Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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290 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 States contractors and to United States personnel, or issue its own driving permits, without test or fee, to such persons who hold such United States permits. United States contractors and United States personnel who do not hold such valid United States driving permits shall be required to obtain licenses in accordance with the law in force in Antigua. (b) The United States authorities in collaboration with the authorities of Antigua shall issue appropriate instructions to United States contractors and to United States personnel, fully informing them of the traffic laws in force in Antigua and requiring strict compliance therewith. 15. USE OF OTHER UNITED STATES FACILITIES IN ANTIGUA (a) United States Defense Facilities. NASA and United States contractors engaged by NASA may at any time utilize the logistic support services and other assistance available from United States facilities in Antigua established pursuant to the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Federation of The West Indies concerning United States Defense Areas in the Federation of The West Indies, signed at Port of Spain on February 10, 1961.1 The provisions of that Agreement shall govern any such services and assistance rendered. (b) Post Office and Commissariat Facilities. NASA and United States contractors engaged -by NASA and United States personnel shall have the right of access to and use of the facilities established by the United States military authorities in Antigua pursuant to Articles XIII and XIV of the aforementioned Agreement of February 10, 1961. 16. APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS To the extent that the carrying out of any provisions of this Agreement will depend on funds appropriated by the Congress of the United States, it shall be subject to the availability of such funds. 17. SUPPLEMENTARY ARRANGEMENTS The appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States and the Government of Antigua are authorized to make supplementary arrangements for the implementation of this Agreement in accordance with its purposes. 18. DISCONTINUANCE OF USE OF STATION Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 19, should changed conditions alter the requirements of the Government of the United States for the station, the Government of the United States shall have the right to discontinue use of the station after suitable advance notice to the Government of the United Kingdom. 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, Vol. 409, p. 67, and Vol. 531, p. 368. No. 8767

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 291 subdivisions aux entrepreneurs et au personnel am6ricains, ou d6livrera lui-m~me, sans exiger ni examen ni droits, des permis de conduire d'Antigua aux titulaires de permis am~ricains. Les entrepreneurs et le personnel am6ricains qui ne sont pas titulaires d'un permis de conduire valable d6livr6 par les Ittats-Unis seront tenus d'obtenir des permis en se conformant . la l6gislation en vigueur A Antigua. b) En collaboration avec les autorit~s d'Antigua, les autorit~s am~ricaines feront distribuer aux entrepreneurs et au personnel am~ricains des instructions appropri6es les informant en d6tail des r~glements relatifs . la circulation en vigueur A Antigua et indiquant que ces r~glements doivent 6tre strictement respect~s. 15. UTILISATION D'AUTRES INSTALLATIONS AMIRICAINES k ANTIGUA a) Installations de dfense des Atats-Unis. La NASA et les entrepreneurs am6ricains engag6s par elle pourront . tout moment faire appel aux services d'appui logistique et h 1'assistance des installations am~ricaines existant h Antigua conform6ment aux dispositions de l'Accord entre le Gouvernement des ttats-Unis d'Am6rique et le Gouvernement de la F6d~ration des Indes occidentales concernant les zones de defense des 1ttats-Unis situ~es sur le territoire de la F6d6ration des Indes occidentales, sign6 A Port of Spain le 10 f6vrier 1961 1. Les dispositions de cet Accord r6giront l'octroi de tous services et de toute assistance de ce genre. b) Bureaux de poste et intendance. La NASA ainsi que les entrepreneurs am6ricains engag6s par elle et le personnel am~ricain pourront acc6der aux installations cr66es h Antigua par les autorit6s militaires am~ricaines conform6ment aux articles XlII et XIV de l'Accord susmentionn6 du 10 f6vrier 1961, et pourront les utiliser. 16. OUVERTURE DE CRtDITS Dans la mesure oii 'ex6cution du present Accord d~pend du vote de cr6dits par le Congr~s des Ittats-Unis, cette execution s'entend sous r~serve de l'ouverture desdits credits. 17. ARRANGEMENTS SUPPLIlMENTAIRES Les autorit~s comp6tentes du Gouvernement des ttats-Unis et du Gouvernement d'Antigua sont autoris~es h conclure des arrangements suppl~mentaires aux fins de l'application du present Accord, conform6ment A. ses buts. 18. CESSATION DE L'UTILISATION DE LA STATION Nonobstant les dispositions du paragraphe 19, si, du fait de circonstances nouvelles, le Gouvernement des 1 tats-Unis cesse d'avoir besoin de la station, il pourra cesser de l'utiliser moyennant un pr6avis suffisant adress6 au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni. I Nations Unies, Recueil des Traitds, vol. 409, p. 67, et vol. 531, p. 369. No 8767

290 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

States contractors and to <strong>United</strong> States personnel, or issue its own driving permits,<br />

without test or fee, to such persons who hold such <strong>United</strong> States permits. <strong>United</strong><br />

States contractors and <strong>United</strong> States personnel who do not hold such valid <strong>United</strong><br />

States driving permits shall be required to obtain licenses in accordance with the<br />

law in force in Antigua.<br />

(b) The <strong>United</strong> States authorities in collaboration with the authorities of<br />

Antigua shall issue appropriate instructions to <strong>United</strong> States contractors and to<br />

<strong>United</strong> States personnel, fully informing them of the traffic laws in force in Antigua<br />

and requiring strict compliance therewith.<br />


(a) <strong>United</strong> States Defense Facilities. NASA and <strong>United</strong> States contractors<br />

engaged by NASA may at any time utilize the logistic support services and other<br />

assistance available from <strong>United</strong> States facilities in Antigua established pursuant<br />

to the provisions of the Agreement between the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

of America and the Government of the Federation of The West Indies concerning<br />

<strong>United</strong> States Defense Areas in the Federation of The West Indies, signed at Port<br />

of Spain on February 10, 1961.1 The provisions of that Agreement shall govern<br />

any such services and assistance rendered.<br />

(b) Post Office and Commissariat Facilities. NASA and <strong>United</strong> States contractors<br />

engaged -by NASA and <strong>United</strong> States personnel shall have the right of<br />

access to and use of the facilities established by the <strong>United</strong> States military authorities<br />

in Antigua pursuant to Articles XIII and XIV of the aforementioned Agreement<br />

of February 10, 1961.<br />


To the extent that the carrying out of any provisions of this Agreement will<br />

depend on funds appropriated by the Congress of the <strong>United</strong> States, it shall be<br />

subject to the availability of such funds.<br />


The appropriate authorities of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States and the<br />

Government of Antigua are authorized to make supplementary arrangements<br />

for the implementation of this Agreement in accordance with its purposes.<br />


Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 19, should changed conditions<br />

alter the requirements of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States for the station,<br />

the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States shall have the right to discontinue use of<br />

the station after suitable advance notice to the Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom.<br />

1 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong>, <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong>, Vol. 409, p. 67, and Vol. 531, p. 368.<br />

No. 8767

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