Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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282 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 to time the arrangements regarding the land areas and rights of access, rights of way and easements. (e) As deemed necessary by the Government of the United States, roads shall be constructed or improved at the expense of the Government of the United States to provide suitable connections between the station and other facilities on Antigua. Arrangements with respect to the construction or improvement of such roads shall be agreed upon between the appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States and representatives of the Government of the United Kingdom. 3. DESCRIPTION OF STATION The station shall consist chiefly of and include the following: One 30-foot diameter parabolic antenna; transmitting, receiving and servo electronics; recording, data handling, and communications equipment; a power plant with appropriate switch gear and transformers; one 100-foot guyed collimation tower; and the necessary technical and supporting buildings and structures for offices, storage, sanitation and other required purposes. As program requirements develop, additional equipment or changes to existing equipment, consistent with the terms of this Agreement, may be added at the station. 4. OPERATION OF THE STATION The station shall be operated by NASA or by United States contractors engaged by NASA. To the maximum extent feasible, qualified local personnel shall be utilized in connection with operation and maintenance of the facility, in addition to essential United States technicians and specialists assigned by NASA or its contractor. 5. CONSTRUCTION (a) Construction of the station shall be by a United States contractor, who shall, to the maximum extent feasible, employ qualified local sub-contractors and local labor to perform the required work. Materials and supplies available locally shall be used to the maximum extent feasible consistent with station specifications and standards. (b) The special electronic and related systems designed for the station are United States equipment and shall be installed by United States technicians. 6. COSTS In addition to any costs stated in this Agreement to be borne by the Government of the United States, the costs of construction, installing, equipping, operating and maintaining the station shall be borne by the Government of the United States. 7. FREQUENCY AUTHORIZATION AND RADIO INTERFERENCE (a) Upon the request of the Government of the United States and subject to the provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication No. 8767

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 283 dispositions relatives aux terrains ainsi qu'aux droits d'acc~s, de passage et d'usage. e) Selon que le Gouvernement des ktats-Unis le jugera n~cessaire, des routes seront construites ou am~lior~es aux frais de ce Gouvernement, de manire A assurer les liaisons voulues entre la station et d'autres installations situ~es a Antigua. Les dispositions relatives a la construction ou k l'am~lioration de ces routes seront convenues d'un commun accord entre les autorit~s comptentes du Gouvernement des ktats-Unis et les repr~sentants autoris6s du Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni. 3. DESCRIPTION DE LA STATION La station comprendra essentiellement les installations suivantes : une antenne parabolique de 9,15 m~tres de diam~tre; du materiel 6lectronique (transmission, r~ception et servo-m~canismes) ; du mat6riel d'enregistrement et de traitement des donn~es et du materiel de communications; une centrale munie des appareils de commutation et des transformateurs n~cessaires ; une tour de pointage hauban~e de 30,5 m~tres ; des bAtiments pour les installations techniques et des bAtiments auxiliaires pour les bureaux, les entrep6ts, les services sanitaires et tous autres usages jug~s n~cessaires. A mesure que les besoins augmenteront, du materiel suppl~mentaire pourra 6tre ajout6 A la station ou des modifications pourront 6tre apport~es au materiel existant, conform~ment aux modalit~s du present Accord. 4. EXPLOITATION DE LA STATION La station sera exploit6e par la NASA ou par les entrepreneurs am6ricains engages par la NASA. En sus des techniciens et sp~cialistes am~ricains indispensables d~sign~s par la NASA ou l'entreprise contractante, du personnel local qualifi sera affect6 dans toute la mesure possible i l'exploitation et a l'entretien de la station. 5. CONSTRUCTION a) La station sera construite par une entreprise am~ricaine travaillant sous contrat qui, dans toute la mesure possible, confiera l'ex~cution des travaux a des sous-traitants locaux qualifi~s et emploiera de la main-d'oeuvre locale qualifi~e. Conform~ment aux specifications et aux normes de la station, il sera fait le plus grand usage possible des mat~riaux et des fournitures disponibles sur place. b) Le mat6riel 6lectronique et le materiel auxiliaire ncessaires A. la station seront de type am~ricain et seront months par des techniciens des P£tats-Unis. 6. COOT En sus de tous frais vis6s dans le pr6sent Accord qui seront a la charge du Gouvernement des Iktats-Unis, les frais de construction, d'amdnagement, d'6quipement, d'exploitation et d'entretien de la station seront a la charge du Gouvernement des tats-Unis. 7. AUTORISATION DES FRfQUENCES RADIO ET INTERFERENCES a) Sur la demande du Gouvernement des ktats-Unis, et sous rdserve des dispositions du R~glement des radiocommunications de l'Union internationale No 8767

282 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

to time the arrangements regarding the land areas and rights of access, rights of<br />

way and easements.<br />

(e) As deemed necessary by the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States, roads shall<br />

be constructed or improved at the expense of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States<br />

to provide suitable connections between the station and other facilities on Antigua.<br />

Arrangements with respect to the construction or improvement of such roads shall<br />

be agreed upon between the appropriate authorities of the Government of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> States and representatives of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom.<br />


The station shall consist chiefly of and include the following: One 30-foot<br />

diameter parabolic antenna; transmitting, receiving and servo electronics; recording,<br />

data handling, and communications equipment; a power plant with appropriate<br />

switch gear and transformers; one 100-foot guyed collimation tower; and the<br />

necessary technical and supporting buildings and structures for offices, storage,<br />

sanitation and other required purposes. As program requirements develop, additional<br />

equipment or changes to existing equipment, consistent with the terms of<br />

this Agreement, may be added at the station.<br />


The station shall be operated by NASA or by <strong>United</strong> States contractors engaged<br />

by NASA. To the maximum extent feasible, qualified local personnel shall be utilized<br />

in connection with operation and maintenance of the facility, in addition to essential<br />

<strong>United</strong> States technicians and specialists assigned by NASA or its contractor.<br />


(a) Construction of the station shall be by a <strong>United</strong> States contractor, who<br />

shall, to the maximum extent feasible, employ qualified local sub-contractors<br />

and local labor to perform the required work. Materials and supplies available<br />

locally shall be used to the maximum extent feasible consistent with station specifications<br />

and standards.<br />

(b) The special electronic and related systems <strong>des</strong>igned for the station are<br />

<strong>United</strong> States equipment and shall be installed by <strong>United</strong> States technicians.<br />

6. COSTS<br />

In addition to any costs stated in this Agreement to be borne by the Government<br />

of the <strong>United</strong> States, the costs of construction, installing, equipping, operating<br />

and maintaining the station shall be borne by the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States.<br />


(a) Upon the request of the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States and subject<br />

to the provisions of the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication<br />

No. 8767

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