Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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228 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 (3) In judicial or arbitral procedure, if a third State should consider that its legal interests are involved, it may submit to the International Court of Justice or to the Arbitral Tribunal a request to be permitted to intervene as a third party. It shall be for the Court or the Arbitral Tribunal to decide upon this request. Article 37 (1) For the actual duration of the procedure of conciliation or arbitration the jointly appointed members of the Permanent Conciliation Commission and of the Arbitral Tribunal shall receive emoluments, the amount of which shall be fixed by agreement between the Contracting Parties, each of which shall contribute an equal share. (2) Each Contracting Party shall bear its own expenses and an equal share of the costs arising out of the work of the Permanent Conciliation Commission and of the Arbitral Tribunal. Article 38 (1) Subject to paragraph (2) of Article 28 of this Treaty, disputes relating to the interpretation or execution of this Treaty may be submitted to the International Court of Justice by means of a unilateral application. (2) Recourse to the International Court of Justice in accordance with paragraph (1) of this Article shall have the effect of suspending the conciliation or arbitration proceedings until the Court gives its decision. (3) The provisions of Article 32 of this Treaty apply to such decisions of the Court. Article 39 (1) This Treaty shall not apply to disputes relating to anything done or omitted to be done in or in relation to any territory (other than the United Kingdom) for the international relations of which the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are responsible unless this Treaty has been extended to such territory. Any such extension shall take effect from such date and subject to such modifications and conditions (including conditions as to termination) as may be specified and agreed between the Contracting Parties in Notes to be exchanged for this purpose. (2) The termination of this Treaty in accordance with paragraph (2) of Article 40 shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the Contracting Parties, terminate the extension of this Treaty to any territory to which it has been extended under this Article. No. 8765

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 229 3. Si dans une procedure judiciaire ou arbitrale un ]Rtat tiers devait estimer qu'un int~rt d'ordre juridique est pour lui en cause, il pourra adresser h la Cour internationale de Justice ou au Tribunal Arbitral une requete aux fins d'intervention. La Cour ou le Tribunal Arbitral d~cidera. Article 37 1. Pendant la dur~e effective de la procedure de conciliation ou d'arbitrage, les membres de la Commission permanente de conciliation et du Tribunal Arbitral d6signds en commun recevront une indemnit6 dont le montant sera arrt d'un commun accord par les Parties Contractantes qui en supporteront chacune une part 6gale. 2. Chaque Partie Contractante supportera ses propres frais et une part 6gale des frais de la Commission permanente de conciliation et du Tribunal Arbitral. Article 38 1. Sous r~serve de l'Article 28, alin~a 2 du present Trait6, les contestations qui surgiraient au sujet de l'interpr~tation ou de l'ex~cution du present Trait6 pourront 6tre soumises h la Cour internationale de Justice par voie de requte unilat~rale. 2. Le recours h la Cour internationale de Justice conform~ment au premier alin~a du present article aura pour effet de suspendre la procedure de conciliation ou d'arbitrage en cours jusqu'k d~cision h intervenir. 3. Les dispositions de l'Article 32 du present Trait6 s'appliqueront h la d6cision rendue par la Cour. Article 39 1. Le prfsent Trait6 ne s'appliquera pas aux diffdrends relatifs h tous actes ou omissions ayant leur origine dans ou se rapportant h tout territoire (autre que le Royaume-Uni) dont les relations internationales rel~vent de la responsabilit6 du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord, h moins que le present Trait6 n'ait W rendu applicable h ce territoire. Une telle extension d'application entrera en vigueur a la date et aux conditions (y compris les conditions concernant la dur~e de validit6) sp~cifi~es et convenues par les Parties Contractantes par notes 6changdes h cette fin. 2. La ddnonciation du present Trait6, conformfment h l'article 40, alinda 2, aura pour consequence la ddnonciation de l'extension d'application du prdsent Trait6 h tout territoire auquel il aurait 6t6 rendu applicable en vertu du present article, . moins que les Parties Contractantes n'en ddcident autrement par accord expr~s. N 8765

228 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

(3) In judicial or arbitral procedure, if a third State should consider that<br />

its legal interests are involved, it may submit to the International Court of<br />

Justice or to the Arbitral Tribunal a request to be permitted to intervene<br />

as a third party. It shall be for the Court or the Arbitral Tribunal to decide<br />

upon this request.<br />

Article 37<br />

(1) For the actual duration of the procedure of conciliation or arbitration<br />

the jointly appointed members of the Permanent Conciliation Commission and<br />

of the Arbitral Tribunal shall receive emoluments, the amount of which<br />

shall be fixed by agreement between the Contracting Parties, each of which<br />

shall contribute an equal share.<br />

(2) Each Contracting Party shall bear its own expenses and an equal<br />

share of the costs arising out of the work of the Permanent Conciliation<br />

Commission and of the Arbitral Tribunal.<br />

Article 38<br />

(1) Subject to paragraph (2) of Article 28 of this <strong>Treaty</strong>, disputes relating<br />

to the interpretation or execution of this <strong>Treaty</strong> may be submitted to the<br />

International Court of Justice by means of a unilateral application.<br />

(2) Recourse to the International Court of Justice in accordance with<br />

paragraph (1) of this Article shall have the effect of suspending the conciliation<br />

or arbitration proceedings until the Court gives its decision.<br />

(3) The provisions of Article 32 of this <strong>Treaty</strong> apply to such decisions of<br />

the Court.<br />

Article 39<br />

(1) This <strong>Treaty</strong> shall not apply to disputes relating to anything done or<br />

omitted to be done in or in relation to any territory (other than the <strong>United</strong><br />

Kingdom) for the international relations of which the Government of the<br />

<strong>United</strong> Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are responsible<br />

unless this <strong>Treaty</strong> has been extended to such territory. Any such extension<br />

shall take effect from such date and subject to such modifications and conditions<br />

(including conditions as to termination) as may be specified and agreed<br />

between the Contracting Parties in Notes to be exchanged for this purpose.<br />

(2) The termination of this <strong>Treaty</strong> in accordance with paragraph (2) of<br />

Article 40 shall, unless otherwise expressly agreed between the Contracting<br />

Parties, terminate the extension of this <strong>Treaty</strong> to any territory to which it has<br />

been extended under this Article.<br />

No. 8765

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