Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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50 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Sir, Va Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964, which reads as follows: [See note V] I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria Sir, VI PfTER Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to confirm that in the course of the negotiations we reached agreement on the following provisions: 1. The Austrian Federal Government will take the necessary measures: (a) To terminate, on application by the owners and not later than thirty days after the signing of the Treaty, the public custodianship established over items of urban immovable property, or parts thereof, belonging to Hungarian natural persons (b) To terminate, not later than thirty days after the signing of the Treaty, the public custodianship established over the building at Seilerstdtte 5, recorded as entry KG Innere Stadt 1162 in the land register and belonging to the Virosi Ingatlanforgalmi Rt., Budapest (Urban Real Estate Corporation, Budapest). 2. In respect of the application of the 1952 Custodianship Act, BGB1. No. 100 /1953, in the form in which it exists at any given time, the treatment hereafter accorded by the Austrian Federal Government to the property of Hungarian persons will not be different from that accorded to the property of nationals of other States with which the Austrian Federal Government has concluded agreements concerning outstanding property questions. I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Mr. Jdnos Pter Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic No. 8758 KREISKY

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 51 Monsieur le Ministre, Va Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai l'honneur d'accuser rception de votre note en date de ce jour, dont le texte suit : [Voir note V] Je tiens vous confirmer mon accord sur les dispositions qui precedent. Veuillez agr6er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Bruno Kreisky Ministre des affaires trangres d'Autriche Monsieur le Ministre, VI PP-TER Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai l'honneur de vous confirmer qu'au cours des n~gociations, il a &6 convenu ce qui suit: 1. Le Gouvernement f~d~ral autrichien prendra les mesures voulues en vue a) De lever, h la demande des propri~taires et 30 jours au plus tard apr~s la signature du prdsent Accord, le s6questre mis sur les biens immeubles, ou partie desdits biens, sis dans des agglomerations urbaines qui appartiennent A des ressortissants hongrois ; b) De lever, 30 jours au plus tard apr~s la signature du present Accord, le s~questre mis sur l'immeuble sis au no 5 Seilerstdtte, enregistrd sous la cote KG Innere Stadt 1162, appartenant A la Vdrosi Ingatlanforgalmi Rt. (Soci~t6 immobili~re urbaine, S.A.) de Budapest. 2. Pour ce qui est de l'application de la loi de 1952 relative aux s~questres, BGB1. no 100/1953, avec les amendements qui lui auront W apport~s, le cas 6ch~ant, le Gouvernement f~ddral autrichien accordera aux biens des ressortissants hongrois le m~me traitement qu'aux biens des ressortissants d'autres ]tats avec lesquels le Gouvernement f~d6ral autrichien a conclu des accords concernant des questions patrimoniales en suspens. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me notifier votre accord en la mati~re. Veuillez agr~er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Jdnos Peter, Ministre des affaires 6trang~res de la R~publique populaire hongroise KREISKY NO 8758

50 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Sir,<br />

Va<br />

Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964,<br />

which reads as follows:<br />

[See note V]<br />

I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria<br />

Sir,<br />

VI<br />

PfTER<br />

Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to confirm that in the course of the negotiations we reached<br />

agreement on the following provisions:<br />

1. The Austrian Federal Government will take the necessary measures:<br />

(a) To terminate, on application by the owners and not later than thirty days<br />

after the signing of the <strong>Treaty</strong>, the public custodianship established over items<br />

of urban immovable property, or parts thereof, belonging to Hungarian natural<br />

persons<br />

(b) To terminate, not later than thirty days after the signing of the <strong>Treaty</strong>, the<br />

public custodianship established over the building at Seilerstdtte 5, recorded<br />

as entry KG Innere Stadt 1162 in the land register and belonging to the Virosi<br />

Ingatlanforgalmi Rt., Budapest (Urban Real Estate Corporation, Budapest).<br />

2. In respect of the application of the 1952 Custodianship Act, BGB1. No.<br />

100 /1953, in the form in which it exists at any given time, the treatment hereafter<br />

accorded by the Austrian Federal Government to the property of Hungarian<br />

persons will not be different from that accorded to the property of nationals of<br />

other States with which the Austrian Federal Government has concluded agreements<br />

concerning outstanding property questions.<br />

I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Mr. Jdnos Pter<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

No. 8758<br />


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