Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection

Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection Treaty Series Recueil des Traitds - United Nations Treaty Collection
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92 United Nations - Treaty Series 1967 (b) Any claim, arising out of investments guaranteed in accordance with this Agreement, against either of the two Governments, which, in the opinion of the other, presents a question of public international law shall, at the request of the Government presenting the claim, be submitted to negotiation. If at the end of three months following the request for negotiations the two Governments have not resolved the claim by mutual agreement, the claim, including the question of whether it presents a question of public international law, shall be submitted for settlement to an arbitral tribunal selected in accordance with paragraph (a) above. The arbitral tribunal shall base its decision exclusively on the applicable principles and rules of public international law. Only the respective Governments may request the arbitral procedure and participate in it. 7. This Agreement shall continue in force until six months from the date of receipt of a note by which one Government informs the other of an intent no longer to be a party to the Agreement. In such event, the provisions of the Agreement with respect to guaranties issued while the Agreement was in force shall remain in force for the duration of those guaranties, in no case longer than twenty years, after the denunciation of the agreement. 8. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the note by which the Host Government communicates to the Guaranteeing Government that the Agreement has been approved in conformity with the Host Government's constitutional procedures. DONE, in duplicate, at Georgetown this 29th day of May 1965 in the English language. No. 8761 For the Government of the United States of America: Delmar R. CARLSON Counsel General of the United States of America For the Government of British Guiana: Peter D'AGUIAR Minister of Finance J. Henry THOMAS Minister of Economic Affairs

1967 Nations Unies - Recueil des Traites 93 cerne les d~pens. Pour toute autre question, le tribunal d'arbitrage ddcidera lui-m~me de la procedure qu'il suivra. b) Toute r6clamation h l'encontre de l'un ou l'autre des deux Gouvernements ayant trait h des investissements garantis dans le cadre du present Accord et qui, de l'avis de l'autre Gouvernement, constitue une question relevant du droit international public sera, a la demande du Gouvernement pr6sentant la r~clamation, l'objet de n~gociations. Si, apr~s un ddlai de trois mois h compter de la date de demande de n~gociations, les deux Gouvernements ne sont pas parvenus h rdgler cette r6clamation d'un commun accord, la reclamation, y compris la question de savoir si elle constitue un 6lment relevant du droit international public, sera renvoyde h un tribunal d'arbitrage constitu6 conformdment aux dispositions de l'alinda a ci-dessus. Le tribunal d'arbitrage fondera ses d6cisions uniquement sur les principes et r~gles applicables du droit international public. Seuls les Gouvernements respectifs seront autorisds h demander la procedure d'arbitrage et h y participer. 7. Le prdsent Accord demeurera en vigueur pendant six mois h partir de la date de rdception d'une note adressde par l'un des Gouvernements pour informer l'autre qu'il a l'intention de ne plus &tre partie audit Accord. Dans ce cas, les dispositions de l'Accord relatives aux garanties 6mises pendant que l'Accord 6tait en vigueur resteront applicables tant que dureront ces garanties, mais ne pourront en aucun cas rester en vigueur plus de 20 ans h compter de la date h laquelle l'Accord aura W ddnonc6. 8. Le prdsent Accord entrera en vigueur h la date de la note par laquelle le Gouvernement d'accueil fera savoir au Gouvernement garant que le present Accord a 6t6 approuv6 conform6ment aux procddures constitutionnelles du Gouvernement d'accueil. FAIT en double exemplaire, h Georgetown, le 29 mai 1965, en anglais. Pour le Gouvernement des Itats-Unis d'Am~rique: Delmar R. CARLSON Counsel General des Ittats-Unis d'Amdrique Pour le Gouvernement de la Guyane britannique: Peter D'AGUIAR Ministre des finances J. Henry THOMAS Ministre des affaires 6conomiques No 8761

92 <strong>United</strong> <strong>Nations</strong> - <strong>Treaty</strong> <strong>Series</strong> 1967<br />

(b) Any claim, arising out of investments guaranteed in accordance<br />

with this Agreement, against either of the two Governments, which, in the<br />

opinion of the other, presents a question of public international law shall,<br />

at the request of the Government presenting the claim, be submitted to negotiation.<br />

If at the end of three months following the request for negotiations<br />

the two Governments have not resolved the claim by mutual agreement,<br />

the claim, including the question of whether it presents a question of public<br />

international law, shall be submitted for settlement to an arbitral tribunal<br />

selected in accordance with paragraph (a) above. The arbitral tribunal shall<br />

base its decision exclusively on the applicable principles and rules of public<br />

international law. Only the respective Governments may request the arbitral<br />

procedure and participate in it.<br />

7. This Agreement shall continue in force until six months from the<br />

date of receipt of a note by which one Government informs the other of an<br />

intent no longer to be a party to the Agreement. In such event, the provisions<br />

of the Agreement with respect to guaranties issued while the Agreement<br />

was in force shall remain in force for the duration of those guaranties, in no<br />

case longer than twenty years, after the denunciation of the agreement.<br />

8. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the note by<br />

which the Host Government communicates to the Guaranteeing Government<br />

that the Agreement has been approved in conformity with the Host Government's<br />

constitutional procedures.<br />

DONE, in duplicate, at Georgetown this 29th day of May 1965 in the<br />

English language.<br />

No. 8761<br />

For the Government of the <strong>United</strong> States of America:<br />

Delmar R. CARLSON<br />

Counsel General of the <strong>United</strong> States of America<br />

For the Government of British Guiana:<br />

Peter D'AGUIAR<br />

Minister of Finance<br />

J. Henry THOMAS<br />

Minister of Economic Affairs

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