Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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56 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Sir, Ix Budapest, 31 October 1964 With reference to the Treaty signed this day, I have the honour to notify you that the Austrian Federal Government and the Austrian administrative authorities will raise no objection to measures whereby securities belonging to Hungarian persons which are held in trust at Austrian financial institutions are disposed of by such persons through authorization conferred on an agent in conformity with the deposit agreement, provided that the said securities are disposed of in accordance with Austrian law. This notification applies also to securities belonging to clients where the clients themselves as legal owners dispose of such securities. I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Mr. Jdnos P~ter Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic Sir, IXa KREISKY Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964, which reads as follows: [See note IX] I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria Sir, X Pf-TER Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to confirm that, in the course of the negotiations, agreement was reached on the following provisions: 1. At the Landhaus at Linz there is a deposit consisting of the items listed in the annex. 1 The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic declares I See p. 58 of this volume. No. 8758

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 57 Monsieur le Ministre, IX Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 Me r~f6rant l'Accord conclu ce jour, j'ai l'honneur de vous informer que le Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien et les autorit6s administratives autrichiennes n'opposeront aucune objection h ce que les ressortissants hongrois fassent usage des valeurs leur appartenant qui se trouvent en d~p6t dans des 6tablissements financiers autrichiens moyennant des instructions conformes aux mesures arrtes d'un commun accord t l'usage de ces valeurs, sous r~serve que celui-ci soit conforme . la 16gislation autrichienne. La pr~sente communication s'applique 6galement aux titres 6tant en la possession de clients pour autant que lesdits clients en disposent eux-m~mes en leur qualit6 de propri6taires lgitimes. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me notifier votre accord en la mati~re. Veuillez agr~er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Jinos Pdter Ministre des affaires 6trang~res de la R~publique populaire hongroise Monsieur le Ministre, IXa KREISKY Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai l'honneur d'accuser r~ception de votre note en date de ce jour, dont le texte suit : [Voir note IX] Je tiens h vous confirmer mon accord sur les dispositions qui prc dent. Veuillez agrder, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Bruno Kreisky Ministre des affaires 6trang~res d'Autriche Monsieur le Ministre, X PtTER Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer qu'au cours des n~gociations, il a W convenu ce qui suit: 1. Les objets 6num~r~s dans la liste jointe en annexe I se trouvent en d~p6t au Landhaus de Linz. Le Gouvernement de la R~publique populaire hongroise 1 Voir p. 59 de ce volume. NO 8758

56 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Sir,<br />

Ix<br />

Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

With reference to the <strong>Treaty</strong> signed this day, I have the honour to notify<br />

you that the Austrian Federal Government and the Austrian administrative authorities<br />

will raise no objection to measures whereby securities belonging to Hungarian<br />

persons which are held in trust at Austrian financial institutions are disposed of<br />

by such persons through authorization conferred on an agent in conformity with<br />

the deposit agreement, provided that the said securities are disposed of in accordance<br />

with Austrian law.<br />

This notification applies also to securities belonging to clients where the clients<br />

themselves as legal owners dispose of such securities.<br />

I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Mr. Jdnos P~ter<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

Sir,<br />

IXa<br />


Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964,<br />

which reads as follows:<br />

[See note IX]<br />

I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria<br />

Sir,<br />

X<br />

Pf-TER<br />

Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to confirm that, in the course of the negotiations, agreement<br />

was reached on the following provisions:<br />

1. At the Landhaus at Linz there is a deposit consisting of the items listed<br />

in the annex. 1 The Government of the Hungarian People's Republic declares<br />

I See p. 58 of this volume.<br />

No. 8758

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