Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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182 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 (2) (a) Subject to the provisions of the laws of Singapore regarding the allowance as a credit against Singapore tax of tax payable in any country other than Singapore and subject to sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph, United Kingdom tax payable, whether directly or by deduction in respect of income from sources within the United Kingdom, shall be allowed as a credit against Singapore tax payable in respect of that income ; (b) where such income is an ordinary dividend paid before 6 April, 1966, by a company which is a resident of the United Kingdom, the credit shall take into account (in addition to any United Kingdom income tax appropriate to the dividend) the United Kingdom profits tax payable in respect of its profits by the company paying the dividend; and where it is a dividend paid on participating preference shares and representing both a dividend at the fixed rate to which the shares are entitled and an additional participation in profits, the United Kingdom profits tax so payable by the company shall likewise be taken into account in so far as the dividend exceeds that fixed rate ; (c) where such income is a dividend paid after 5 April, 1966, by a company which is a resident of the United Kingdom the credit shall take into account only United Kingdom tax chargeable specifically on the dividend other than the tax chargeable in respect of the profits or income of the company. Where, however, the dividend is paid to a company which is a resident of Singapore and which controls directly or indirectly not less than ten per cent. of the voting power in the United Kingdom company, the credit shall take into account (in addition to any United Kingdom income tax chargeable specifically on the dividend) the United Kingdom tax payable in respect of its profits by the company paying the dividend. (3) (a) Subject to the provisions of the laws of the United Kingdom regarding the allowance as a credit against United Kingdom tax, of tax payable in a territory outside the United Kingdom and subject to sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph, Singapore tax payable whether directly or by deduction in respect of income from sources within Singapore, shall be allowed as a credit against the United Kingdom tax payable in respect of that income; (b) where such income is an ordinary dividend paid before 6 April, 1966, by a company which is a resident of Singapore, the credit shall take into account (in addition to any Singapore tax appropriate to the dividend) the Singapore tax payable by the company in respect of its profits ; and where it is a dividend paid on participating preference shares and representing both a dividend at the fixed rate to which the shares are entitled and an additional participation in profits, the Singapore tax so payable by the company shall likewise be taken into account in so far as the dividend exceeds that fixed rate ; No. 8763

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 183 2. a) Sous r6serve des dispositions de la l6gislation de Singapour touchant L'imputation, sur l'imp6t de Singapour, de l'imp6t dfi dans un pays autre que Singapour et sous r~serve des dispositions de l'alin~a c du present paragraphe, l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni qui est dfi, directement ou par voie de retenue I la source, en ce qui concerne les revenus ayant leur source dans le Royaume-Uni, vient en deduction de l'imp6t de Singapour frappant ces revenus; b) Si ces revenus sont des dividendes ordinaires vers6s avant le 6 avril 1966 par une soci6t6 r6sidente du Royaume-Uni, il sera, aux fins de cette d~duction, tenu compte (en sus de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni sur le revenu correspondant aux dividendes) de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni sur les b~n~fices dfi par la soci~t6 distributrice des dividendes en ce qui concerne ses b~n~fices ; s'il s'agit de dividendes vers6s au titre d'actions privil~gi6es, qui repr6sentent h la fois les dividendes au taux fix6 auxquels les actions donnent droit et une participation suppl~mentaire aux b~n~fices, il sera tenu compte 6galement de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni sur les b~n~fices dfi par la societ6, dans la mesure oii les dividendes sont sup~rieurs au taux fix6 ; c) Si ces revenus sont des dividendes vers6s apr~s le 5 avril 1966 par une socit6 r~sidente du Royaume-Uni, il ne sera, aux fins de cette d6duction, tenu compte que de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni frappant express~ment les dividendes et non de l'imp6t frappant les b6n~fices ou les revenus de la societ6. Toutefois, si les dividendes sont vers~s h une soci6t6 r6sidente de Singapour qui contr6le, directement ou indirectement, 10 p. 100 au moins de la totalit6 des voix de la soci~t6 du Royaume-Uni, il sera tenu compte, aux fins de cette d~duction (en sus de tout imp6t du Royaume-Uni sur le revenu frappant express6ment les dividendes) de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni dfi par la soci~t6 distributrice des dividendes en ce qui concerne ses b~n~fices. 3. a) Sous r~serve des dispositions de la 16gislation du Royaume-Uni touchant l'imputation sur l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni de l'imp6t dfi dans un territoire autre que le Royaume-Uni et sous r~serve des dispositions de l'alin~a c du pr6sent paragraphe, l'imp6t de Singapour qui est dfi, directement ou par voie de retenue, en ce qui concerne les revenus ayant leur source Singapour, vient en d~duction de l'imp6t du Royaume-Uni frappant ces revenus; b) Si ces revenus sont des dividendes ordinaires vers6s avant le 6 avril 1966 par une soci~t6 r6sidente de Singapour, il sera, aux fins de cette d~duction, tenu compte (en sus de l'imp6t de Singapour correspondant aux dividendes) de l'imp6t de Singapour dL par la soci~t6 en ce qui concerne ses b6n~fices ; s'il s'agit de dividendes vers6s au titre d'actions privilgi~es, qui repr~sentent L la fois les dividendes au taux fix6 auxquels les actions donnent droit et une participation suppl6mentaire aux b6n~fices, il sera tenu compte 6galement de l'imp6t de Singapour dfi par la societ6, dans la mesure oi les dividendes sont sup6rieurs au taux fix6; NO 8763

182 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

(2) (a) Subject to the provisions of the laws of Singapore regarding the<br />

allowance as a credit against Singapore tax of tax payable in any country<br />

other than Singapore and subject to sub-paragraph (c) of this paragraph,<br />

<strong>United</strong> Kingdom tax payable, whether directly or by deduction in respect of<br />

income from sources within the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom, shall be allowed as a credit<br />

against Singapore tax payable in respect of that income ;<br />

(b) where such income is an ordinary dividend paid before 6 April, 1966,<br />

by a company which is a resident of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom, the credit shall<br />

take into account (in addition to any <strong>United</strong> Kingdom income tax appropriate<br />

to the dividend) the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom profits tax payable in respect of its<br />

profits by the company paying the dividend; and where it is a dividend paid<br />

on participating preference shares and representing both a dividend at the<br />

fixed rate to which the shares are entitled and an additional participation in<br />

profits, the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom profits tax so payable by the company shall<br />

likewise be taken into account in so far as the dividend exceeds that fixed<br />

rate ;<br />

(c) where such income is a dividend paid after 5 April, 1966, by a company<br />

which is a resident of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom the credit shall take into<br />

account only <strong>United</strong> Kingdom tax chargeable specifically on the dividend<br />

other than the tax chargeable in respect of the profits or income of the company.<br />

Where, however, the dividend is paid to a company which is a resident<br />

of Singapore and which controls directly or indirectly not less than ten per<br />

cent. of the voting power in the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom company, the credit shall<br />

take into account (in addition to any <strong>United</strong> Kingdom income tax chargeable<br />

specifically on the dividend) the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom tax payable in<br />

respect of its profits by the company paying the dividend.<br />

(3) (a) Subject to the provisions of the laws of the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom<br />

regarding the allowance as a credit against <strong>United</strong> Kingdom tax, of tax<br />

payable in a territory outside the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom and subject to sub-paragraph<br />

(c) of this paragraph, Singapore tax payable whether directly or by<br />

deduction in respect of income from sources within Singapore, shall be allowed<br />

as a credit against the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom tax payable in respect of that income;<br />

(b) where such income is an ordinary dividend paid before 6 April, 1966,<br />

by a company which is a resident of Singapore, the credit shall take into<br />

account (in addition to any Singapore tax appropriate to the dividend) the<br />

Singapore tax payable by the company in respect of its profits ; and where<br />

it is a dividend paid on participating preference shares and representing both<br />

a dividend at the fixed rate to which the shares are entitled and an additional<br />

participation in profits, the Singapore tax so payable by the company shall<br />

likewise be taken into account in so far as the dividend exceeds that fixed<br />

rate ;<br />

No. 8763

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