Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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142 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 (2) Paragraph (1) shall also apply to persons from the adjoining State who are professionally engaged in the said activities. Such persons shall, in respect of the said activities, be subject only to the relevant legal and administrative provisions of the adjoining State. Activities thus carried on and services thus provided shall be regarded, for purposes of turnover tax, as having been carried on or provided solely in the adjoining State. (3) The persons referred to in paragraph (2) may, in the exercise of the activities mentioned in that paragraph, employ either Danish or German personnel. The legal and administrative provisions of the territorial State governing the employment of foreign workers shall not be applicable in this case. (4) The crossing of the frontier by the persons referred to in the preceding paragraphs and their stay in the territorial State shall be governed by the general provisions of that State. Such facilities as those provisions permit shall be granted. PART VI SPECIAL PROVISIONS RELATING TO RAIL TRAFFIC Article 24 (1) The railway administrations shall, by agreement between them, designate the transfer railway stations. (2) The railway administrations shall conclude agreements specifying the details of organizational and operating procedures at the joint or transfer railway stations and of operating procedures in ferry service on the high seas, as well as the compensation to be paid by each administiation for the services rendered by the other. Article 25 The competent authorities of the territorial State, including, in particular, the railway administration, shall take all measures necessary for the orderly operation of the offices and railway system of the adjoining State at the joint or transfer railway stations. Article 26 (1) Each Contracting Party shall authorize the officials of the railway administration of the adjoining State who are responsible for railway operations to carry on their activities in the territory of the said Party within the framework of this Agreement. No. 8762

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 143 2. Le paragraphe premier s'applique dgalement aux personnes venant de l'i tat limitrophe qui effectuent professionnellement ces operations. En ce qui concerne 1'ex~cution de ces operations, lesdites personnes sont soumises uniquement aux prescriptions l6gales et r6glementaires r~gissant la mati~re dans l'I1tat limitrophe. Les operations ainsi effectu~es et les prestations ainsi fournies sont consider~es, du point de vue de l'imp6t sur le chiffre d'affaires, comme ayant lieu dans l'I tat limitrophe. 3. Les personnes vis6es au paragraphe 2 peuvent, pour l'ex&ution desdites operations, employer indifftremment du personnel danois ou allemand. Les prescriptions lgales et r~glementaires de l']tat de s6jour r6gissant l'emploi de travailleurs 6trangers ne sont pas applicables dans ce cas. 4. En ce qui concerne le franchissement de la fronti~re et le s~jour des personnes vis~es au paragraphe ci-dessus dans l']tat de s6jour, il est fait application des prescriptions g~n~rales dudit Etat. Les facilit~s pr~vues par ces prescriptions doivent 6tre accord~es h ces personnes. SIXIME PARTIE DISPOSITIONS PARTICULIhRES APPLICABLES AU TRAFIC FERROVIAIRE Article 24 1. Les administrations ferroviaires dterminent d'un commun accord les gares d'6change. 2. Les administrations ferroviaires prennent des arrangements en vue de determiner les modalit~s de l'organisation et de 'exploitation des gares communes et d'6change, de l'exploitation de la navigation en haute mer, ainsi que le mode de paiement des prestations mutuelles des administrations. Article 25 Les autorit&s comp~tentes de l']tat de s~jour, en particulier 'administration ferroviaire, prennent toutes les mesures n~cessaires en vue de permettre aux services de l'Itat limitrophe et aux chemins de fer de cet Etat dans les gares communes ou d'6change de fonctionner de mani~re ordonn~e. Article 26 I. Chacune des parties contractantes autorise les agents de l'administration ferroviaire de l'Rtat limitrophe chargs de l'ex&ution des operations h exercer sur son territoire les activit~s pr~vues dans le cadre du pr6sent Accord. NO 8762

142 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

(2) Paragraph (1) shall also apply to persons from the adjoining State<br />

who are professionally engaged in the said activities. Such persons shall,<br />

in respect of the said activities, be subject only to the relevant legal and<br />

administrative provisions of the adjoining State. Activities thus carried<br />

on and services thus provided shall be regarded, for purposes of turnover<br />

tax, as having been carried on or provided solely in the adjoining State.<br />

(3) The persons referred to in paragraph (2) may, in the exercise of the<br />

activities mentioned in that paragraph, employ either Danish or German<br />

personnel. The legal and administrative provisions of the territorial State<br />

governing the employment of foreign workers shall not be applicable in this<br />

case.<br />

(4) The crossing of the frontier by the persons referred to in the preceding<br />

paragraphs and their stay in the territorial State shall be governed by the<br />

general provisions of that State. Such facilities as those provisions permit<br />

shall be granted.<br />

PART VI<br />


Article 24<br />

(1) The railway administrations shall, by agreement between them,<br />

<strong>des</strong>ignate the transfer railway stations.<br />

(2) The railway administrations shall conclude agreements specifying<br />

the details of organizational and operating procedures at the joint or transfer<br />

railway stations and of operating procedures in ferry service on the high<br />

seas, as well as the compensation to be paid by each administiation for the<br />

services rendered by the other.<br />

Article 25<br />

The competent authorities of the territorial State, including, in particular,<br />

the railway administration, shall take all measures necessary for the orderly<br />

operation of the offices and railway system of the adjoining State at the<br />

joint or transfer railway stations.<br />

Article 26<br />

(1) Each Contracting Party shall authorize the officials of the railway<br />

administration of the adjoining State who are responsible for railway operations<br />

to carry on their activities in the territory of the said Party within the<br />

framework of this Agreement.<br />

No. 8762

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