation de la Banque nationale d'Autriche faisant suite h une action intentde par le ddtenteur d'un certificat de ddp6t ou tout autre ayant droit reconnu comme tel au cours d'une procddure d'amortissement. Le Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire hongroise d6clare h cet 6gard que la valeur des deux objets en d6p6t reprdsente 275 000 schillings autrichiens. En consequence, la Banque nationale d'Autriche remettra les deux objets susmentionnds au Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire hongroise dans les 60 jours qui suivront l'entrde en vigueur de l'Accord. 3. Un lot de pi~ces de monnaies diverses appartenant A la Coop6rative centrale nationale hongroise (MOSZK) de Budapest, anciennement connue sous le nom de (( HANGYA ),, se trouve en ddp6t h la Banque nationale d'Autriche. Cette demi~re remettra ledit lot au Gouvernement de la Rdpublique populaire hongroise dans les 60 jours qui suivront l'entrde en vigueur de l'Accord. Les ddpositaires autrichiens ne prdl~veront de droits dans aucun des cas susmentionn~s. Le Gouvernement de la R~publique populaire hongroise fera enlever les ddp6ts A s es frais. Le Gouvernement f~ddral autrichien prendra les mesures voulues pour d~livrer tous les permis ndcessaires au transport des ddp6ts dans la Rpublique populaire hongroise. je vous prie de bien vouloir me notifier votre accord en la mati~re. Veuillez agrder, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Bruno Kreisky Ministre des affaires 6trang~res d'Autriche ANNEXE A L'CHANGE DE NOTES Nos X ET Xa LISTE DES OBJETS APPARTENANT A LA BANQUE NATIONALE HONGROISE SE TROUVANT EN DEP6T X LINZ PATER 1. A la LandhauslArkadenhof de Linz sont ddpos~es 108 caisses de bois et une caisse de fer numdrot~es ou marquees comme suit: NO 8758

58 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

that the said deposit forms part of the valuables in the charge of the Hungarian<br />

National Bank. In view of that declaration, the Austrian Federal Government<br />

will deliver the said deposit to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

within sixty days after the entry into force of the <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

2. At the Austrian National Bank there are two sealed deposits of the Linz<br />

office of the former Reichsbank, marked No. 10 and No. 11 ; Dr. Tibor M~sz~rovits,<br />

acting as agent of the Hungarian Government, is shown as the depositor.<br />

In order to make possible the delivery of the said two deposits to the Government<br />

of the Hungarian People's Republic, the Austrian Federal Government<br />

undertakes to issue to the Austrian National Bank an indemnity, which the Austrian<br />

National Bank will consider sufficient to enable it to deliver the deposits to the<br />

Government of the Hungarian People's Republic.<br />

The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic, for its part, undertakes<br />

to indemnify the Austrian Federal Government in the event that the Austrian<br />

National Bank, in virtue of the above-mentioned indemnity, makes a claim against<br />

the Austrian Federal Government by reason of the appearance of the holder of a<br />

deposit receipt or of another entitled person verified as such in the course of amortization<br />

proceedings.<br />

The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic declares, in this connexion,<br />

that the two deposits represent a value of 275,000 Austrian schillings.<br />

The Austrian National Bank will accordingly deliver the above-mentioned<br />

two deposits to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic within sixty<br />

days after the entry into force of the <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

3. At the Austrian National Bank there is a deposit consisting of various coins<br />

and belonging to the Hungarian National Co-operative Centre, Budapest (MOSZK),<br />

formerly known as Hangya. The Austrian National Bank will deliver the said<br />

deposit to the Government of the Hungarian People's Republic within sixty days<br />

after the entry into force of the <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

No deposit fee will be charged by the Austrian custodians in any of the above<br />

cases. The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic will remove the deposits<br />

at its own expense. The Austrian Federal Government will take steps to ensure<br />

the issue of any permits required for the removal of the deposits to the Hungarian<br />

People's Republic.<br />

I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria<br />



PtTER<br />

1. At Linz, at the Landhaus lArkadenhof, 108 wooden chests and one iron<br />

chest, bearing the numbers or marks indicated in the following tabulation, are<br />

being kept on deposit:<br />

No. 8758

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