(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences

(1973) n°3 - Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences


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tion points exist above and below the interface, (figure 10c),<br />

but each point involves a stagnation stream-line which lies inside<br />

the mixing layer. It can be shown that the amount of dissolved<br />

salt moving to the upper sink decreases rapidly as uodo is increased<br />

beyond the value of 1/2. Thus, it is quite possible to<br />

selectively withdraw in the upper sink fresh water only slightly<br />

contaminated and of great economical importance. The saline<br />

water pumped from the lower sink can of course be discharged<br />

somewhere else.<br />

January 5, <strong>1973</strong><br />


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