Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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34 United Nations- Treaty Series 1967 [TRANSLATION - TRADUCTION] No. 8758. TREATY 1 BETWEEN THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA AND THE HUNGARIAN PEOPLE'S REPUB- LIC CONCERNING THE SETTLEMENT OF OUTSTAND- ING FINANCIAL QUESTIONS. SIGNED AT BUDAPEST, ON 31 OCTOBER 1964 The Republic of Austria and the Hungarian People's Republic, Desiring to reach an understanding on the financial and property questions remaining to be settled between the two States and specified in this Treaty, have agreed on the following provisions: Article 1 (1) The Hungarian People's Republic shall pay to the Republic of Austria a lump sum of 87.5 million Austrian schillings: (a) As compensation for losses of property, rights or interests in Hungary sustained, as a result of Hungarian nationalization, expropriation or other measures connected with the structural changes in the Hungarian national economy, by the Republic of Austria or by natural or juridical persons which possessed Austrian nationality at the time such measures were taken and possess Austrian nationality at the time of signature of this Treaty, in so far as the said property, rights or interests have by virtue of such measures come within the disposal of the Hungarian People's Republic; the Hungarian People's Republic shall not, however, compensate an owner in respect of agricultural or forest property in excess of 100 cadastral yokes ; (b) For the redemption of bonds held by Austrian natural or juridical persons on 27 April 1945 and at the time of signature of the Treaty against external loans issued by the Hungarian State, Hungarian public-law corporations and Hungarian enterprises and financial institutions and for the redemption of mortgage bonds issued by Hungarian financial institutions, payable outside Hungary and in foreign currency, which were held by Austrian natural or juridical persons on 27 April 1945 and are held by them at the time of signature of the Treaty. (2) The above provisions shall similarly apply to the heirs of the persons therein referred to, where such heirs possess Austrian nationality at the time of signature of this Treaty. 1 Came into force on 18 August 1967, the thirtieth day after the exchange of the instruments of ratification which took place at Vienna on 19 July 1967, in accordance with article 8.

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 35 [TRADUCTION - TRANSLATION] No 8758. ACCORD 1 ENTRE LA RtPUBLIQUE D'AUTRICHE ET LA RtPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE HONGROISE CON- CERNANT LE RtkGLEMENT DE QUESTIONS FINAN- CItRES EN SUSPENS. SIGNk A BUDAPEST, LE 31 OCTOBRE 1964 La Rdpublique d'Autriche et la Rdpublique populaire hongroise, D~sireuses de r~gler les questions financi~res et les questions relatives aux droits patrimoniaux pendantes entre les deux Rtats qui sont sp6cifi6es dans le prdsent Accord, sont convenues des dispositions ci-apr~s: A rticle premier 1. La R~publique populaire hongroise versera h la R~publique d'Autriche une somme globale de 87 500 000 schillings, en vue: a) D'indemniser, en ce qui concerne les biens, droits ou int~r~ts dont la perte, en Hongrie, r~sulte de mesures hongroises de nationalisation ou d'expropriation ou de toutes autres mesures lides au changement de structure de l'6conomie nationale, la R~publique d'Autriche ou les personnes physiques ou morales qui possddaient la nationalit6 autrichienne lors de l'adoption desdites mesures et la poss~dent au moment de la signature du present Accord, pour autant que lesdits biens, droits ou int6r~ts se sont trouvds soumis de ce fait au pouvoir de disposition de la R~publique populaire hongroise ; toutefois, la Rdpublique populaire hongroise ne versera aucune indemnit6 pour les propri6t6s agricoles et foresti6res au-delh de 100 arpents cadastraux. b) De racheter les obligations ddcoulant d'emprunts ext6rieurs 6mis par l'Etat hongrois, les soci6t6s hongroises de droit public, les entreprises hongroises et les 6tablissements financiers hongrois ainsi que les obligations assorties de garanties hypothcaires libelles en monnaie 6trang~re et payables en dehors de la Hongrie 6mises par les 6tablissements financiers hongrois, d6tenues par des personnes physiques ou morales autrichiennes le 27 avril 1945 et au moment de la signature du present Accord. 2. Les dispositions qui precedent s'appliqueront de m~me aux ayants cause des personnes d6c~ddes qui y sont vis~es pour autant que lesdits ayants cause poss~dent la nationalit6 autrichienne au moment de la signature du pr6sent Accord. I Entr6 en vigueur le 18 aoft 1967, soit le trenti~me jour apr~s 1'6change des instruments de ratification qui a eu lieu t Vienne le 19 juillet 1967, conformdment h 'article 8.

34 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>- <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />






ON 31 OCTOBER 1964<br />

The Republic of Austria and the Hungarian People's Republic,<br />

Desiring to reach an understanding on the financial and property questions<br />

remaining to be settled between the two States and specified in this<br />

<strong>Treaty</strong>, have agreed on the following provisions:<br />

Article 1<br />

(1) The Hungarian People's Republic shall pay to the Republic of<br />

Austria a lump sum of 87.5 million Austrian schillings:<br />

(a) As compensation for losses of property, rights or interests in Hungary<br />

sustained, as a result of Hungarian nationalization, expropriation or other<br />

measures connected with the structural changes in the Hungarian national<br />

economy, by the Republic of Austria or by natural or juridical persons which<br />

possessed Austrian nationality at the time such measures were taken and<br />

possess Austrian nationality at the time of signature of this <strong>Treaty</strong>, in so<br />

far as the said property, rights or interests have by virtue of such measures<br />

come within the disposal of the Hungarian People's Republic; the Hungarian<br />

People's Republic shall not, however, compensate an owner in respect of<br />

agricultural or forest property in excess of 100 cadastral yokes ;<br />

(b) For the redemption of bonds held by Austrian natural or juridical<br />

persons on 27 April 1945 and at the time of signature of the <strong>Treaty</strong> against<br />

external loans issued by the Hungarian State, Hungarian public-law corporations<br />

and Hungarian enterprises and financial institutions and for the redemption<br />

of mortgage bonds issued by Hungarian financial institutions,<br />

payable outside Hungary and in foreign currency, which were held by Austrian<br />

natural or juridical persons on 27 April 1945 and are held by them at the<br />

time of signature of the <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

(2) The above provisions shall similarly apply to the heirs of the persons<br />

therein referred to, where such heirs possess Austrian nationality at the time<br />

of signature of this <strong>Treaty</strong>.<br />

1 Came into force on 18 August 1967, the thirtieth day after the exchange of the instruments<br />

of ratification which took place at Vienna on 19 July 1967, in accordance with article 8.

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