Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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288 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 (b) The Government of the United States may also settle other claims against the United States arising from acts or omissions connected with the station in accordance with applicable provisions of United States law. 12. PUBLIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES (a) NASA and its contractors and United States personnel may use the public services and facilities belonging to or controlled or regulated by the Government of the United Kingdom or the Government of Antigua. The terms of use, including charges, shall be no less favorable than those available to other users unless otherwise agreed. No landing charges shall, however, be payable by the United States Government by reason of the use by aircraft, owned or operated by or on behalf of the Government of the United States, of any airport in Antigua. There shall be such contribution by the Government of the United States to the maintenance and operating costs of any airport as may be fair and reasonable, having regard to the use made of it by such aircraft. The amount of such contribution shall be subject to agreement between the appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States and the Government of Antigua. (b) United States Government vessels using port facilities in Antigua shall not be subject to any toll charges, including lights and harbor dues (except insofar as such charges or dues represent payment for services rendered), nor shall such vessels be subject to compulsory pilotage. (c) Lights and other aids to navigation of vessels and aircraft placed or established in the station and its vicinity and territorial waters adjacent thereto by the Government of the United States shall conform to the system in use in Antigua. The position and characteristics of any such lights or other aids and any alterations thereof shall be determined in consultation with the appropriate authority of Antigua. 13. USE OF CURRENCY (a) The Government of the United States shall collaborate with the Government of Antigua in ensuring compliance with any foreign exchange law in force in Antigua. The Government of the United States and United States contractors may possess and use United States currency for official purposes, including the payment of personnel, and may purchase and use local currency. (b) United States personnel may use for internal transactions and export United States currency received from the Government of the United States or United States contractors. (c) The appropriate authorities shall collaborate in the establishment of facilities to permit the purchase of local currency with United States currency and to prevent unauthorized transactions in either currency. 14. DRIVING PERMITS (a) The Government of Antigua shall honor, without driving test or fee, driving permits issued by the United States or a subdivision thereof to United No. 8767

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 289 b) Le Gouvernement des tats-Unis pourra 6galement prendre une d~cision A propos d'autres demandes d'indemnit6 pr~sentdes aux P-tats-Unis du chef d'actes ou de n~gligences lids A l'exploitation de la station, conform~ment aux dispositions pertinentes de la legislation am~ricaine. 12. INSTALLATIONS ET SERVICES PUBLICS a) La NASA et ses entrepreneurs, ainsi que le personnel am~ricain, auront le droit d'utiliser les installations et services publics appartenant au Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni ou au Gouvernement d'Antigua, ou bien r~gis ou r~glement~s par eux. Les conditions d'utilisation, y compris les taxes, ne seront pas moins favorables que celles dont b6n~ficient les autres usagers, sauf s'il en est d~cid6 autrement. Toutefois, aucune taxe d'atterrissage ne sera impos~e au Gouvernement des 1ktats-Unis quand des a~ronefs lui appartenant ou exploits par lui ou pour son compte utiliseront Fun quelconque des a6roports d'Antigua. Le Gouvernement des Etats-Unis versera, pour les frais d'entretien et d'exploitation de tout adroport, la contribution qui sera juste et raisonnable, compte tenu de l'utilisation que lesdits a~ronefs feront des a~roports. Le montant de ladite contribution sera fix6 d'un commun accord par les autorit~s comp~tentes du Gouvernement des Pftats-Unis et du Gouvernement d'Antigua. b) Aucun droit, y compris les droits de phare et de port (sauf dans la mesure oii ces droits repr~sentent le paiement pour services rendus), ne sera impos6 aux navires du Gouvernement des ktats-Unis qui utiliseront les installations portuaires d'Antigua ; ces navires ne seront pas non plus assujettis au pilotage obligatoire. c) Les feux et autres aides la navigation maritime et a6rienne places ou install~s dans la station, dans son voisinage et dans les eaux territoriales adjacentes par le Gouvernement des P-tats-Unis seront conformes au syst~me utilis6 A Antigua. Leur position et leurs caract~ristiques, ainsi que toutes modifications 6ventuelles, seront d~termin~es en consultation avec l'autorit6 comp~tente d'Antigua. 13. DEVISES a) Le Gouvernement des 1ktats-Unis collaborera avec le Gouvernement d'Antigua pour assurer le respect de toute 16gislation relative au change en vigueur h Antigua. Le Gouvernement des t tats-Unis et les entrepreneurs am~ricains seront autoris~s A d~tenir et h utiliser de la monnaie des ttats-Unis pour les paiements officiels, notamment pour la r6tribution du personnel, et pourront acheter et utiliser la monnaie locale. b) Le personnel am~ricain sera autoris6 6, utiliser pour les transactions internes la monnaie des ]Etats-Unis qu'ils auront revue du Gouvernement des ttats-Unis ou des entrepreneurs am~ricains, et A l'exporter. c) Les autorit~s comp~tentes s'entendront pour crier des bureaux de change afin de permettre l'achat de la monnaie locale avec la monnaie des P-tats-Unis et d'emp~cher les transactions ill~gales dans les deux sens. 14. PERMIS DE CONDUIRE a) Le Gouvernement d'Antigua acceptera comme valable, sans exiger ni examen ni droits, le permis de conduire d~livr6 par les lktats-Unis ou l'une de leurs No 8767

288 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

(b) The Government of the <strong>United</strong> States may also settle other claims against<br />

the <strong>United</strong> States arising from acts or omissions connected with the station in<br />

accordance with applicable provisions of <strong>United</strong> States law.<br />


(a) NASA and its contractors and <strong>United</strong> States personnel may use the public<br />

services and facilities belonging to or controlled or regulated by the Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom or the Government of Antigua. The terms of use, including<br />

charges, shall be no less favorable than those available to other users unless otherwise<br />

agreed. No landing charges shall, however, be payable by the <strong>United</strong> States Government<br />

by reason of the use by aircraft, owned or operated by or on behalf of the<br />

Government of the <strong>United</strong> States, of any airport in Antigua. There shall be such<br />

contribution by the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States to the maintenance and<br />

operating costs of any airport as may be fair and reasonable, having regard to<br />

the use made of it by such aircraft. The amount of such contribution shall be subject<br />

to agreement between the appropriate authorities of the Government of the <strong>United</strong><br />

States and the Government of Antigua.<br />

(b) <strong>United</strong> States Government vessels using port facilities in Antigua shall<br />

not be subject to any toll charges, including lights and harbor dues (except insofar<br />

as such charges or dues represent payment for services rendered), nor shall such<br />

vessels be subject to compulsory pilotage.<br />

(c) Lights and other aids to navigation of vessels and aircraft placed or established<br />

in the station and its vicinity and territorial waters adjacent thereto by the<br />

Government of the <strong>United</strong> States shall conform to the system in use in Antigua.<br />

The position and characteristics of any such lights or other aids and any alterations<br />

thereof shall be determined in consultation with the appropriate authority of Antigua.<br />


(a) The Government of the <strong>United</strong> States shall collaborate with the Government<br />

of Antigua in ensuring compliance with any foreign exchange law in force<br />

in Antigua. The Government of the <strong>United</strong> States and <strong>United</strong> States contractors<br />

may possess and use <strong>United</strong> States currency for official purposes, including the<br />

payment of personnel, and may purchase and use local currency.<br />

(b) <strong>United</strong> States personnel may use for internal transactions and export<br />

<strong>United</strong> States currency received from the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States or<br />

<strong>United</strong> States contractors.<br />

(c) The appropriate authorities shall collaborate in the establishment of facilities<br />

to permit the purchase of local currency with <strong>United</strong> States currency and to<br />

prevent unauthorized transactions in either currency.<br />


(a) The Government of Antigua shall honor, without driving test or fee,<br />

driving permits issued by the <strong>United</strong> States or a subdivision thereof to <strong>United</strong><br />

No. 8767

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