Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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196 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 No. 8764. AGREEMENT 1 FOR SCIENTIFIC AND TECHNO- LOGICAL CO-OPERATION BETWEEN THE GOVERN- MENT OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND AND THE GOVERNMENT OF THE SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF RUMANIA. SIGNED AT LONDON, ON 9 MARCH 1967 The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania; Desirous of advancing further the friendly relations between them and of promoting scientific and technological co-operation between their countries Have agreed as follows: Article I The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania shall encourage and develop scientific and technological co-operation between their two countries on a basis of mutual benefit, and shall use their best endeavours to this end within the terms of this Agreement. Article II The Contracting Governments shall seek to promote on a mutual basis by the means most appropriate : (a) Visits of experts and technicians for studies, training, consultations and exchange of views in the scientific and technological fields. (b) Facilities for study and research and opportunities to gain experience in industrial research institutes and industrial enterprises. (c) The exchange between industrial enterprises in the two countries of industrial knowledge and technology, including arrangements in the field of licences. (d) Arrangements for the exchange of scientific and technical information. (e) Such other forms of co-operation in science and technology as may be mutually agreed. I Came into force on 9 March 1967 by signature, in accordance with article VI (1).

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 197 [ROMANIAN TEXT - TEXTE ROUMAIN] No. 8764. ACORD DE COLABORARE STIINTIFICA SI TEH- NICA iNTRE GUVERNUL REPUBLICII SOLIALISTE RO- MANIA SI GUVERNUL REGATULUI UNIT AL MARII BRITANJI SI IRLANDEI DE NORD Guvernul Republicii Socialiste RomAnia §i Guvernul Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii §i Irlandei de Nord, animate de dorinta de a dezvolta pe mai departe relatiile de prietenie §i de a promova colaborarea tiintificd i tehnica intre tdrile lor, au convenit asupra celor ce urmeazd: Articolul I Guvernul Republicii Socialiste RomAnia §i Guvernul Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii §i Irlandei de Nord vor incuraja §i dezvolta colaborarea stiintific.A §i tehnicd intre cele doud tri ale lor pe baza avantajului reciproc §i vor depune toate eforturile in acest scop in cadrul prevederilor prezentului Acord. A rticolul H Cele doud Guverne contractante vor cduta s6, promoveze pe bazd de reciprociate prin mijloacele cele mai adecvate : a) vizitele de experti §i tehnicieni pentru studii, specializare, consultdri §i schimb de informatii in domeniile §tiintei §i tehnicii; b) facilitti pentru studiu §i cercetare §i posibilitdli de insu~ire a experientei in institutele de cercetdri industriale §i intreprinderile industriale ; c) schimbul de cunotinte industriale §i tehnice, inclusiv aranjamente in domeniul licentelor intre intreprinderile industriale din cele doud Ari; d) aranjamente pentru schimbul de informatii §tiintifice §i tehnice e) orice alte forme de cooperate in §tiint §i tehnica asupra carora se va cadea de acord in mod reciproc.

196 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />






AT LONDON, ON 9 MARCH 1967<br />

The Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern<br />

Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania;<br />

Desirous of advancing further the friendly relations between them and<br />

of promoting scientific and technological co-operation between their countries<br />

Have agreed as follows:<br />

Article I<br />

The Government of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern<br />

Ireland and the Government of the Socialist Republic of Rumania shall<br />

encourage and develop scientific and technological co-operation between<br />

their two countries on a basis of mutual benefit, and shall use their best<br />

endeavours to this end within the terms of this Agreement.<br />

Article II<br />

The Contracting Governments shall seek to promote on a mutual basis<br />

by the means most appropriate :<br />

(a) Visits of experts and technicians for studies, training, consultations<br />

and exchange of views in the scientific and technological fields.<br />

(b) Facilities for study and research and opportunities to gain experience<br />

in industrial research institutes and industrial enterprises.<br />

(c) The exchange between industrial enterprises in the two countries of<br />

industrial knowledge and technology, including arrangements in the<br />

field of licences.<br />

(d) Arrangements for the exchange of scientific and technical information.<br />

(e) Such other forms of co-operation in science and technology as may be<br />

mutually agreed.<br />

I Came into force on 9 March 1967 by signature, in accordance with article VI (1).

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