Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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180 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 Provided that the competent authorities of the two Contracting States shall consult each other to devise appropriate rules in the event of any arrangement being made for the apportionment of dividends to profits taxed in Singapore and profits taxed in a third country ; (b) interest paid by one of the Contracting States, including local governments thereof, or by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States, shall be treated as income from sources within that Contracting State, except that interest (other than that paid on indebtedness in connection with the purchase of ships or aircraft) which is paid: (i) by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States with a permanent establishment outside both Contracting States to a resident of the other Contracting State; or (ii) by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States with a permanent establishment in the other Contracting State ; on indebtedness incurred for the use of (or, in the case of a banking business, on deposits made with) the permanent establishment in the conduct of its trade or business and which is borne by that permanent establishment shall be treated as income from sources within the territory where the permanent establishment is situated; (c) royalties as defined in paragraph (2) of Article 8 shall be treated as income from sources within the Contracting State in which the property from which such royalties are derived is used; (d) profits derived from the alienation of any rights or properties from which royalties may be derived shall be treated as arising from sources within the Contracting State in which such rights or properties are used ; and (e) royalties in respect of the operation of mines, oil wells, quarries or other places of extraction of natural resources shall be treated as derived from sources within the Contracting State in which such mines, oil wells, quarries or other places of extraction of natural resources are situated. Article 18 (1) The laws of Singapore and the United Kingdom shall continue to govern the taxation of income arising in either Contracting State except where express provision to the contrary is made in this Agreement. Where income is subject to tax in both Contracting States, relief from double taxation shall be given in accordance with the following paragraphs of this Article. No. 8763

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 181 consulteront afin d'6tablir les r6gles h appliquer en cas d'arrangement conclu aux fins de l'imputation des dividendes sur les b~n~fices impos~s h Singapour et sur les b~n~fices impos~s dans un pays tiers ; b) Les int~r~ts verss par Fun des Etats contractants ou une collectivitd locale de cet IRtat ou par une entreprise de l'un des Etats contractants sont assimil~s i des revenus provenant de sources situ6es dans cet ttat; toutefois, les int~r~ts (autres que les int~r~ts de titres de cr~ance li6s h l'achat de navires ou d'a~ronefs) vers~s : i) Par une entreprise de l'un des P-tats contractants qui a un 6tablissement stable en dehors des deux tats contractants, a un r6sident de l'autre R~tat ; ii) Ou par une entreprise de l'un des IRtats contractants qui a un 6tablissement stable dans l'autre Etat contractant ; en ce qui concerne une dette contract~e pour les besoins de l'6tablissement stable (ou, s'il s'agit d'une activit6 bancaire, des d~p6ts effectu~s aupr~s dudit tablissement stable) aux fins de son activit6 industrielle ou commerciale, et dont les int~r~ts sont h la charge dudit 6tablissement stable, sont assimil6s h des revenus provenant de sources situ6es dans le territoire o'i l'6tablissement stable est sis ; c) Les redevances, telles qu'elles sont d~finies au paragraphe 2 de l'article 8, sont assimilkes h des revenus provenant de sources situ~es dans l'Etat contractant ofi les biens g~n6rateurs desdites redevances sont utilis~s ; d) Les b6n~fices provenant de l'ali~nation de biens ou droits susceptibles d'6tre g~n6rateurs de redevances sont assimil6s h des revenus provenant de sources situ~es dans l'Rtat contractant oit ces biens ou ces droits sont utilis~s et e) Les redevances vers~es en contrepartie de l'exploitation de mines, de puits de p6trole, de carri6res ou de toute autre entreprise d'extraction de ressources naturelles, sont assimil~es h des revenus provenant de sources situ6es dans l' tat contractant oii lesdites mines, lesdits puits de p6trole, lesdites carri&res ou autres entreprises d'extraction de resssources naturelles sont sis. Article 18 1. Sauf disposition contraire de la prdsente Convention, la lgislation de Singapour et la lgislation du Royaume-Uni continuent de r~gir l'imposition des revenus ayant leur source dans l'un ou l'autre des Etats contractants. Lorsqu'un revenu est assujetti h l'imp6t dans les deux IRtats contractants, la double imposition sera 6vit~e conform6ment aux dispositions du paragraphe ci-apr~s du present article. No 8763

180 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

Provided that the competent authorities of the two Contracting States<br />

shall consult each other to devise appropriate rules in the event of any arrangement<br />

being made for the apportionment of dividends to profits taxed in<br />

Singapore and profits taxed in a third country ;<br />

(b) interest paid by one of the Contracting States, including local governments<br />

thereof, or by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States, shall be<br />

treated as income from sources within that Contracting State, except that<br />

interest (other than that paid on indebtedness in connection with the<br />

purchase of ships or aircraft) which is paid:<br />

(i) by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States with a permanent<br />

establishment outside both Contracting States to a resident of the<br />

other Contracting State; or<br />

(ii) by an enterprise of one of the Contracting States with a permanent<br />

establishment in the other Contracting State ;<br />

on indebtedness incurred for the use of (or, in the case of a banking business,<br />

on deposits made with) the permanent establishment in the conduct of its<br />

trade or business and which is borne by that permanent establishment shall<br />

be treated as income from sources within the territory where the permanent<br />

establishment is situated;<br />

(c) royalties as defined in paragraph (2) of Article 8 shall be treated as<br />

income from sources within the Contracting State in which the property<br />

from which such royalties are derived is used;<br />

(d) profits derived from the alienation of any rights or properties from<br />

which royalties may be derived shall be treated as arising from sources within<br />

the Contracting State in which such rights or properties are used ; and<br />

(e) royalties in respect of the operation of mines, oil wells, quarries or<br />

other places of extraction of natural resources shall be treated as derived<br />

from sources within the Contracting State in which such mines, oil wells,<br />

quarries or other places of extraction of natural resources are situated.<br />

Article 18<br />

(1) The laws of Singapore and the <strong>United</strong> Kingdom shall continue to<br />

govern the taxation of income arising in either Contracting State except where<br />

express provision to the contrary is made in this Agreement. Where income<br />

is subject to tax in both Contracting States, relief from double taxation shall<br />

be given in accordance with the following paragraphs of this Article.<br />

No. 8763

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