(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences


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De ontdekking van de volledige cyclus van de menselijke Plasmodiums<br />

werd meer dan veertig jaar vertraagd door het feit<br />

dat een eerste oriëntatie der opzoekingen steunde op de malaria<br />

bij vogels.<br />

Alhoewel men de verschillende cyclussen kende buiten de<br />

rode bloedlichaampjes van de verscheidene menselijke parasieten<br />

en van talrijke diersoorten, blijft in bepaalde gevallen nochtans<br />

de oorsprong van de relapsus en de reden van de verlenging<br />

der incubatieperiode bij Plasmodium vivax een vraagteken.<br />

In t r o d u c t io n<br />

* * *<br />

I propose to describe the discovery of the third cycle of the<br />

malaria parasites of primates including those of man, and to<br />

discuss briefly the lacunae which remain. But first it is necessary<br />

to mention the pointers which gradually indicated that such<br />

a phase of development must exist.<br />

It is a story af false clues. The first and most notorious<br />

was the fallacious observation of Sc h a u d in n (1 9 0 3 ) that<br />

the sporozoite made a direct entry into the erythrocyte; it was<br />

there<strong>for</strong>e assumed to be unnecessary to consider the existence<br />

of a tissue cycle. I shall indicate other misleading clues in the<br />

course of this paper and you will see what a warning they<br />

constitute to the research worker who can be led astray <strong>for</strong><br />

many years by retaining « preconceived ideas ».<br />

Almost from the beginning of the modern history of malaria,<br />

La v e r a n (1880) had realised that a second cycle must <strong>for</strong>m<br />

part of the life history of the malaria parasites which he had<br />

demonstrated in the blood of soldiers in Algeria in 1880. The<br />

second or mosquito cycle was elucidated in avian malaria seventeen<br />

years later by Ross (1897) in India, while the Italians<br />

(G rassi et al. 1898) confirmed transmission by anopheline<br />

mosquitoes to man during the following year.<br />

This seemed to be the end of the story until G rassi (1 9 0 0 )<br />

suggested that the mosquito stage — the sporozoite — was

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