Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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284 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Union, 1 the Government of the United Kingdom shall authorize the use of the radio frequencies for the purposes of the station. (b) Because an essential characteristic of the site to be selected for the station will be its freedom from harmful radio interference, the Government of the United Kingdom shall, insofar as practicable, take such measures to maintain this freedom against the introduction or operation of radio interference-producing devices (such as power lines, industrial facilities, primary highways, aircraft beacons, air-ground communications) within the vicinity of this sensitive radio receiving station and further, in the event it becomes necessary to introduce such devices into the area, the Government of the United Kingdom shall take all precautionary measures possible to minimize or eliminate any harmful interference. The Government of the United Kingdom shall, upon the request of the Government of the United States, investigate any interference to radio reception at the station which may be due to electrical apparatus and shall take all reasonable steps to secure the cessation of the interference. (c) All telecommunications operations by the station shall be conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union and telecommunications regulations of the Government of the United Kingdom so as not to cause interference with other authorized telecommunications services. 8. ENTRY AND DEPARTURE OF UNITED STATES PERSONNEL The Government of the United Kingdom shall, upon request, take the necessary steps to facilitate the admission into, and departure from, Antigua of such United States personnel as may be assigned to or as may visit Antigua for the purposes of this Agreement. 9. IMPORTATION AND EXPORTATION OF MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT, SUPPLIES, GOODS AND OTHER PROPERTY (a) The Government of the United Kingdom shall, upon request, take the necessary steps to facilitate the admission into Antigua of materials, equipment, supplies, goods or other property of the Government of the United States, or of United States contractors, for purposes of this Agreement. (b) The Government of the United States shall retain title and ownership to all materials, equipment, supplies, goods or other property used in connection with the station and shall be entitled to remove the same free of any restrictions at any time. 10. FISCAL EXEMPTIONS (a) No taxes or duties of customs shall be imposed upon the importation or exportation of : (i) materials and equipment imported by or for the use of the Government of the United States and United States contractors for the purposes of 1 United States of America: Treaties and Other International Acts Series 4893. No. 8767

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 285 des tdl~communications1, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni autorisera l'usage des frdquences radio ndcessaires au fonctionnement de la station. b) Comme l'une des caract~ristiques essentielles de 'emplacement qui sera choisi pour y crier la station est l'absence de toute interfdrence nuisible, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni prendra toutes mesures possibles pour empcher l'implantation ou l'exploitation d'installations (lignes A haute tension, installations industrielles, routes A grande circulation, balises adriennes, installations de communications air-sol) causant des interf6rences radio au voisinage de cette station tr~s sensible. S'il se rdv~le ndcessaire de crier ce genre d'installations A proximit6 de la station, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni prendra toutes les prdcautions possibles pour rdduire au minimum ou dliminer toutes interfdrences nuisibles. Le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni recherchera, sur la demande du Gouvernement des ]-tats-Unis, l'origine de toutes interfdrences g~nant la rdception radio de la station qui pourraient 6tre dues A des appareils 6lectriques, et prendra toutes mesures raisonnables pour les faire cesser. c) Pour tout ce qui a trait aux tdldcommunications, la station opdrera conformdment aux dispositions applicables du R~glement des radiocommunications de l'Union internationale des tdl6communications ainsi qu'aux r~glements du Royaume-Uni relatifs aux tdl6communications, de mani~re h ne pas causer d'interf~rences avec les autres services de tdl~communications autoris6s. 8. ENTRfE ET DEPART DU PERSONNEL AMERICAIN Sur demande, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni veillera h faciliter l'entr~e Antigua et le ddpart de ce territoire du personnel am~ricain qui pourra 6tre nomm6 h Antigua ou s'y rendre aux fins du prdsent Accord. 9. IMPORTATION ET EXPORTATION DE MATtRIEL, D'tQUIPEMENT, DE FOURNITURES, DE MARCHANDISES ET D'AUTRES BIENS a) Sur demande, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni veillera 6 faciliter l'entrde A Antigua du mat6riel, de l'6quipement, des fournitures, des marchandises ou de tous autres articles du Gouvernement des Etats-Unis ou des entreprises am~ricaines travaillant sous contrat aux fins du present Accord. b) Le Gouvernement des ]tats-Unis conservera la propri~t6 des mat~riaux, de '6quipement, des fournitures, des marchandises ou des autres biens utilisds pour l'exploitation de la station, et pourra les reprendre h tout moment sans restriction aucune. 10. EXEMPTIONS FISCALES a) Aucune taxe ni aucun droit de douane ne seront imposs A. 'importation ou h l'exportation: i) Du materiel et de l'6quipement import~s par le Gouvernement des ttats- Unis et les entrepreneurs am6ricains aux fins du present Accord ou pour L Union internationale des tdldcommunications, Rglement des Radiocommunications, Gen~ve, 1959. No 8767

284 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Union, 1 the Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall authorize the use of the<br />

radio frequencies for the purposes of the station.<br />

(b) Because an essential characteristic of the site to be selected for the station<br />

will be its freedom from harmful radio interference, the Government of the <strong>United</strong><br />

Kingdom shall, insofar as practicable, take such measures to maintain this freedom<br />

against the introduction or operation of radio interference-producing devices<br />

(such as power lines, industrial facilities, primary highways, aircraft beacons,<br />

air-ground communications) within the vicinity of this sensitive radio receiving<br />

station and further, in the event it becomes necessary to introduce such devices<br />

into the area, the Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall take all precautionary<br />

measures possible to minimize or eliminate any harmful interference. The Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall, upon the request of the Government of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> States, investigate any interference to radio reception at the station which<br />

may be due to electrical apparatus and shall take all reasonable steps to secure the<br />

cessation of the interference.<br />

(c) All telecommunications operations by the station shall be conducted in<br />

accordance with applicable provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International<br />

Telecommunication Union and telecommunications regulations of the Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom so as not to cause interference with other authorized telecommunications<br />

services.<br />


The Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall, upon request, take the necessary<br />

steps to facilitate the admission into, and departure from, Antigua of such<br />

<strong>United</strong> States personnel as may be assigned to or as may visit Antigua for the<br />

purposes of this Agreement.<br />



(a) The Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall, upon request, take the<br />

necessary steps to facilitate the admission into Antigua of materials, equipment,<br />

supplies, goods or other property of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States, or of<br />

<strong>United</strong> States contractors, for purposes of this Agreement.<br />

(b) The Government of the <strong>United</strong> States shall retain title and ownership<br />

to all materials, equipment, supplies, goods or other property used in connection<br />

with the station and shall be entitled to remove the same free of any restrictions<br />

at any time.<br />


(a) No taxes or duties of customs shall be imposed upon the importation or<br />

exportation of :<br />

(i) materials and equipment imported by or for the use of the Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> States and <strong>United</strong> States contractors for the purposes of<br />

1 <strong>United</strong> States of America: Treaties and Other International Acts <strong>Series</strong> 4893.<br />

No. 8767

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