Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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44 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 disposal of the Hungarian People's Republic will be regarded as property, rights or interests within the meaning of article 1, paragraph (1) (a), provided that the claims arose before the said measures were taken in respect of the enterprises. I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria Sir, Ila PtTER Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964, which reads as follows: [See note 11] I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter. Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration. His Excellency Mr. Jinos P~ter Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic Sir, III KREISKY Budapest, 31 October 1964 I have the honour to confirm the understanding reached in the course of the negotiations relating to article 1, paragraph (1), and article 2 of the Treaty between the Republic of Austria and the Hungarian People's Republic concerning the Settlement of Outstanding Financial Questions, signed this day, to the effect that the said Treaty will not affect such claims and demands as are not affirmatively settled in the Treaty, in particular the claims asserted by insurance enterprises on both sides and the demands made in respect of restitution on the Hungarian side. I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above. Accept, Sir, etc. His Excellency Mr. Jdnos Pter Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic No. 8758 KREISKY

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 45 prises qui ont dt6 frapp~es par l'une des mesures vis~es A P'article premier et se sont trouv~es de ce fait soumises au pouvoir de disposition de la R~publique populaire hongroise, pour autant que lesdites cr~ances aient exist6 avant que la mesure en question ne soit prise. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me notifier votre accord en la mati~re. Veuillez agr~er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Bruno Kreisky Ministre des affaires 6trang6res d'Autriche Monsieur le Ministre, Ila PtTER Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai 'honneur d'accuser r6ception de votre note en date de ce jour, dont le texte suit : [Voir note II] Je tiens A vous confirmer mon accord sur les dispositions qui pr~c~dent. Veuillez agr~er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Jdnos Pter Ministre des affaires 6trangres de la R6publique populaire hongroise Monsieur le Ministre, III KREISKY Budapest, le 31 octobre 1964 J'ai 'honneur de vous confirmer, conform~ment A ce qui a 6t6 convenu au cours des n~gociations relatives au paragraphe 1 de l'article premier et A l'article 2 de l'Accord concernant le r~glement de questions financi~res en suspens conclu ce jour entre la R~publique d'Autriche et la R~publique populaire hongroise, que le pr~sent Accord ne porte pas atteinte aux demandes et r~clamations qui ne sont pas express~ment r~gl~es dans le pr~sent Accord, en particulier aux demandes formul~es par les entreprises d'assurance de l'une et 'autre partie et aux r~clamations d'origine hongroise formul~es au titre de la restitution. Je vous prie de bien vouloir me notifier votre accord en la mati~re. Veuillez agr~er, etc. Son Excellence Monsieur Jdnos P~ter Ministre des affaires dtrang~res de la R~publique populaire hongroise KREISKY NO 8758

44 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

disposal of the Hungarian People's Republic will be regarded as property, rights<br />

or interests within the meaning of article 1, paragraph (1) (a), provided that the<br />

claims arose before the said measures were taken in respect of the enterprises.<br />

I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Dr. Bruno Kreisky<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Austria<br />

Sir,<br />

Ila<br />

PtTER<br />

Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 31 October 1964,<br />

which reads as follows:<br />

[See note 11]<br />

I hereby confirm my agreement to the contents of your letter.<br />

Accept, Sir, the assurances of my highest consideration.<br />

His Excellency Mr. Jinos P~ter<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

Sir,<br />

III<br />


Budapest, 31 October 1964<br />

I have the honour to confirm the understanding reached in the course of the<br />

negotiations relating to article 1, paragraph (1), and article 2 of the <strong>Treaty</strong> between<br />

the Republic of Austria and the Hungarian People's Republic concerning the<br />

Settlement of Outstanding Financial Questions, signed this day, to the effect that<br />

the said <strong>Treaty</strong> will not affect such claims and demands as are not affirmatively<br />

settled in the <strong>Treaty</strong>, in particular the claims asserted by insurance enterprises<br />

on both si<strong>des</strong> and the demands made in respect of restitution on the Hungarian<br />

side.<br />

I should be grateful if you would signify your agreement to the above.<br />

Accept, Sir, etc.<br />

His Excellency Mr. Jdnos Pter<br />

Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Hungarian People's Republic<br />

No. 8758<br />


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