Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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286 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 this Agreement and, if required, certified as such on behalf of the Government of the United States; (ii) the personal effects and household goods, including privately-owned automobiles, imported by United States personnel on first arrival in Antigua or within six months thereafter and related thereto. (b) No excise, consumption or other duty shall be levied or charged on any goods or materials purchased locally by or for the use of the Government of the United States for the purposes of this Agreement. (c) Where the legal incidence of any form of taxation in Antigua depends on residence or domicile, periods during which the United States personnel are in Antigua solely by reason of this Agreement shall not be considered as periods of residence (or as creating a change of residence or domicile) for the purposes of such taxation. United States personnel shall be exempt from taxation in Antigua on the salary and emoluments received by them as such, on any tangible movable property within the station and on the ownership of such property outside the station in Antigua solely by reason of this Agreement. (d) Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent taxation of United States personnel and United States contractors with respect to any profitable enterprise other than their employment as such in which they may engage in Antigua; and, except as regards salary and emoluments and the tangible movable property referred to in the preceding sub-paragraph, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent taxation to which, even if regarded as resident or domiciled outside Antigua, such persons are liable under the law of Antigua. (e) Vehicles of the Government of the United States shall be exempted from all fees, taxes and other charges. A list of all such vehicles and their registration numbers shall be furnished to the Government of Antigua. Privately owned automobiles imported by United States personnel (excluding personnel employed by a United States contractor and their dependants) which qualify for exemption under paragraph (a) (ii) above shall also be exempt from Motor Vehicles Tax, or any other tax, duty or charge of a similar nature. (f) The appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States and the Government of Antigua shall collaborate in measures to be taken to prevent abuse of the privileges granted under this paragraph. 11. CIVIL CLAIMS (a) Claims for damage to property or injury to persons arising from acts or omissions of United States personnel, who are employed by or directly connected with NASA, will be considered and settled in accordance with the provisions of Section 203 (b) (13) of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Act (42 U.S.C. section 2473), and as it may be amended. No. 8767

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitds 287 leur usage et, au besoin, certifies comme tels par le Gouvernement des R2tats-Unis ; ii) Des effets personnels et du mobilier, y compris les automobiles privdes, import~s par le personnel am6ricain A leur premidre arriv~e A Antigua ou dans un d~lai de six mois suivant imm~diatement leur arrivde. b) Aucun droit d'accise, de consommation ou autre ne sera impos6 aux marchandises ou au materiel achet~s sur place par le Gouvernement des ]Etats-Unis ou pour son compte aux fins du present Accord. c) Si, h Antigua, l'tablissement d'un imp6t quelconque d6pend de la r6sidence ou du domicile du redevable, les p~riodes au cours desquelles le personnel am6ricain sera present A Antigua aux seules fins du present Accord ne seront pas consid~r~es, pour l'6tablissement dudit imp6t, comme p6riodes de rdsidence (ou comme entralnant un changement de rdsidence ou de domicile). Le personnel amdricain sera exondr6 L Antigua de tout imp6t sur les traitements et 6moluments qui lui sont pay~s en cette qualit6, sur tout bien meuble corporel lui appartenant dans la station ainsi que sur tout bien meuble corporel lui appartenant en dehors de la station et dont la presence A Antigua est due uniquement au present Accord. d) Le prdsent paragraphe n'exon~rera en aucune faqon le personnel et les entrepreneurs am~ricains des imp6ts aff6rents aux activits gdndratrices de profit, autres que celles qu'ils exercent aux fins du present Accord, auxquelles ils pourraient se livrer A Antigua; sauf en ce qui concerne les traitements, les 6moluments et les biens meubles corporels visds au paragraphe prdcddent, les dispositions du prdsent paragraphe ne s'opposent en rien A la perception des imp6ts auxquels les personnes sont assujetties en vertu de la l~gislation d'Antigua, m~me si elles sont considdrdes comme ayant leur rdsidence ou leur domicile hors d'Antigua. e) Les vdhicules appartenant au Gouvernement des Itats-Unis seront exempts de tous droits, taxes et autres imp6ts. Une liste de tous ces vhicules et de leurs numdros d'immatriculation sera fournie au Gouvernement d'Antigua. Les automobiles privdes import~es par le personnel am~ricain (Ak l'exclusion du personnel employd par un entrepreneur amdricain et des personnes A charge de ce personnel) qui ont droit A l'exemption fiscale en vertu de la section ii de l'alin6a a du present paragraphe seront 6galement exemptes de la taxe impos6e aux v6hicules A moteur ainsi que de toutes autres taxes, droits ou imp6ts similaires. f) Les autorit~s comp~tentes du Gouvernement des Rtats-Unis et du Gouvernement d'Antigua prendront conjointement les mesures propres A emp~cher qu'il ne soit fait abus des privileges accord~s en vertu du pr6sent paragraphe. 11. INDEMNITP-S EN MATIkRE CIVILE a) Les demandes d'indemnit6 pour d~gAts materiels ou accident de personne pr~sent~es du chef d'actes ou de n~gligences dont seront responsables des membres du personnel am6ricain qui sont employ6s par la NASA ou qui lui sont directement associ~s seront instruites, et les d~cisions A leur sujet seront prises, conform~ment aux dispositions de la section 203, b, 13) de 1'United States National Aeronautics and Space Act (42 U.S.C. section 2473) telles qu'elles pourraient 6tre amend~es. NO 8767

286 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

this Agreement and, if required, certified as such on behalf of the Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> States;<br />

(ii) the personal effects and household goods, including privately-owned<br />

automobiles, imported by <strong>United</strong> States personnel on first arrival in<br />

Antigua or within six months thereafter and related thereto.<br />

(b) No excise, consumption or other duty shall be levied or charged on any<br />

goods or materials purchased locally by or for the use of the Government of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> States for the purposes of this Agreement.<br />

(c) Where the legal incidence of any form of taxation in Antigua depends on<br />

residence or domicile, periods during which the <strong>United</strong> States personnel are in<br />

Antigua solely by reason of this Agreement shall not be considered as periods<br />

of residence (or as creating a change of residence or domicile) for the purposes of<br />

such taxation. <strong>United</strong> States personnel shall be exempt from taxation in Antigua<br />

on the salary and emoluments received by them as such, on any tangible movable<br />

property within the station and on the ownership of such property outside the<br />

station in Antigua solely by reason of this Agreement.<br />

(d) Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent taxation of <strong>United</strong> States personnel<br />

and <strong>United</strong> States contractors with respect to any profitable enterprise other than<br />

their employment as such in which they may engage in Antigua; and, except as<br />

regards salary and emoluments and the tangible movable property referred to in<br />

the preceding sub-paragraph, nothing in this paragraph shall prevent taxation<br />

to which, even if regarded as resident or domiciled outside Antigua, such persons<br />

are liable under the law of Antigua.<br />

(e) Vehicles of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States shall be exempted from<br />

all fees, taxes and other charges. A list of all such vehicles and their registration<br />

numbers shall be furnished to the Government of Antigua. Privately owned automobiles<br />

imported by <strong>United</strong> States personnel (excluding personnel employed by<br />

a <strong>United</strong> States contractor and their dependants) which qualify for exemption<br />

under paragraph (a) (ii) above shall also be exempt from Motor Vehicles Tax,<br />

or any other tax, duty or charge of a similar nature.<br />

(f) The appropriate authorities of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States and<br />

the Government of Antigua shall collaborate in measures to be taken to prevent<br />

abuse of the privileges granted under this paragraph.<br />

11. CIVIL CLAIMS<br />

(a) Claims for damage to property or injury to persons arising from acts or<br />

omissions of <strong>United</strong> States personnel, who are employed by or directly connected<br />

with NASA, will be considered and settled in accordance with the provisions of<br />

Section 203 (b) (13) of the <strong>United</strong> States National Aeronautics and Space Act<br />

(42 U.S.C. section 2473), and as it may be amended.<br />

No. 8767

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